Forums » Pantheon Classes

If you could bring any spell from another MMO, what would it be?

    • 247 posts
    August 6, 2018 8:52 AM PDT

    Mine are all from EQ.


    Paladin - Light of Order (1 second fast casting group heal).

    Bard - Selo's Accelerating Chorus (2min 30s 80% runspeed song)

    Cleric - Temperance (For the joy of buffing noobies)

    Enchanter - Illusion line of spells (So many options!)

    Necromancer / Shadowknight - Death Peace (feign death, providing so many options)

    Shaman - Drowsy et al (Line of atk speed slowing spells)

    Wizard - Ice Comet (Big nukes need big visuals)

    Druid - Shield of Thistles etc (That DS & Regen combo)

    This post was edited by Ezrael at August 6, 2018 8:52 AM PDT
    • 154 posts
    August 6, 2018 10:55 AM PDT

    Harm Touch (shadowknight) was a fun spell to get out of a bad situation

    • 2419 posts
    August 6, 2018 11:00 AM PDT

    Shaman - Cannabalize.

    • 60 posts
    August 6, 2018 11:39 AM PDT

    Warrior - Area Taunt .. Instant unresistable causes all enemies around to attack the warrior

    • 153 posts
    August 6, 2018 12:44 PM PDT

    Clarity XD

    • 129 posts
    August 7, 2018 12:15 PM PDT

    Since I'm going to play Wizard (because no necromancers I was told), I'd want EQ's Wizard Ice Comet or Archeage's Meteor, or anything close to that, making a big phucking thing crash down from the sky.

    • 1860 posts
    August 8, 2018 10:41 AM PDT

    I really enjoyed the "Save vs death" line of spells in DDO (taken directly from D&D).  Phantasmal Killer being my favorite but Death Touch etc is similar.

    They are a high risk/high reward spell (and didn't work on bosses).  If the target failed their save vs your spell they simply die. (easier said than done). 

    They really made the caster choose whether they wanted to dps the boss down or try the more risky "save or die" type of spells.  There were times I chose wrong and my phantasmal killer was resisted 5 or 6 times in a row and I was oom and the mob was still at full health =X.

    • 2 posts
    August 10, 2018 11:30 AM PDT

    Skill Wrangler line spells from Anarchy Online, being able to temporarely use higher level/skill spells for a short duration, nothing like a MP with pets 10 levels above you causing havoc (was later nerfed tho), would be nice addition to the enchanters :)

    • 36 posts
    August 21, 2018 1:01 PM PDT

    Entwining Vein!  Vangaurd SoH ability for the Bloodmage.  It was a lifetap that drained life from your opponent and gave it to your defensive target.  I loved the idea of "the harder I hit, the better I heal".

    • 5 posts
    August 31, 2018 10:54 AM PDT

    DMF (single or group), 'nuff said.

    I was under the notion the necromancer not at launch, but later time (maybe first expansion), did I misunderstand? (It is my single biggest reason for my playing P:RotF...any other class would just be filler till then).  If i were to play other mmo's , it would also be the biggest reason I would return to EQ after getting bored with certain other popular mmo's :)

    This post was edited by Brendiven at August 31, 2018 11:00 AM PDT
    • 947 posts
    September 3, 2018 6:59 PM PDT

    bobwinner said:

    Since I'm going to play Wizard (because no necromancers I was told), I'd want EQ's Wizard Ice Comet or Archeage's Meteor, or anything close to that, making a big phucking thing crash down from the sky.

    Just to clarify - necro is currently not expected for launch but will definitely be a class in PRotF.

    For my reply to the OP:

    I haven't played WoW in about 8 or so years now but when I was playing the Mage's polymorph spell was quite fun and did nothing more than combine Mez and illusion to make it very obvious and comical.  EQ1 was even able to do this with spells like ignite bones albeit just an instant stun with an illusion and DD, but still CC + illusion.  I think it would be cool if the necro becomes the 3rd CC role (assuming the Bard is #2).  
    Some of my favorite EQ spells/skills/songs were Selo's song of travel (combined invis/speed/levitate), DMF (super long last levitate without reagent cost as well as enduring breath and see invis), Shadow step was fun and quite handy in pvp as a SHD (because very few people knew how to predict it based on terrain/environment).  

    • 89 posts
    September 7, 2018 3:11 PM PDT

    I haven't played WoW in about 8 or so years now but when I was playing the Mage's polymorph spell was quite fun and did nothing more than combine Mez and illusion to make it very obvious and comical. 


    Polymorph: turtle was the best...


    For something fun I always liked mind vision.  You cast it on the mob and see from its perspective as it wanders around.


    This post was edited by Zyellinia at September 7, 2018 3:11 PM PDT
    • 39 posts
    September 21, 2018 1:20 PM PDT

    Necromancer: Corpse Explosion (Massive AE nuke centered around a fallen NPC corpse. Add burning DoT or poison DoT effect)

    Necromancer: Bond of Death (Massive Lifetap DoT)

    Necromancer: Subversion (Twitch/Mana Heal)

    Necromancer: Shadowbond (Sacrificial HoT--Just make it better this time please!)

    Necromancer: Many of the Bloodmage abilities from Vanguard including AE lifetaps and targeted lifetaps (Necro takes the HP and it goes to his defensive target instead of himself)

    Necromancer: Resurgence (Revive/Rez)

    Necromancer: Curse (a curse. All incoming damage is multiplied by a set amount)

    Necromancer: Cripple (a curse. All outgoing damage is reduced by a set amount)

    Necromancer: Addle (a curse. All resistances of the target are lowered especially those that are used to resist control effects like mez, root, snare, slow, stun, fear, curse, etc)

    Necromancer: Wither (a curse. Combines the effects of Curse, Cripple, and Addle but to a lesser extent. Also adds a stacking snare of 20%)

    Only one Curse may be active on a target at a time.

