Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Having a hard time to convince friends on pantheon

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    • 159 posts
    March 10, 2020 11:11 PM PDT

    double post

    This post was edited by Kass at March 10, 2020 11:11 PM PDT
    • 159 posts
    March 10, 2020 11:16 PM PDT

    Aqua said:


    nowhere in my thread did i ask for advice or personal suggestions so please dont put something that is not there.



    Not that "Stop Trying" is in the spirit your intent, but in Jothany's defense, you did literally say "So what to do to reatch out to people ?" . Not to mention, the entire tone of your thread sounded like you wanted some ideas to help reel people in. Or maybe I misinterpreted the message, and it was in fact just a big ***** fest.


    This post was edited by Kass at March 10, 2020 11:16 PM PDT
    • 79 posts
    March 11, 2020 12:54 AM PDT

    I think a short  playtest tease of kingsreach for like a hour, for  EVERYONE even non pledgers(though they would probably have  to wait till pledgers had theyre  turn), would do a world of good. It would help with the  gloom and doom naysayers for sure.

    • 801 posts
    March 11, 2020 3:03 AM PDT

    I have had a different reach to players. Most i talk to thought this game looks very interesting.


    • 9 posts
    March 11, 2020 3:41 AM PDT


    • 21 posts
    March 11, 2020 4:09 AM PDT

    arazons said:

    Honestly it takes a certain mindset to be able stay active in any pre-alpha game community and not feel frustration at ones perceived pace of progress. It is a fundemental experience of early access games...


    To me this says it all. Which is why when Im feeling "negative" I choose to think positivly instead of posting anything, especially on THESE forums. In that way I dont spread weakness in the places I wish to strengthen.


    The most powerful force in life is faith. It creates reality. If you have "faith" in the devs failures you are literally dragging the whole project down. You dont have to say a word. Sounds crazy? This is why EVERYONE thinks they know the truth. I only GNO reality is not what I was told. Test my words. Have faith in pantheon! Perform real magic. You can do that, its real. We could collectively effect pantheon in this manner in the same manner the other side uses. Simply go into a vision in your mind for 30 minutes a day, and in there imagine your already playing pantheon and its the best game thats ever existed. The more of us who do this the more real it becomes. This is how to pray.... as if you already have it.... IT WORKS!


    Mana = Pranja


    Catch the wind!




    • 17 posts
    March 11, 2020 4:30 AM PDT

    I have the exact opposite reaction than the original post when discussing Pantheon with my co-workers.  I work in a nerdy field so naturally we are all MMO fans lol.  Whenever I tell someone new about the game they all get that glimmer of hope in their eye.  

    I think the nature of a game still being a couple years away from release puts a blanket on the conversation.  2 or so years from now I could see these same conversations resulting in them rushing home to buy it! Having said that I already have a couple buddies that have pledged and I only see that increasing moving forward. 

    • 1430 posts
    March 11, 2020 8:27 AM PDT

    disposalist said:

    I'm getting bored with countering the sky-is-falling comments and getting called a white knight, but here we go again.

    VR have told us many times the game *will be released* and that more funding means the game getting made *faster* not that it won't get made without more funding.

    I'm not being a white knight, I'm choosing to not call the devs liars and cheats. I'm choosing to believe them when they say there is a lot more going on than they show us.

    Yes, the website is lacking and is out-of-date. The devs explained they had some set backs in this area, but it's not a priority since they have plenty of funding and the game is only in pre-alpha.

    Really, how many times do they have to say they are working hard, heads down trying to deliver Project Farthaele and PA5?

    *shrug* I guess people see and hear what they want and that I'll be accused of doing just that too...

    eh name calling(such as white knight) usually means that individual doesn't have the necessary faculities to hold an intellectual conversation and isn't worth the time XD

    one must be willing to hear both sides to make an accurate judgement and it's all open to interpetation based on past experiences.

    then again, there are trolls, such as myself, that will test for the sake seeing how valid the assessment is >=D

    guess u can say i'm a "grey knight' in the context of 'white knight' rofl

    ah but i do love those black knights.  pure entertainment.

    • 207 posts
    March 11, 2020 8:29 AM PDT
    I'm not planning on sharing this game heavily with my friends until the game is a bit farther in the development cycle. I'm the odd ball that likes being an early adaptor and found this game while still in development. Did the same with ffxiv when it was just a rumor(and surprise a game studio with massive funding still took several years to produce a working product)

    I'd suggest waiting till a working alpha is produced or even later to try and get friends involved. You know your friends and how they will react to the development cycle of a game. Personally l have been liking the development I have seen compared to the drought last year.
    • 430 posts
    March 11, 2020 9:21 AM PDT

    stellarmind said:

    disposalist said:

    I'm getting bored with countering the sky-is-falling comments and getting called a white knight, but here we go again.

    VR have told us many times the game *will be released* and that more funding means the game getting made *faster* not that it won't get made without more funding.

