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Pledge Rewards Questions

    • 160 posts
    June 2, 2019 6:59 PM PDT
    This conversation about rights and legal stuff would be better suited for another thread or reddit. It's a bit tacky and plain distasteful to have on the official forums. I suggest you take it to a venue where it can be fully fleshed out.

    As for suing, I've learned it's hard to take something from someone (read as "a bankrupt company") that doesn't have anything. If this studio folds they won't have anything to give you if you did sue. Visionary Realms is not like 38studios that had premium property and large amounts of equipment to liquidate.
    • 17 posts
    June 18, 2019 6:06 PM PDT

    Pantheon's Pledge tiers are so much more confusing than they need to be.
    I'd love to pledge more to the project, but I'm just too confused about who gets what, what's new, what's retired, what I'd gain, what I'd lose.

    I've pledged thousands of dollars to another crowd-funded game, because I understood their store and I like collecting little cosmetic knicknacks. But, I'm hesitant to spend another dollar on Pantheon, because I just don't get how the Pledge system is supposed to work.

    • 200 posts
    June 18, 2019 6:20 PM PDT

    Jeron said:

    Pantheon's Pledge tiers are so much more confusing than they need to be.
    I'd love to pledge more to the project, but I'm just too confused about who gets what, what's new, what's retired, what I'd gain, what I'd lose.

    I've pledged thousands of dollars to another crowd-funded game, because I understood their store and I like collecting little cosmetic knicknacks. But, I'm hesitant to spend another dollar on Pantheon, because I just don't get how the Pledge system is supposed to work.

    I don't think VR even knows how their pledge system works... Not intended to be a slight, just my perception.

    Maybe tomorrow will prove otherwise.

    • 57 posts
    June 19, 2019 2:52 PM PDT

    I am looking to try to understand the transferring of benefits from today's newsletter.

    I currently have a Knight’s Pledge, which has stated benefits of Alpha/Beta access, early name reservations, 2 digital copies, additional character slot, game title, pet, tunic, illusion, and backpack.  If I understand correctly, in July if I upgrade to the Bloodsworn, I would keep all of the previous benefits of the Knight’s pledge and for $100 and I would gain early character creation, additional game title, nameplate icon, 3 months game sub, and a voucher for clothing/hat.  I would still only have the one character slot.

    The in August, to an Advisor’s Pledge, I would keep all the benefits of both the Knights Pledge and Bloodsworn pledge (stated above).  I would then gain a stack of minor illusion flasks, Ring of the Fallen, 5 item renaming vouchers, name in credits, Champion's forum access, and invite to Founder’s Conclave (assuming 3-month sub does not stack that is).

    Is this fundamentally correct, or am I missing something? 

    Thanks in advance for helping to clarify things!

    This post was edited by DaveBowers at June 19, 2019 2:55 PM PDT
    • 116 posts
    June 19, 2019 6:02 PM PDT

    At the point that I feel like a spreadsheet or checklist is needed, I moved on.  I’ll just stick with what I have.  No upgrading here  

    Good luck to the rest of you.

    I appreciate VR’s efforts, but when it became a ‘some things do and some things don’t ‘ kind of change I lost interest. 

    • 160 posts
    June 19, 2019 7:35 PM PDT


    The original pledge chart:

    I want to say there was a change from kickstarter pledge in Feb 2014

    For those looking for the early pledge info. Dated july 4th 2014


    Kilsin announcing Oct 15th 2015 pledge changes

    The pledges most previous to the Oct 15th change:



    This post was edited by Nuggie at June 19, 2019 8:19 PM PDT
    • VR Staff
    • 354 posts
    June 19, 2019 10:37 PM PDT

    DaveBowers said:

    I am looking to try to understand the transferring of benefits from today's newsletter.

    I currently have a Knight’s Pledge, which has stated benefits of Alpha/Beta access, early name reservations, 2 digital copies, additional character slot, game title, pet, tunic, illusion, and backpack.  If I understand correctly, in July if I upgrade to the Bloodsworn, I would keep all of the previous benefits of the Knight’s pledge and for $100 and I would gain early character creation, additional game title, nameplate icon, 3 months game sub, and a voucher for clothing/hat.  I would still only have the one character slot.

    The in August, to an Advisor’s Pledge, I would keep all the benefits of both the Knights Pledge and Bloodsworn pledge (stated above).  I would then gain a stack of minor illusion flasks, Ring of the Fallen, 5 item renaming vouchers, name in credits, Champion's forum access, and invite to Founder’s Conclave (assuming 3-month sub does not stack that is).

    Is this fundamentally correct, or am I missing something? 

    Thanks in advance for helping to clarify things!

    Here is how this works:

    Upgrading the Knight's pledge means you keep the alpha testing access and the in game rewards. If you upgrade to the Bloodsworn, you would get the clothing item, the 3 month sub and the Bloodsworn title. 


