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DeepStats from the Shaman stream

    • 13 posts
    May 3, 2020 9:16 PM PDT

    In the Shaman stream on April 3, they briefly showed a detailed view of all the stats. Here's a link to the stream at that time:

    I copied all of these stats, including their listed values, into a Google sheet:

    I'm sure these will change as development progresses, but it's interesting to see what is in there right now!



    • 238 posts
    May 3, 2020 9:35 PM PDT

    Hum levatating... people asking if there are going to be classes that can slowfall might find an answer in this.


    • 839 posts
    May 3, 2020 10:11 PM PDT
    Thanks mate, that's fantastic! Interesting read, lots of little pieces of info in there. Much appreciated
    • 9115 posts
    May 4, 2020 3:54 AM PDT

    This thread has been shared across our official social media channels as part of my CM content to engage the community, please keep the discussion going we would love to hear what you all think about the Shaman! 

    "Hot Topic - Deep Stats From The Shaman Stream - What are your thoughts on the collected data? #MMORPG #CommunityMatters"

    • 40 posts
    May 4, 2020 4:14 AM PDT

    I played a mage in EQ, he had some long lasting buff that provided fire resistance(?) plus levitation. It lasted a long time. My guy pretty much lived in levitation mode most of his life. You stayed at a certain level unless you chose to go down, or use a terrain object to move up on.

    levitation, if only on the Shaman, would be enough to help me choose a class.

    • 2756 posts
    May 4, 2020 4:22 AM PDT

    Thanks malloc. I'm hoping the typos aren't in VR's versions, but leaving them here just in case ;^)

    In case you can't get to that document (or are afraid of links), I'll list the rows, though I've excluded the values columns: -


    Stunned, Rooted, Silenced, Mesmerized, Incapacitaed, Afraid, Asleep, Polymorphed, Snared, Charmed, Disorented, Angry, Blind, PrimaryHandDisarmed, SecondaryHandDisarmed, Wet, Hot, Burning, Cold, Frozen, Poisoned, Cursed, Diseased, UnderPressure, Suffocating, KnockedDown, OffBalance, Levitating, Fatigued, Electrified, Enraged, Fleeing, Taunted, Stealth, Invisible, Bleeding, Intoxicated, Weakened, Vulnerable, Surprised, Revived, InCombat, AutoAttacking, Casting, Feigned, Invulnerable, CantTurn, Sitting, SeeInvisible, PerfectDefense, Immortal, Max


    Strength, Stamina, Agility, Dexterity, Constitution, Weisdom, Intellect, Charisma, Armor, MagicResistance, FireResistance, ColdResistance, PoisonResistance, DiseaseResistance, ShockResistance, CurseResistance, DivineResistance, ChemicalResistance, NatureResistance, Health, Mana, Endurance, Awareness, Concealment, AttackPower, SpellPower, PhysicalCritChance, SpellCritChance, HitPercent, DodgePercent, BlockPercent, ParryPercent, HealthRegenPerSecond, ManaRegenPerSecond, HastePercent, HasteRating, CooldownReductionPercent, Readiness, Max


    None, Defense, OneHandedSword, TwoHandedSword, OneHandedBlunt, TwoHandedBlunt, OneHandedPiercing, TwoHandedPiercing, OneHandedEdged, TwoHandedEdged, OneHandedAxe, TwoHandedAxe, HandToHand, Thrown, Archery, Ranged, OneHandedPlanarSword, TwoHandedPlanarSword, OneHandedPlanarEdged, TwoHandedPlanarEdged, OneHandedPlanarAxe, TwoHandedPlanarAxe, OneHandedPlanarBlunt, TwoHandedPlanarBlunt, OneHandedPlanarPiercing, TwoHandedPlanarPiercing, Awareness, CombatAwareness, Detection, Perception, Concealment, ShieldBlock, ShieldProficiency, ShieldMastery, ChiBlock, CounterSpells, FeignDeath, Parry, Dodge, Block, Ripose, Disarm, Rescue, DualWield, SafeFall, Hide, Sneak, PickPocket, SenseTraps, DisarmTraps, Kick, Bash, Slam, Heave, Backstab, VeiledStrike, ShoulderCrash, Stun, PoleWeapons, Staves, ShortBow, Longbow, Crossbow, QuarterStaff, LongStaff, Shields, Tomes, PlanarPoleWeapons, PlanarStaves, PlanarShortBow, PlanarLongBow, PlanarCrossBow, PlanarThrown, PlanarQuarterStaff, PlanarLongStaff, PlanarShields, PlanarTomes, ArmsProficiency, ArmsMastery, ArmorProficieny, ArmorMastery, ArcheryProficiency, ArcheryMastery, MartialArts, TacticsRecognition, SpellIdentification, Alteration, Fortification, Manifestation, Materialization, Evocation, Expulsion, Invocation, Consecration, Illumination, Distortion, Channeling, Vision, Swimming, Tracking, ClimateResistance, ClimateTravel, Encumberance, Riding, Taunt, Meditate, Fletching, Tinkering, Skinning, Tanning, Smithing, CraftOfTheHidden, Mixology, LockPick, Bandage, Fishing, DoublePunch, Uppercut, ElbowStrike, ChiBlast, HighRoundhouseKick, RoundhouseKick, RoundKick, FlurryPunch, ChiMastery, Tutelage, Insight, Investigate, Gathering, Mining, Salvaging, Scavenging, Woodcutting, Stonemasonry, Provisioning, Woodworking, Outfitting, Blacksmithing, Alchemy, Max