    I'm not being a white knight, I'm choosing to not call the devs liars and cheats. I'm choosing to believe them when they say there is a lot more going on than they show us.

    Yes, the website is lacking and is out-of-date. The devs explained they had some set backs in this area, but it's not a priority since they have plenty of funding and the game is only in pre-alpha.

    Really, how many times do they have to say they are working hard, heads down trying to deliver Project Farthaele and PA5?

    *shrug* I guess people see and hear what they want and that I'll be accused of doing just that too...

    eh name calling(such as white knight) usually means that individual doesn't have the necessary faculities to hold an intellectual conversation and isn't worth the time XD

    one must be willing to hear both sides to make an accurate judgement and it's all open to interpetation based on past experiences.

    then again, there are trolls, such as myself, that will test for the sake seeing how valid the assessment is >=D

    guess u can say i'm a "grey knight' in the context of 'white knight' rofl

    ah but i do love those black knights.  pure entertainment.

    Black knight a little good a little bad lol


    • 196 posts
    March 11, 2020 9:36 AM PDT

    some people that i talked to from my stream are kind of interested and I shot a link to the site so they can be better informed about what I  was telling them about and some are pretty interested


    • 1430 posts
    March 11, 2020 9:46 AM PDT

    Oldwargoat39 said:

    some people that i talked to from my stream are kind of interested and I shot a link to the site so they can be better informed about what I  was telling them about and some are pretty interested


    did you tell them there is an alien race called skar that fly in red rockets and another alien race called archaei that rock out in asteroids?  that's a hook line and sinker.  git it!

    • 2098 posts
    March 11, 2020 9:52 AM PDT

    Aqua said:

    So please lets be friends and have some forward momentum to make the community shine.

    Best regard Aqua

    No worries my friend.

    • 196 posts
    March 11, 2020 10:26 AM PDT

    stellarmind said:

    just do what i do.  have a good ol talk about freedom with beer and burgers.  git dat gat and say, 'yo gon play pantheon, BOY.'  then shoot your gun repeatedly in the air like it's the 4th of july while laughing maniacally.


    boom:  how to convince my friends to play pantheon rise of the fallen- the muricann way


    (i swapped the sentence order for more OOMPH :D)

    This comments is 200% murricann aprroved!!!

    • 196 posts
    March 11, 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    stellarmind said:

    Oldwargoat39 said:

    some people that i talked to from my stream are kind of interested and I shot a link to the site so they can be better informed about what I  was telling them about and some are pretty interested


    did you tell them there is an alien race called skar that fly in red rockets and another alien race called archaei that rock out in asteroids?  that's a hook line and sinker.  git it!

    XD love this comment no I used the hookers and blackjack comment from the champions forums about the champions cove!!

    • 196 posts
    March 11, 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    stellarmind said:

    disposalist said:

    I'm getting bored with countering the sky-is-falling comments and getting called a white knight, but here we go again.

    VR have told us many times the game *will be released* and that more funding means the game getting made *faster* not that it won't get made without more funding.

    I'm not being a white knight, I'm choosing to not call the devs liars and cheats. I'm choosing to believe them when they say there is a lot more going on than they show us.

    Yes, the website is lacking and is out-of-date. The devs explained they had some set backs in this area, but it's not a priority since they have plenty of funding and the game is only in pre-alpha.

    Really, how many times do they have to say they are working hard, heads down trying to deliver Project Farthaele and PA5?

    *shrug* I guess people see and hear what they want and that I'll be accused of doing just that too...

    I agree name calling is the fastest way to lose a debate or discussion.

    eh name calling(such as white knight) usually means that individual doesn't have the necessary faculities to hold an intellectual conversation and isn't worth the time XD

    one must be willing to hear both sides to make an accurate judgement and it's all open to interpetation based on past experiences.

    then again, there are trolls, such as myself, that will test for the sake seeing how valid the assessment is >=D

    guess u can say i'm a "grey knight' in the context of 'white knight' rofl

    ah but i do love those black knights.  pure entertainment.

    your right about your comments name calling goes nowhere fast and it breaks down the community and that is not right.

    This post was edited by Oldwargoat39 at March 11, 2020 10:31 AM PDT
    • 303 posts
    March 11, 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    lmao, I swear every thread that has any debating in it and doesn't get locked is because of Stellarmind single-handedly steering the whole thing on the right path

    • 454 posts
    March 11, 2020 6:54 PM PDT

    Vandraad said:

    VR tells us over and over, stream after stream that this is a crowd funded project and that more pledges would be welcomed.  And many of us have replied even more frequently that if VR wants us to help them, they need to help us help them.  That means fixing this joke of a website.  Update it.  Put all the streams into the media section.  Fill the screenshots page with current screenshots.  Put your concept art in there as well. 

    People want a one-stop-shop solution to everything these days.  You go to Amazon where you can buy everything with a single click. Yet here we are, 6 years and 1 month into this and information about this game is shotgun splattered here and there.  VR is only harming themselves with this approach to advertising.