    The Adviser pledge, along with the Protector and Pathfinder pledges are the older pledge offerings. They don't automatically get the rewards from the newer pledge packages like the Bloodsworn. However, there will be new pledge packages as those levels which will be more in line with the new Legate and Bloodsworn pledges packages. When those come in, it will make more sense. Currently, we are in the middle of the pledge package refreshes which leads to some confusion.

    Most all of the new pledge rewards will be available in an ala carte option as a function of our new store. Therefore, if you wanted to have the Advisor pledge and also get a shirt, you would be able to by adding on the shirt of alternatively purchasing an as yet unreleased pledge package that will have the shirt as a reward.


    • 116 posts
    June 20, 2019 6:02 AM PDT

    Thanks Artois. 

    Glad to hear things are still in process towards a more easily navigated and upgrade encouraging system. 

    I remain willing to upgrade, and will wait for the full implementation to occur. 

    • 57 posts
    June 20, 2019 12:40 PM PDT

    Thank you for the response Artois.  I am very happy to hear that there will be new pledge options and ala carte options to choose from in the (hopefully near) future.  I am looking forward to upgrading my pledge when those options are available.

    • 7 posts
    July 5, 2019 11:31 AM PDT

    In game pledge items upgradeable through questing or crafting? Both? 

    • 801 posts
    July 9, 2019 10:40 AM PDT

    WTF 1$ a year Sub damn son that was a good package then too... 20 years 20 bucks, good package for those back then

    • 1 posts
    July 11, 2019 3:25 PM PDT

    Has anyone else noticed that there are only 3 pledges that say they include early character creation? I was wanting to upgrade from Bloodsworn to Pathfinder's, but I don't want to lose the opportunity to make my char early.

    • 2094 posts
    July 12, 2019 3:02 PM PDT

    Yooperwiz said:

    Has anyone else noticed that there are only 3 pledges that say they include early character creation? I was wanting to upgrade from Bloodsworn to Pathfinder's, but I don't want to lose the opportunity to make my char early.

    I've totally forgetten where I learned it, but I'm sure a Dev - maybe Joppa in a stream - explained that all the pledges that receive "Early name reservation" would get "early character creation" as fulfillment of that reward. If you look, you'll see that every pledge contains one of these two rewards.

    To be absolutely certain, you can go to Support and put in a ticket asking to confirm that you'll still have the reward upon upgrading.




    • 1 posts
    July 29, 2019 8:38 PM PDT

    Greetings all,

    I'm excited to join the early Pledge Supporters for Pantheon!  I've never done this before, but was very impressed with the game design concept and storyline for Pantheon and had to get onboard.  I look forward to Beta, which I know is still a ways out, but more time to read up on the game and monitor developments.

    That said, I'm curious upon registering, it asks for "Main Character Name".  Is that for some sort of early character naming registration list?  From what I've read I thought we would receive an alert much later down the development path to set up our desired character name.  I was not anticipating creating a character name tonight, just wanted to jump on supporting the game.


    Thanks all for your feedback!



    • 200 posts
    July 30, 2019 5:11 AM PDT

    ShawnN27 said:

    Greetings all,

    I'm excited to join the early Pledge Supporters for Pantheon!  I've never done this before, but was very impressed with the game design concept and storyline for Pantheon and had to get onboard.  I look forward to Beta, which I know is still a ways out, but more time to read up on the game and monitor developments.

    That said, I'm curious upon registering, it asks for "Main Character Name".  Is that for some sort of early character naming registration list?  From what I've read I thought we would receive an alert much later down the development path to set up our desired character name.  I was not anticipating creating a character name tonight, just wanted to jump on supporting the game.


    Thanks all for your feedback!



    No, it's not an early character name reservation. I think it was intended as a way to document who you are in game while on the forums. Name reservation will happen probably late beta.

    And welcome!

    • 2094 posts
    July 30, 2019 12:19 PM PDT

    ShawnN27 said:


    Welcome to the circus!

    Hope to see you in beta.

    • 1 posts
    August 19, 2019 3:44 PM PDT


    Can someone explain me the difference between Perceiver and Triumvirate pledges? I saw the description on the Pledges page but i'm trying to figure out what explains the 500$ difference considering that the physical rewards are not included and the only difference i see is the tester tags in game, name in game credits and pre-alpha access is that right? Am i missing something?

    Thank you,


    • 2094 posts
    August 20, 2019 7:23 AM PDT

    Dariuss said:


    Can someone explain me the difference between Perceiver and Triumvirate pledges? I saw the description on the Pledges page but i'm trying to figure out what explains the 500$ difference considering that the physical rewards are not included and the only difference i see is the tester tags in game, name in game credits and pre-alpha access is that right? Am i missing something?

