Forums » Pantheon Classes

Class choice-going for nostalgia or a new experience?

    • 116 posts
    May 12, 2019 6:33 AM PDT

    While I am tempted to choose Shaman, in an effort to re-capture that nostalgia from EQ I think that challenging myself to get out of my comfort zone (and avoid the disappointment of it not being the same) and choose an entirely new class will provide me with the best opportunity to experience Pantheon’s uniqueness. 

    What do you think you will do? Go with what you know or go for something new?

    • 2886 posts
    May 12, 2019 7:54 AM PDT

    It's a good question. But I think doing something just for the sake of nostalgia is kind of risky actually. There will be enough differences in Pantheon that it will probably not quite be exactly the same as what you remember. Joppa's entire mindset with designing classes has been to make them feel "familiar, but different." So sometimes chasing nostalgia can just taint the memories you do have and it's best to focus on making new good memories. But still, my instinct was to go with Cleric simply because that's what I know I'm best at. However, the more I think about it, the more I'm getting interested in the Paladin. I have very little experience tanking in a serious setting, but it's always just a matter of practice and I think it would be fun. From what we've seen so far, the Paladin looks much more powerful in Pantheon than in most other games.

    This post was edited by Bazgrim at May 12, 2019 7:56 AM PDT
    • 373 posts
    May 12, 2019 9:04 AM PDT

    I think go for something new.

    If you don't enjoy it, pick up Shaman and perhaps you'll compare it to your first pick rather than to the old shaman. :)

    • 560 posts
    May 12, 2019 9:30 AM PDT

    In EQ I was in such a hurry I never looked around I picked two classes and never really gave any others a chance. Since then I have learned it is best to try lots of classes before settling in on your main. So while I will likely start with a bard or a paladin. I will use beta to look around and try many if not all other options.

    • 1921 posts
    May 12, 2019 5:20 PM PDT

    Once Shaman is nerfed, I'll probably go to Druid for my healer choice. :)

    Percentage based out of combat regen of health and mana makes all class choices entirely different when compared to EQ.  Melee class will end up being vastly more popular, just because they won't have to sit and regen for 15 minutes just to fight again.  Same goes for mana consuming classes.  It changes the flow of the game entirely when you're not hamstrung continually by fixed value out of combat regen.  But it will mean more and more DPS glass cannons will be able to solo, which will lead to inevitable root/snare nerfs.

    I'm looking forward to it immensely.  It's just a shame they gave it to Shaman in-combat, right out of the gate, knowing full well they'll have to remove it from them, or adjust mana costs to be punitive to compensate, which will be a worse solution than just removing it entirely.

    But this is also why Monk is so appealing.  Self heal, tank, DPS, and with FD, bring singles all day long.  That's at least 3 roles in one class, and with FD as demonstrated, you'll never/rarely die, and it's more powerful than invis, hide, or sneak, and when you FD, you're out of combat, so.. hey look, out of combat percentage based health regen on top of Mend/self heal! 

    • 116 posts
    May 13, 2019 7:04 AM PDT

    In combat mana regen comparable to out of combat regen rates is a strong incentive to play a Shaman. Your concerns are reasoned, but I am willing to give Pantheon the benefit of the doubt on this issue. 

    Your points about the Monk are excellent and I would love to play one. However, they have a fatal flaw that I am willing to admit up front is a purely subjective one and even superficial- NOT ENOUGH EYE BLING. 

    The traditional spartan nature of weight limitations combined with being a weaponless class (or so small as to have minimal visual impact) are HUGE disincentives for me personally.  IF Pantheon can make the Monk as visually satisfying as other classes, I would definitely consider playing one. 

    Monk would certainly get me out of my comfout zone. 


    Edit it for speeling 

    This post was edited by Grayel at May 13, 2019 7:07 AM PDT
    • 947 posts
    May 13, 2019 6:02 PM PDT

    I'll be choosing a class based on the class mechanics combined with game mechanics and the level of fun the class is for me. 

    Some of the mechanics that will help make my decision will be knowing things like:

    -Hit Box/melee range.  If you have to aim at a giant's knee in order to hit them because simply facing them (aiming between their legs) doesn't work or gives you the error message of "out of range" - "you must be facing your target" I would play a non-melee.
    -Resource regen/generation. If I find myself having to sit down more than being active I likely won't play that class.
    -LFG time.  If I constantly have trouble finding a particular role for my groups (or see others always LF specific roles), I'll likely switch to that role just to be able to play without spending hours LFG because I have limited play time. 

    What I want to avoid is playing a class for 3-5 years in hopes that I will enjoy it more once I get all of my skills/spells and also "hoping" that the devs will make needed changes to put my class on par with others of the same role... again.

    • 560 posts
    May 13, 2019 8:21 PM PDT

    Grayel said:

    In combat mana regen comparable to out of combat regen rates is a strong incentive to play a Shaman. Your concerns are reasoned, but I am willing to give Pantheon the benefit of the doubt on this issue. 

    Your points about the Monk are excellent and I would love to play one. However, they have a fatal flaw that I am willing to admit up front is a purely subjective one and even superficial- NOT ENOUGH EYE BLING. 