    I've tried convincing friends (friends who are very serious gamers, putting dozens upon dozens of hours a weeek month after month, year after year into their games) into backing this game and the concensus from all of them is that the website is amateurish, the information lacking, the team is too small, the goals too lofty, etc.

    VR does not control the narrative of this game.  It never has and nothing appears to be changing that fact.


    This is fact.  VR is killing itself with this website.  The harsh reality is this website is costing VR $.  The info is dreadfully, woefully out of date.  This website should be THE complete information base.  There is NO excuse for this.  No amount of trying on our part can make this happen.  It needs VR to make it happen.

    • 333 posts
    March 11, 2020 8:35 PM PDT

    The website is horrid ,  I have issues getting people to consider the game seriously let alone pledge when there unable to even update there offical page.

    I understand that whoever was in charge of web design left , that excuss was played out over a year ago. What is the reason now ? 

    My kid has designed a professional webpage that handles transactions etc from scratch in less then a week. I hope professionals can handle this type of job.

    The official page needs to have all the update notes , video streams and other information in one place.

    The information we have is so scattered , that is more of a hassle to try and look things up then to not  even bother.

    I will not go to a 3rd party site or watch a "paid" streamer for information that needs to be on the companys site. 


    This post was edited by Xxar at March 11, 2020 8:36 PM PDT
    • 196 posts
    March 11, 2020 8:44 PM PDT

    Xxar said:

    The website is horrid ,  I have issues getting people to consider the game seriously let alone pledge when there unable to even update there offical page.

    I understand that whoever was in charge of web design left , that excuss was played out over a year ago. What is the reason now ? 

    My kid has designed a professional webpage that handles transactions etc from scratch in less then a week. I hope professionals can handle this type of job.

    The official page needs to have all the update notes , video streams and other information in one place.

    The information we have is so scattered , that is more of a hassle to try and look things up then to not  even bother.

    I will not go to a 3rd party site or watch a "paid" streamer for information that needs to be on the companys site. 


    Are you backing the game? I do know the community is posative and the people who are negative just pay for access to the foums and not supporting the game..

    • 196 posts
    March 11, 2020 8:45 PM PDT

    Questaar said:

    Vandraad said:

    VR tells us over and over, stream after stream that this is a crowd funded project and that more pledges would be welcomed.  And many of us have replied even more frequently that if VR wants us to help them, they need to help us help them.  That means fixing this joke of a website.  Update it.  Put all the streams into the media section.  Fill the screenshots page with current screenshots.  Put your concept art in there as well. 

    People want a one-stop-shop solution to everything these days.  You go to Amazon where you can buy everything with a single click. Yet here we are, 6 years and 1 month into this and information about this game is shotgun splattered here and there.  VR is only harming themselves with this approach to advertising.

    I've tried convincing friends (friends who are very serious gamers, putting dozens upon dozens of hours a weeek month after month, year after year into their games) into backing this game and the concensus from all of them is that the website is amateurish, the information lacking, the team is too small, the goals too lofty, etc.

    VR does not control the narrative of this game.  It never has and nothing appears to be changing that fact.

    are you backing the game?

    Are you backing the game? or are you just paying to hop on the forums just to spew negative behavior?


    This is fact.  VR is killing itself with this website.  The harsh reality is this website is costing VR $.  The info is dreadfully, woefully out of date.  This website should be THE complete information base.  There is NO excuse for this.  No amount of trying on our part can make this happen.  It needs VR to make it happen.

    This post was edited by Oldwargoat39 at March 11, 2020 8:47 PM PDT
    • 196 posts
    March 11, 2020 9:31 PM PDT

    stellarmind said:

    Oldwargoat39 said:

    some people that i talked to from my stream are kind of interested and I shot a link to the site so they can be better informed about what I  was telling them about and some are pretty interested


    did you tell them there is an alien race called skar that fly in red rockets and another alien race called archaei that rock out in asteroids?  that's a hook line and sinker.  git it!

    told them that there is hookers and blackjack as well XD

    • 333 posts
    March 11, 2020 9:54 PM PDT


    I have been a backer since kickstarter. Who is being negative? If realistic critisim and feedback is negative , then guilty as charged.

    I wrote facts that can not be disputed , the website is **** lets be real for a minute.

    The information on the webpage is outdated, that is being polite.

    The concept of a entire company that depends on donations to operate and not keeping up there primary source of information , advancements , concept art and video for a potential pledge to easily find and see is retarded at best.  

    This post was edited by Xxar at March 11, 2020 10:00 PM PDT
    • 1921 posts
    March 11, 2020 10:04 PM PDT

    Logic has no power here, Xxar.

    • 333 posts
    March 11, 2020 10:06 PM PDT

    Why , I  seldom post anymore.

    Waiting on Alpha or the next PA 47 , for real discussions and testing.

    This post was edited by Xxar at March 11, 2020 10:07 PM PDT