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Malleability of Presence

    • 729 posts
    February 27, 2021 7:57 AM PST
    Malleability of Presence

    The action of taking ones consciousness or focus and transferring to another realm is attractive. This is the draw felt within me when I imagine entering Terminus. I want to reboot into another world to experience that which I can only dream. I want to risk my efforts and time facing challenges, weathering the unexpected in a fantastical world constructed by like minded individuals who also seek that feeling of adventure and camaraderie.
    To escape, even for a brief few moments, this predictable reality is a voyage providing a welcomed change.

    I return, now and again, to this site to check on the news and peek upon the progress being made, each time pleased to see forward momentum. Alpha this year? New networking structure valued beyond this game alone? New staff hires? New funding? Well done, very well done.
    Soon I'll be able to escape to a world designed for fun and adventure. I'll game and group with others seeking laughter and banter in a world with gnomes and elves. Cool!
    Still no word on banana-nut bread though, hmm.

    Keep it up VR, you're doing great!
    • 2095 posts
    February 27, 2021 9:48 AM PST

    Totally agree. Except to add that I can't wait to have some glorious wipes because we were all laughing so hard at your bad puns that we couldn't fight worth a damn :)