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it's Niche!

    • 61 posts
    November 18, 2021 11:17 AM PST

    Ok... it is NICHE



    niche (n.)

    1610s, "shallow recess in a wall," from French niche "recess (for a dog), kennel" (14c.), perhaps from Italian nicchia "niche, nook," which is said to be from nicchio "seashell," itself said by Klein, Barnhart, etc. to be probably from Latin mitulus "mussel," but the change of -m- to -n- is not explained (Century Dictionary compares napkin from Latin mappa). Watkins suggests that the word is from an Old French noun derived from nichier "to nestle, nest, build a nest," via Gallo-Roman *nidicare from Latin nidus "nest" (see nidus), but that, too, has difficulties. The figurative sense is recorded by 1725. Biological use dates from 1927.


    As it is a french word, it should be spelled accordingly and by clicking on the speaker in the link below, you can ALL now pronounce it properly! There is NO "T" sounds in this word. Not NEETSH but rather NISH!




    Oh and it is ROGUE, not ROUGE!  =P


    Carry on now!   ;)




    • Moderator
    • 9115 posts
    November 18, 2021 11:43 AM PST

    Moved to Off-Topic ;)

    • 256 posts
    November 19, 2021 2:06 AM PST 

    So, technically, there are two correct ways to pronounce niche and it is influenced by the region of the world you live in. There is the French/ English-French version which is pronounced niche without a T, and the American/ English-American version pronounced with a T. 

    Personally, I prefer the French/ English-French version. I think that the French pronunciation sounds more fluid and less harsh when being used in conversation. I find this especially true when the word is being used multiple times back to back. However, it all boils down to region and personal preference.

    • 394 posts
    January 18, 2022 8:46 AM PST

    I officially prefer nest.