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The persistent boo-boo

    • 729 posts
    December 18, 2021 3:17 PM PST

    Im on an adventure and suffer a wound from a wraith with a peculiar disposition and character.  This wound has no timer or duration.  It continues to be a detrimental affliction.  Some time later another player gets a perception ping about me and my wound because we came within X meters of each other and informs me that this wound can be healed by traveling to a spring in the mountains and soaking in it. 

    Is this an idea worth exploring or am I just contributing to feature creep? 


    An affliction that is only removed by a quest.  I'm sure it's been done but I was wondering if it has been considered yet for Terminus.

    • 902 posts
    December 19, 2021 3:13 AM PST

    Interesting and intriguing idea. I quite like the idea of something happening to you character then someone else's perception gives you an incite on what to do next. Maybe this second character needed to do something before their perception would ping too. For instance, the above wound scenario, the player with the perception ping could only get it if they had already visited the spring in the first place. This could be expanded into some interesting game play and rope play.

    • 1921 posts
    December 19, 2021 6:20 AM PST


    For combat or non-combat loops, intersecting volumetric or LoS trigger checks has been possible for over 20 years.
    (which is the mechanic you're describing)  Even NWN1 has this in the Aurora engine.

    • 2138 posts
    December 19, 2021 11:14 AM PST

    I'm reminded of the Vampire curse in oblivion. I didnt know I had it until way way later.  Wondered why I did so well in dungeons then wondered what was attacking me when I happened to exit one during the day, nothing was around, running to my house I took the time to read and I finally understood...It was the sun! not some invisible monster.

    All looks golden to the jaundiced eye.

    The affliction would have to be like a small AE Damage shield buff that can only affect Player characters to trigger a perception ping in another player character.

    • 2419 posts
    December 19, 2021 11:30 AM PST

    StoneFish said:

    Im on an adventure and suffer a wound from a wraith with a peculiar disposition and character.  This wound has no timer or duration.  It continues to be a detrimental affliction.  Some time later another player gets a perception ping about me and my wound because we came within X meters of each other and informs me that this wound can be healed by traveling to a spring in the mountains and soaking in it. 

    Is this an idea worth exploring or am I just contributing to feature creep?

    An affliction that is only removed by a quest.  I'm sure it's been done but I was wondering if it has been considered yet for Terminus.

    EQ1 had a similar situation: Rabies. It lasted well over an hour; was very difficult to cure/dispell; negated your natural HP regen.  While buffs at that level lasted <20 mins(?) having a debuff like Rabies last over an hour was something you actually dreaded.  I am supportive of some detrimetal effects taking extra/special effort to negate, it cannot be so crippling that you are forced to stop what you are doing and go cure it immediately.  With Rabies, even if you had a healer with you having Rabies was more than an annoyance but not crippling. There is a distinction.  Whatever the effect it cannot be crippling.

    • 729 posts
    December 19, 2021 2:55 PM PST

    What effects should we consider?

    A. Movement speed is decreased under a noon sun.

    B. Echoing flatulence randomly experienced while in caverns. (Can alert sentries)

    C. While outside in some areas the squirrels harass the player whenever they stop moving.




    • 223 posts
    December 19, 2021 3:02 PM PST

    I remember asking whether Pantheon has something similar to rabies a few months ago. The answer then was no. I hope there is something similar to this.

    • 1281 posts
    December 20, 2021 11:55 AM PST

    StoneFish said:

    Im on an adventure and suffer a wound from a wraith with a peculiar disposition and character.  This wound has no timer or duration.  It continues to be a detrimental affliction.  Some time later another player gets a perception ping about me and my wound because we came within X meters of each other and informs me that this wound can be healed by traveling to a spring in the mountains and soaking in it. 

    Is this an idea worth exploring or am I just contributing to feature creep? 


    An affliction that is only removed by a quest.  I'm sure it's been done but I was wondering if it has been considered yet for Terminus.

    A curse or a cursed wound around this type of thing would be really cool.  Something that is "persistent" until a certain type of healing is done.

    • 454 posts
    December 21, 2021 8:52 AM PST

    It's a very cool idea.  It sounds like feature creep to me, to have another pc ping off you.  So many things must align for a ping to occur.  If it could be done I'd be all in favor of it.  

    I am all in favor of disease not being cured by a general heal spell.  I think it disease should need a disease cure spell/potion to fix it.  

    • 2138 posts
    December 22, 2021 8:04 AM PST

    if persistent disease = long term dot, then shouldn't cure = persistent maintenence heal?

    Not a heal over time but similar to a necessary run of antibiotics. This can go two ways, 1. for the tree-huggers; an herbal concoction that must be a habit before getting the disease as herbal remedies tend to gradually build up the necessary things the body needs to fight and any addition once the disease is gotten aids or supplements the build up. 2. for the immediate-minded; a tincture or potion that is prescribed in doses. BOTH are subject to the following rules: they MUST be taken regularly, if a day or period is missed, the entire regimen is undone and needs to be restarted. In the case of the tree-huggers, this manifests in a slower decline and a slower re-gain to a stasis state. For the immediate minded, this manifests in a sudden decline and sharper regain to statis state. Tree hugger takes longer to finally cure but is less suseptible to re-infection, immediate-minded is cured sooner but is just as suseptible to re-infection. (think: vaxxers vs anti-vaxxers: stewed grapefruit rinds or 4 thieves vinegar vs Pfizer or Moderna kinda thing).

    coding problem: This means one who chooses the herbal method, I suppose it could be triggered once the herbal remedy was chosen when the PC is healthy. Then it's up to the player to remember to maintain the daily tea. if player starts, then stops, player cannot then choose potion/tincture until as much time has elapsed from herbal prep. So if herbal for a month, and you forget for a week, then get diseased, you cannot opt for tincture/potion for 3 weeks from when you get diseased as to let the herbs run out of your system but you are not as badly afflicted, say disease causes run speed -25%. if you were herbal and then forgot you may get run speed - 20% or 15. If you are tincture/potion it would take you 2 weeks to recover, taking potion once a day, sharper recovery closer to end of dose schedule.

    I think my idea would be messy.

    • 729 posts
    December 22, 2021 8:59 AM PST

    Manouk said:.

    I think my idea would be messy.


    • 810 posts
    December 22, 2021 11:33 AM PST

    I am a big fan of rare but long duration debuffs as they give zones a bit of identity.  Nothing should be permenant.  Roughly infected once every 30 mins or so if you are fighting the problem NPCs. 


    A weak multiple hour long duration debuff that needs say disease cure can be a great thing to have in a zone.  It pushes some classes into the limelight as well as masteries that expand abilities to cover the problem.


    Undead curse that slowly rots your flesh. 

    Diseases that block food or water buffs.

    Poison that penalizes accuracy from a long term numbness.

    Magical debuff to increase weight of objects you carry. 

    Physical leg injury to slow movement. 


    Most zones should not have anything like the above in them, but sprinkling a few of these long term debuffs through the world can be nice for variety.  This idea really falls apart if all healers cure everything. 

    This post was edited by Jobeson at December 22, 2021 11:35 AM PST
    • 35 posts
    January 9, 2022 8:50 PM PST

    Love the idea, but that kind of thing could cause players who have visited the spring to be [maybe] inundated by other players and then need to take time to answer them.  Perhaps there could be some sort of reverse perception ping that lets you know some information based on that players visit to the spring?  I don't know how in roleplaying way, but if your perception was good enough, perhaps you could glean new information from more experienced adventurers.