    More Stats

    Health, Mana, Opportunity, Vision, Endurance, Resiliance, CelestialPower, Essence, Wrath, Reckoning, FireFocus, BattlePoints, ColdFocus, ArcaneFocus, EssenceFocus

    This post was edited by disposalist at May 4, 2020 4:48 AM PDT
    • 2756 posts
    May 4, 2020 4:48 AM PDT

    My thoughts: -

    Wow. That implies a lot of related mechanics and features to have coded.

    "Revived" Confirmation of resurrection effects?
    "Sitting" Confirmation of added vulnerability to sitting meditating?

    "CurseResistance" Oo. Curse a specific 'thing'
    "ChemicalResistance" Oo. Acids and whatnot?
    "NatureResistance" Oo. Some folks just don't like camping.
    "Awareness" Hmm. Part of perception?
    "SpellCritChance" Hmm. These are surely 'calculated' from other things, but included as stats because can be directly adjusted by buffs/debuffs/etc?
    "CooldownReductionPercent" Hmm. Cooldown can be directly reduced by something?...

    "OneHandedAxe" Yeah, I've always though axe isn't really edged or blunt.
    "Thrown, Archery, Ranged" Hmm. Thrown and Archery doesn't cover Ranged? Longbow, Crossbow, etc as well as Archery?
    "OneHandedPlanarSword" Oo. Planar weapons have different skill levels?
    "ChiBlock, CounterSpells, FeignDeath" Oo. Monk stuff includes countering spells?
    "SpellIdentification" Oo. Will be cool if you slowly grow to understand what spells are being cast at you.
    "TacticsRecognition" And what tactics (dispostitions) are being employed by monsters?
    "Manifestation, Materialization" Mmm. Getting specific on the summoning!
    "Swimming" Yay! You Get Better At Swimming (1)!
    "Mixology" Woohoo! Alcohol and the skills to serve it confirmed!
    "CraftOfTheHidden" WTF?

    "Opportunity" Hmm. What will that do? Is it heroic?...
    "CelestialPower, Essence, Wrath, Reckoning" Ah. Is this sounding like the class-specific combat resources that some build. But Opportunity isn't one of those...

    Interesting beanlets!

    This post was edited by disposalist at May 4, 2020 5:07 AM PDT
    • 724 posts
    May 4, 2020 5:47 AM PDT

    I guess "ranged" is a super skill for specific ranged skills like archery, thrown.

    However, it's interesting that there is a general "defense" skill, but no counterpart "offense"?


    Also, a nice listing of the gathering and crafting skills (although I think we knew most of these already):

    - fishing, gathering, salvaging, scavenging, skinning, woodcutting

    - smithing, tanning, stonemasonry, provisioning, woodworking, outfitting, blacksmithing, alchemy

    What I'm missing: jewelcraft (unless under alchemy?). And what is the difference between smithing/blacksmithing? One for weapons, the other for armor?

    • 238 posts
    May 4, 2020 6:07 AM PDT

    Bones13 said:

    I played a mage in EQ, he had some long lasting buff that provided fire resistance(?) plus levitation. It lasted a long time. My guy pretty much lived in levitation mode most of his life. You stayed at a certain level unless you chose to go down, or use a terrain object to move up on.

    levitation, if only on the Shaman, would be enough to help me choose a class.

