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Warrior seams cool - what about the DL and Paladin?

    • 45 posts
    December 15, 2019 5:35 PM PST

    Dear Pantheon Creators

    The latest video about the Warrior was fantastic! I have played a warrior in both EQ1 and 2 and it had nowhere near the complexity that you have set the class up for in Pantheon.

    Now it's a long time we have seen the Direlord gameplay and we haven't seen the Paladin at all (as far as I know) so I might very well be basing my concern here on something that doesn't make much sense, but anyway:

    Will the Direlord and Paladin have similar abilities as the warrior's shield block? (not the same ability but something that will fit the particular class) It seems soo cool that you have to time your ability (shield block) to your opponent's animation and really pay attention to that specific opponent to optimize your tanking. On top of that, you mentioned that if you equip a shield with spell-reflect it can actually reflect the spell (or parts of it) an opponent is casting on you, if timed correctly - that is awesome!

    From what we have seen so far I think it seems like the warrior outshine the Direlord quite a lot in complexity and I was hoping that both the Direlord and Paladin will get the same dance-with-your-enemy-skills as the Warriors shield-block, so you have to pay attention to the combat and can't just spam a lot of death and destruction spells/skills + taunts all the time. So far it just seems the Direlord is a bit one-dimensional compared to the warrior.

    Best regards Nusser

    ps. The graphics in Amberfate looks great!

    • 291 posts
    December 15, 2019 5:52 PM PST

    Really looking forward to seeing the pal myself.

    • 70 posts
    December 15, 2019 7:03 PM PST

    From what I have seen. and this is just my opinion on what i have seen, the DL does have a "dance with your enemy" (god i hate myself for even saying that.) style, that being health restore skills.  as where a warrior is using the sheild block "hopefully" to to avoid some serious damage. the DL is saving his big heals for the big shots to help the healers stay on top of things.  hopefully this response answered at least 1/2 your question because i pay no attention to paladin really and just hope that in the end they all are well balanced and fun to play.

    • 379 posts
    December 15, 2019 7:15 PM PST

    We saw ONE Paladin stream, and it was with a Dire Lord in the group that tanked everything. Even when the Paladin "tried" to get aggro, he always failed. There are a lot of questions left unanswered for the Paladin, I tried my best to ask them in this thread:

    • 45 posts
    December 15, 2019 7:54 PM PST

    @Rhelic - Come one, "dance with your enemy" is a great term :o) (English is not my native language so it was the best I could come up with) You might be very right about the DL's skills though, I just thought the warriors had an extra dimension to it.

    @Fragile - Agree, looking forward to future streams with classes we haven't seen yet.


    Oh, just saw on the DL's skills... he actually has something very similar to the shield block...


    Sanguine Shield

    You draw out your blood and form it into a solid shield in front of you, dampening the damage of magical attacks against you for 2 seconds. There is a chance the damage will be nullified completely and this chance will increase based on your Constitution. (Uses Essence)


    This post was edited by Nusser at December 15, 2019 8:46 PM PST
    • 2095 posts
    December 16, 2019 1:24 AM PST

    Nusser said:
    Will the Direlord and Paladin have similar abilities as the warrior's shield block? (not the same ability but something that will fit the particular class)

    In case you haven't seen it yet, there is an official PRotF Wiki. It is here: Wiki

    For reasons I don't really remember, there is a tad more info about individual class abilities on the Wiki than on the class pages of this website. Perhaps not for every class, but for several of them. To see it, you have to scroll down to near the bottom of the class's main page and you'll see a link for 'skills/abilities'.

    It's a very handy site to check out.


    • 1247 posts
    December 16, 2019 10:40 AM PST

    The more beefy muscular wars, the better in my book. ;)


    This post was edited by Syrif at December 16, 2019 10:41 AM PST
    • 520 posts
    December 18, 2019 12:51 AM PST

    That doesn't worry me. They try to engage all the classes more (unless it's a class that have a lot to do already) - so I'm quite certain DLs and Palls will have either similar or very unique but engaging mechanic to them.