    Thank you,


    The only thing you are missing is not seeing the timing of the when the pledges were offered. The price to get into pre-alpha went up once pre-alpha actually started. It has to do with the value of (relatively) immediate gratification as opposed to having to wait for rewards in some unspecified future time. The other factor is scarcity. There are limits to how many testers are needed for pre-alpha. When it first opened they no longer needed more testers, and the reward was no longer offered. They eventually wanted more testers and so put it back up as a reward. It could go away again any day.


    • 5 posts
    October 6, 2019 3:10 PM PDT

    If I already paid for Legate can I get a discount if I decide to pay for Black Rose or Perceiver's? Or do I have to pay the full price?


    • 2094 posts
    October 8, 2019 11:00 AM PDT

    Applewhite said:

    If I already paid for Legate can I get a discount if I decide to pay for Black Rose or Perceiver's? Or do I have to pay the full price?



    You can upgrade your existing pledge from Legate to either Perceiver's or Black Rose for $400. If you want to buy an entire 2nd pledge - like a gift for someone else - then there's no discount that I've ever heard of.

    The confusing thing is that on one's subscription page, the link to upgrade just goes to the page to buy a new pledge at full price. Somewhere there's a link to just upgrade, but I remember not being able to find it until I asked in forums and someone posted the link. Maybe someone will post here with the link. If not, you can always ask support:



    • VR Staff
    • 354 posts
    October 9, 2019 3:42 PM PDT

    Applewhite said:

    If I already paid for Legate can I get a discount if I decide to pay for Black Rose or Perceiver's? Or do I have to pay the full price?



    You can upgrade from here and you will only have to pay the difference.

    • 34 posts
    October 22, 2019 9:59 PM PDT

    So... I have some questions regarding pledges and that and maybe some of this info has come out on the podcasts and such that I haven't watched, but here goes anyway.


    1) What exactly are these in game items we're getting? Tunics and that I can see as cosmetic items, cool, but... how am I supposed to know what a robe of the black rose looks like or a tunic of the ages enough to know whether I'd actually want one? And do all my characters get these or just one?

    2) What are these bags? Again, are they 6 slot bags? 10 slot? 90 slot? are they weight reducing? do they open into a pocket dimension so I can jump into it and have tea while my friends are dy--- err looking for more mobs to kill? Does it contain a hideous monstrosity of a pet (Percy the Purple Poodle, for example) that I can unleash to strike terror in the hearts of my enemies (or my allies)? What is it?

    3) What exactly is a Ring of the Fallen and why would I want one?

    4) If I am on the keeper pledge (I am) and that's been discontinued, how do I know/confirm what items I'm supposed to be getting?

    5) How many character slots are planned for us to have? I mean, it seems kind of bad form to both have a subscription fee and charge people for extra character slots. I totally understand a model where you have free subscription and 1 free character and you buy another slot. I get that, but monthly fee and needing to buy slots for additional characters... just kinda rubs me the wrong way.

    6) Why do some levels have unique titles while others have the more generic "Pantheon Explorer" title only especially since you get that title at the lowest pledge, and the ones that get this title and not a unique one are at $150, $250 and $300? Edit: Heck, even one of the $500 pledges and all of the $1000+ don't even get a unique title.

    7) Why does, for example, the "Bloodsworn Pledge" list both a digital download copy and a Buddy download, but the "Protector's Pledge" "Pathfinder's Pledge" and all those above "Pathfinder" do not? I know that it is implied that you get 2 copies for download in the latter "Buddy" description, but why is it listed twice in this particular pledge and nowhere else? 

    I realize some of those questions may be website description problems or just wording issues, but if that were the case why not just word it as "Everything from the lower/previous pledge(s) plus: " or such?

    This post was edited by Souldrake at October 22, 2019 10:23 PM PDT
    • 220 posts
    October 23, 2019 7:51 AM PDT

    in your Youtube video "Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen Shaman Gameplay - Dec 2016 Stream ft. CohhCarnage "  ( )The Perception System, @ 40:40 

    A question was ask about questing @46::30 " If you miss some of the dialog is there a way for you to go back and check on it? " 

    Mr. Joppa mention @46:37 " Yes, Everyone who becomes a Keeper will recieve a "Tome of Keeping".

    I got the Champion Pledges, looking at the pledges i dont see " Tome of Keeping "  Will i be able to recieve it also in-game?


    Looking forward to tonight stream!


    • 114 posts
    November 10, 2019 12:07 PM PST

    I think the "Tome of Keeping" is related to the Perception system as in ... you become a Keeper if you decide to pursue the Perception path.

    • 114 posts
    November 10, 2019 12:14 PM PST

    Souldrake said:


    4) If I am on the keeper pledge (I am) and that's been discontinued, how do I know/confirm what items I'm supposed to be getting?



    checking google "pantheon rise of the fallen keepers pledge" I found an image listing

    Keepers Pledge  $100  unlimited supporter access (guessing this is in regards to forum access which has changed)  , Beta Access , 2 Digital copies of the game.


    In the past I've submitted a support ticket asking about / details of my pledge and was satisfied with the response.