Forums » Pantheon Races

Dark Mry or Orge

    • 6 posts
    October 2, 2019 3:24 PM PDT

    First Off. I apologize if this is in the wrong Forum Area.


    So I know I definately want to play and main a Dire Lord at this point. They call to me, and I just love the idea all together. Especially until Necros are released.


    I don't want to be a Human, and Skar just doesn't speak to the character concept I have in mind. So I'm trying to decide between Dark Mry and Orges. I know I still have a good amount of time, but I was curious on what everyone's opinions were on the two, especially Lore wise.

    • 888 posts
    October 10, 2019 11:47 AM PDT
    How do you feel about sea food? Would you rather be "dumb" or "brooding"?

    All jokes aside, if I had to pick between race and class, I'd usually go with class, because it has a much bigger impact on gameplay. Class defines how your character plays and feels. Race is more for flavor and aesthetics.
    • 6 posts
    October 12, 2019 7:16 AM PDT

    I already Know my class. I'm going to roll a Dire Lord 100%. But I believe there is more than sea food to the Dark Mry, and the more I read the Lore, I don't believe the Orges are "Dumb" by any means. I think that's just a sterotype everyone has.

    To elaborate a bit more though, I plan on RP as well. So that's why I'm torn at the moment between the two.

    • 947 posts
    October 14, 2019 7:15 PM PDT

    They haven't released the race specifics yet but we do know that Ogres will have a more difficult time navigating small spaces without being magically reduced in size.

    I wouldn't count out all of the races until they've been revealed.  (I think a Skar DL would be cool if you think of the Skar as trolls).

    • 520 posts
    October 15, 2019 4:16 AM PDT

    Honestly when I think of DireLords the only races  I consider are Ogres and Skars (and I'm having trouble deciding - though i'll alt DL not anywhere close to the beginning so i'll probably decide based on their racial abilities and passives and their compability to the class - though if my feelings are correct then ogres would have some bonuses to crit dmg and hp rec and skars to crit chance and att speed, so it would be all beneficial, but we'll see). You should watch (listen to) lore video about Arak Amel by Chris Kane - may help you decide ;)

    • 888 posts
    October 15, 2019 1:04 PM PDT
    If racial stats / abilities are important, you'll need to wait until probably beta to have enough info to decide. If you're more interested in the lore aspects, then I would suggest looking at how you envision your Dark Lord, especially what motivates the character. I see ogres as more of a brutal, tribal race which honors strength and results. I see the Myr as a more advanced society, but one which is angry, in decline, and in need of purpose (an analogy would be Germany after WWI). Would your character rather conquer or destroy? Is your character proud or ashamed? Looking forward it looking back?
    • 209 posts
    October 26, 2019 4:07 PM PDT

    I've always planned on making my DL an Ogre, and now that the racial passives have been announced, I'm even more stoked about it. The ogre strength and crit racials synergize very well with DL skills in my opinion. However, I can also see a benefit to the Myr racials if that sort of thing matters more to some players. It really comes down to what you like best, both thematically and in terms of play style.

    But for me it's going to be Ogre all the way. :)

    • 6 posts
    October 28, 2019 5:38 AM PDT

    Thank y'all. After reading all the comments, and doing some thinking. I decided on Dark Mry (This was before the racials). Now, even after the racials have been release, I have decided to stay with Dark Mry, as they merge more with my character concept for my Dire Lord. I am pretty excited for the underwater breathing as well, as I have always enjoyed exploring underwater in All games I play. I feel like, just in our own planet, there is a lot left unexplored in the waters of many games to start out with. Thank y'all for y'allls input, it has been very helpful, and greatly apprectiated! :D

    • 24 posts
    March 9, 2021 8:53 AM PST

    The more I think about it the more the Skar as a Dire Lord has more appeal to it. At first I was turned off by this race because they looked far too skeleton like but after more thought and reading over their abilities they seem very fitting for a Dire Lord. 


    Ogres well this seems like the most popular race to be a Dire Lord, I tend to stay away from what is most popular. It is not to say I have completely ruled them out as a race for my Dire Lord. Their racials are great for a Dire Lord hence why they are so popular.


    The Dark Mry never really appealed to me and still don't. The abilities they get dont really call to me either, some many like them but I do not.


    I have played a Human in most games .I am getting kind of bored with this race really, in terms of gaming. Their racials are okay for a Dire Lord but seem more fitting to a Paladin.

    • 2095 posts
    March 9, 2021 4:50 PM PST

    Mujinn said:

    The more I think about it the more the Skar as a Dire Lord has more appeal to it. At first I was turned off by this race because they looked far too skeleton like but after more thought and reading over their abilities they seem very fitting for a Dire Lord.

    Ogres well this seems like the most popular race to be a Dire Lord, I tend to stay away from what is most popular. It is not to say I have completely ruled them out as a race for my Dire Lord. Their racials are great for a Dire Lord hence why they are so popular.

    The Dark Mry never really appealed to me and still don't. The abilities they get dont really call to me either, some many like them but I do not.

    I have played a Human in most games .I am getting kind of bored with this race really, in terms of gaming. Their racials are okay for a Dire Lord but seem more fitting to a Paladin.

    I plan on playing a Dire Lord (among a bunch of other classes), and DL has a decent shot of winding up as my main. Like many, I was first attracted to Ogre DL for all the obvious reasons. But after a while, I started to warm up to some good advice from VR about race choice. Said advice being that "all races can do well in any of the classes they have available, so choose the race you'll most enjoy".

    As an altaholic, one of my main goals is to try to play every race - or at least as many different races as I have char slots to play. So I re-assessed my race/class lineup from this perspective. And from a broader view, Skar DL seemed to fit my plans better than Ogre

    I was still undecided about this decision until I read a quote from Joppa in a newsletter. He said:

    "So, when it comes to Tanking, the higher the Health the Dire Lord has is synonymous with maximizing their tanking potential. Which is unique for them if you look at something like a warrior... obviously high health is important for any tank, but the warrior is more designed to maximize their potential through armor class more effectively than just brute amounts of high health. This is absolutely a connection between the Dire Lord's potency and the size of their health pool."

    You can see some of what he's getting at when you read the DL abilities and see that a variety of his abilities are based on his max health.

    So you'll probably run into me there in Skargol on release day (and maybe the first day of Alpha).