    I doubt it will be the shaman getting levitation specifically. I'm sure that the stat overview is more or less like a general weak aura whether or not a buff is or is not present at the current time. What it does indicate though is that levitation will either be available to some class or maybe even a profession like alchemy.

    Another interesting one is the presence of intoxication meaning that an alcohol-like effect probably goes into effect after consuming alcohol. 

    • 238 posts
    May 4, 2020 6:34 AM PDT

    Sarim said:

    I guess "ranged" is a super skill for specific ranged skills like archery, thrown.

    However, it's interesting that there is a general "defense" skill, but no counterpart "offense"?


    Also, a nice listing of the gathering and crafting skills (although I think we knew most of these already):

    - fishing, gathering, salvaging, scavenging, skinning, woodcutting

    - smithing, tanning, stonemasonry, provisioning, woodworking, outfitting, blacksmithing, alchemy

    What I'm missing: jewelcraft (unless under alchemy?). And what is the difference between smithing/blacksmithing? One for weapons, the other for armor?

    Jewlcrafting might be found within the stonemasonry profession as gems are sometimes called precious stones.  

    That is a good question about smithing and blacksmithing though. Smithing could refer to the smithing of the metal that is required for blacksmithing though and it could even refer to the mining profession as gathering could potentially just be for plants. Smithing might also be related to Jewlcrafting in a way as some games require the use of metal settings in the crafting of jewelry.

    Honestly, I really can't wait for the developers to dive into professions and discuss them more. 

    • 13 posts
    May 4, 2020 9:43 AM PDT

    I've gotten so dependent on spell check that I'm certain I screwed up spelling on a lot of the compound words that don't spell check. I fixed a couple obvious ones but if you see things that need correcting let me know =)


    A couple other entries I'm curious to learn about:


    And all of what I think are the caster/spell school categories - are these going to impact mana efficiency?  Spell power?  Fizzle chance?  Spell duration?

    Based on my knowledge from EQ/EQ2 and just guessing:

    Alteration - general heals?
    Fortification - defensive buffs?
    Manifestation - 
    Materialization - summoning?
    Evocation - nukes?
    Expulsion - 
    Invocation - heals?
    Consecration - vs. undead?
    Illumination - light spells?  Wonder why this is its own category
    Channeling - avoiding being interruped while being hit



    This post was edited by mallocfailure at May 4, 2020 9:43 AM PDT
    • 1281 posts
    May 4, 2020 11:23 AM PDT

    In general, I'm a fan of returning to RPG roots and having a lot of status and damage types.

    I'd like to see a variety of status effects and and enemies with different physical and magical resistance types.

    • 71 posts
    May 4, 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    Baldur said:

    Hum levatating... people asking if there are going to be classes that can slowfall might find an answer in this.

    we already got confirmation on classes like the Druid being able to slow fall (Imbue Trait: Vale Hawk's Grace) but the wording on that stat "Levitating" makes it sound like you'd be able to just float along the ground like seen with certain sorcerers/ wizards in media. Would be kinda cool to Float while in battle as a Wizard or Enchanter since not many mmos grant such a thing unless it's tied to a skill animation. 

    • 238 posts
    May 4, 2020 5:45 PM PDT

    znushu said:

    Baldur said:

    Hum levatating... people asking if there are going to be classes that can slowfall might find an answer in this.

    we already got confirmation on classes like the Druid being able to slow fall (Imbue Trait: Vale Hawk's Grace) but the wording on that stat "Levitating" makes it sound like you'd be able to just float along the ground like seen with certain sorcerers/ wizards in media. Would be kinda cool to Float while in battle as a Wizard or Enchanter since not many mmos grant such a thing unless it's tied to a skill animation. 

    Honestly, I wonder how climates, terrains, and mechanics will interact with some of these status effects. Levitate, for example, could possibly negate the effects of slippery ground terrain such as ice and it could partially or fully negate mechanics like an earthquake. However, how would interact with a wind shear environment?  It might be funny to watch people go flying because technically levitate would make you frictionless and would increase the speed of you being blown around. 


    • 118 posts
    May 4, 2020 8:17 PM PDT

    "onehandedPLANARsword"  acca-scuse me?

    counter spells...

    readiness... Rescue..??

    heave, shouldercrash...whaat?

    and that was only half the list of skills by the looks of it.