    The traditional spartan nature of weight limitations combined with being a weaponless class (or so small as to have minimal visual impact) are HUGE disincentives for me personally.  IF Pantheon can make the Monk as visually satisfying as other classes, I would definitely consider playing one. 

    Monk would certainly get me out of my comfout zone. 


    Edit it for speeling 


    It is nice to know I am not alone on my feelings for monks.

    • 4 posts
    May 13, 2019 11:52 PM PDT

    im chosing a bard becuase i liked the lore of the halflings and the bard was the only conteol class i saw with them ivep layed heals ive dabled at tanking ive even dpsed when needed under protest :) but my main roll the roll i love the most the roll i pride myself in and consider my self a professional at is control classes if the bard werent there id be a dwarf enchanters since i also like the dwarf lore later ill probably have a healer alt maby even a tank alt eventualy if i ever get rid of the tanking burn out my current game and its tanking mechanics have given me

    • 193 posts
    May 15, 2019 6:40 AM PDT

    Grayel said: 

    What do you think you will do? Go with what you know or go for something new?

    Yes to both, although I think even the classes we think we know will play a bit differently than we're used to. I'm excited to try them all, but will initially start with two - one familiar (at least in name), one not so much so.

    • 4 posts
    May 21, 2019 6:39 PM PDT

    I have always preferred to play tanking types (usually alternating between good and evil-aligned tanks). Ever since my early days in D&D playing a Magic-User, I have found that I preferred being up close and personal to bash or slash my opponents. So I will probably try Dire-Lord, Paladin and a Cleric. Plus the races I want to play allow for these class choices, so that is a plus.

    • 46 posts
    July 1, 2019 9:58 AM PDT

    vjek said:

    Once Shaman is nerfed, I'll probably go to Druid for my healer choice. :)

    Percentage based out of combat regen of health and mana makes all class choices entirely different when compared to EQ.  Melee class will end up being vastly more popular, just because they won't have to sit and regen for 15 minutes just to fight again.  Same goes for mana consuming classes.  It changes the flow of the game entirely when you're not hamstrung continually by fixed value out of combat regen.  But it will mean more and more DPS glass cannons will be able to solo, which will lead to inevitable root/snare nerfs.

    I'm looking forward to it immensely.  It's just a shame they gave it to Shaman in-combat, right out of the gate, knowing full well they'll have to remove it from them, or adjust mana costs to be punitive to compensate, which will be a worse solution than just removing it entirely.

    But this is also why Monk is so appealing.  Self heal, tank, DPS, and with FD, bring singles all day long.  That's at least 3 roles in one class, and with FD as demonstrated, you'll never/rarely die, and it's more powerful than invis, hide, or sneak, and when you FD, you're out of combat, so.. hey look, out of combat percentage based health regen on top of Mend/self heal! 

    Sounds like they they will need to nerf Monk than Shaman.


    As for OP question, while I typically like the healers and will propbably start with one, I've found it best to take the game as it is and find the class that's most fun for me within that game. For example; in LOTRO my fav was a tank, in WoW it was a healer, and in SWToR it was DPS. Luckly I don't usually compare one game to another, because they are each their own game.

    You are doing both games a disservice by unfairly comparing them.

    • 216 posts
    July 1, 2019 10:23 AM PDT

    Ill be playing a dwarf cleric, I usually play support / healers so it's pretty familiar to me, but I'm mainly picking cleric as I want to be a dwarf and the only dwarf healer is, a cleric.

    • 2419 posts
    July 2, 2019 7:34 AM PDT

    Grayel said:

    What do you think you will do? Go with what you know or go for something new?

    Definitely starting with a Shaman as I always start with a Shaman.  I'll add to that a DireLord for multi-boxing from time to time.  After I've maxed out those characters I'll then level up a Wizard.

    • 1095 posts
    July 2, 2019 8:02 AM PDT

    I'll be going Summoner/Druid box because I want to camp lootz and port people for money.

    • 624 posts
    July 2, 2019 11:08 PM PDT

    I'm going to six-box an all bard boy band for beer & peanuts money at the most disreptutable dive in Thronefast.

    • 53 posts
    July 5, 2019 7:00 PM PDT

    I truly think that all classes will have a certain classic "feel" to them- But I don't know if they will capture the nostalgia because of how different they will most likely play. Personally, I tend to pick character types that I relate to or connect with- Usually Melee Tank Classes like Warrior or Paladin.. But honestly I have no idea what character I will end up playing because so many of them have my interest hooked!

    • 100 posts
    July 13, 2019 12:29 PM PDT

    A bit of both, but mainly I want to pick a classe for the gameplay I will enjoy not necessarily being nostalgic.
    I'd like to play DPS but no DPS class is appealing to me currently in Pantheon so I'll probably go for Direlord or Shaman, ... eventually Paladin or Ranger.

    Although I usually want to play berserker type character or Dark wizards (necromancer, demonist etc.)

    This post was edited by Khraag at July 13, 2019 12:30 PM PDT
    • 58 posts
    July 13, 2019 11:21 PM PDT

    I'll probably go the same route- have as many alts as I can and take forever to level any one of them because I spend time jumping around to each.