    This game gonn be funn

    • 2756 posts
    May 5, 2020 3:35 AM PDT

    mallocfailure said:

    I've gotten so dependent on spell check that I'm certain I screwed up spelling on a lot of the compound words that don't spell check. I fixed a couple obvious ones but if you see things that need correcting let me know =)

    A couple other entries I'm curious to learn about:


    And all of what I think are the caster/spell school categories - are these going to impact mana efficiency?  Spell power?  Fizzle chance?  Spell duration?

    Based on my knowledge from EQ/EQ2 and just guessing:

    Alteration - general heals?
    Fortification - defensive buffs?
    Manifestation - 
    Materialization - summoning?
    Evocation - nukes?
    Expulsion - 
    Invocation - heals?
    Consecration - vs. undead?
    Illumination - light spells?  Wonder why this is its own category
    Channeling - avoiding being interruped while being hit

    It's interesting to see the comparison to EQ. Some similarities. Some differences. In EQ: -

    Abjuration is the casting skill mainly associated with buffs
    Alteration is most often used for healing and some DoTs (but is not in the Pantheon list?)
    Channeling allows you to continue casting without being interrupted if you are hit while casting the spell
    Conjuration is mainly used to summon pets, items and some DoTs (sounds like Materialization to me)
    Divination is primarily used for vision spells and illusions (reclassified in Pantheon)
    Evocation is primarily associated with Direct Damage (DD) spells
    Meditate greatly improves mana regeneration rates (This is in the Pantheon list)
    Specialisation is where in EQ you choose *one* spell school to progress in skill level beyond the others (I wonder if this will be *in* in some way in Pantheon. Mastery choices 'cover' this perhaps)

    New in Pantheon: -

    Fortification: I think is likely to relate to the Cleric iconic ability Celestial Aegis. "You can place this massive shield of light in the environment, or even carry it for short distances". Pantheon's new concept of moveable, but impenetrable 'objects' players (at least the Cleric) can conjure
    Materialization: Your standard conjuring of 'objects' that can be given to others or instantly 'used'
    Manifestation: Sounds to me like summoning, but separating the concept of personal 'effects' or instant 'blasts' of stuff *shrug*
    Expulsion: I'm guessing spells that effect demons and/or other-planar beings. An attempt to partially or fully 'expel' them or their animus from this plane of existence back to their own
    Invocation: Hmm. "invocation" is the 'performance' of a spell, not the effect. One would enact an invocation to produce an evocation. I'm guessing this is a generalised skill of getting your spells correct and avoiding fizzles? If one is good at invoking, then one gets one's spells correct everytime. Separated out, like channeling, from the individual spell school effectiveness
    Consecration: Like Expulsion, but for undead? Or maybe Expulsion includes undead, but is for direct damage and Consecration is for demons/undead/other-planar, but for buffs/protections?
    Illumination: Light doesn't really fit under the other schools much. A quick EQ check has different light spells as Abjuration, Alteration and Evocation. I'm guessing that light is such a technical 'thing' for a 3D game that VR thought it may as well have its own spell school (though I bet Summoners can materialise torches and wizards evoke hovering globes of light)
    Distortion: In EQ illusions were mostly under Divination, but that was always a bit weird. Depending on how you look at illusion, it could be effecting reality, others' minds or even channeling different dimensions. Perhaps Distortion is an 'illusion' school of its own?

    Loving this theory crafting. So excited to find out for real.

    This post was edited by disposalist at May 5, 2020 3:46 AM PDT
    • 1019 posts
    May 5, 2020 5:31 AM PDT


    • 99 posts
    May 5, 2020 7:20 AM PDT

    Disposalist you refrence a pantheon list? where can I find this I dont think I have seen it yet

    • 13 posts
    May 5, 2020 8:58 AM PDT

    Do you know what I just realized is NOT on here?  Climbing.  Joppa has mentioned several times how you'll have the ability to increase your climbing skill, but at least in this set of stats I sure don't see it represented.  Wonder why that is?


    • 18 posts
    May 5, 2020 9:59 AM PDT

    mallocfailure said:

    Do you know what I just realized is NOT on here?  Climbing.  Joppa has mentioned several times how you'll have the ability to increase your climbing skill, but at least in this set of stats I sure don't see it represented.  Wonder why that is?



    Heh, nice catch.  Interesting.