    Necromancer: Screaming Terror (essentially a Necromancer Mesmerize. This time adjust it to a fear that also snares 100%. If a target is frozen in fear it's not going to "wake up" when it's damaged)

    Necromancer: Death (instant death. Target leaves a corpse but rewards no experience. Long cooldown, somewhat resistible)

    Enchanter: Psyonic Bond (Stacking self buff for enchanter that increases mana flow but also links the enchanter psychicly with every other enchanter on the planet--Allows special chat channel for Enchanters only)

    Enchanter: Time Stop (short duration point blank AE mez. No target cap. Hard to resist)

    Enchanter: Enchant Feet/Quicken Feet (short duration burst of speed with cooldown. Exceeds Spirit of Wolf in speed harder to maintain due to lower duration)

    Wizard: Chaos Volley (Instant DD with little or no channeling time that ramps up damage each time it is used. Each use has also increasing recoil damage to the caster. Can kill self with this spell)

    Wizard: Fireball (targeted AE fire nuke. No max target cap. Leaves targets burning DoT)

    Wizard: Icequake (targeted AE ice nuke. No max target cap. Snares targets by 70%!)

    Wizard: Frostbite (Single target ice nuke. Snares the target for upto 90%! Slightly slows attack speed)

    Wizard/Druid: Variety of Gates and Portals (portals to set locations around the world)

    Wizard/Druid: Secondary Recall/Tertiary Recall (able to bind oneself to a custom location and even a 2nd custom location. Can open a portal to these places and bring other players along)

    Robed Casters: Magic Reflect/Magic Annul (ability to detect and counter spells being cast)

    Cleric: Regeneration! (Clerics get many heals including CH, HoT, burst, quick... They never get a regeneration! Easy to make this part of a stacking HP buff)

    Cleric: AE Rez, AE battle Rez

     The ability to move while channeling almost any spell! Reduce movement speed significantly while channeling. The more battle insenive the spell, the more movement speed is reduced... ie, many buffs reduce movement speed to 40%, but heals/nukes/DoTs reduce movement speed to 20% while they are being channeled. Maintain appropriate movement speed reductions for the "battle readiness" of the spell.

    This post was edited by Jordan at September 21, 2018 1:25 PM PDT
    • 1 posts
    October 18, 2018 1:32 AM PDT


    Feign Death

    • 627 posts
    October 18, 2018 8:55 AM PDT
    I would love a big damage shield with a rgn component.

    Area rain heals from rift was pritty cool aswell.

    I also like the earth shield from wow shaman.

    • 696 posts
    October 18, 2018 12:20 PM PDT

    EQ: Druid dot line

    EQ: Druid root line

    EQ: Druid dmg shield and regen health

    EQ: Druid/Wizard Ports

    EQ: Paladin Lay on hands

    EQ: Paladin Stuns

    EQ: Paladin Flash of light

    EQ: Paladin Undead nukes

    EQ: Shaman Nerfed slow

    EQ: Necromancer Undead Pet

    EQ: Necromancer DMF

    EQ: Necro/Shadowknight Feign Death Spell

    EQ: Shadowknight Harm Touch

    Cleric: Undead Nukes

    WoW: Druid Battle rez

    WoW Paladin: Divine shield

    WoW Paladin: Concecration

    WoW Warrior: Charge

    WoW Shaman: totems

    WoW Demon Hunter: For paladin, but the Demon Cage CC. Basicall any demon type of mob is affected by it. Could also include or change it to Undead targets


    All I can think of lol. I have played soo many MMOs but only remember 2 that have impacted me.




    • 316 posts
    October 18, 2018 10:50 PM PDT
    Awesome, creative ideas, Jordan!
    Wiz can kill self w ramping up nukes?
    Secondary, tertiary bindings and portals?
    Mage spell annul/deflect?
    Necro spell: death?!

    I love them.
    • 184 posts
    October 26, 2018 7:02 PM PDT

    EQ - Blind Spell

    • 238 posts
    October 29, 2018 5:21 AM PDT

    WoW- Druid- Efflorescence (Long acticting AEO HoT that is placed on the ground and heals up to X amount of people within it)

    WoW- Priest- Penance shots out bolts of light that either heal or damage enemies. Would be nice to see this on a cleric and see the on use damage ability only be able to used aginst undead, demon, or abominations. 

    WOW/ EQ- Pally-Lay on Hands

    WoW- Shaman totems (but old school totems, not the newer implementations) 

    WoW- Hunter Pets- Having to feed those things more specifically. I know most people are going to groan at this one and even I more than hated that system. Nothing more annoying then a pet running off and pulling aggro on mobs, however it made the class and pet feel real, and it added a stratagy/ preperation phase to the class. 

    WoW- Hunter- Ammo- Also on the hunter note I'm not a huge fan of unlimited ammo. I would love to see ammo come back and have them be bought, crafted, or summoned by certain classes. Ammo would include: throwing daggers, throwing axes, throwing stars, bullets, arrows,... etc. Give the party a reason to bring a summoner ;).

    Special Mention

    EQ- the beast lord class. Honestly my favorite hybrid class interms of its utility. I would love to eventually see the dev teams' reimagination of this class, because their current class redesigns are honestly awe inspireing.

    • 1479 posts
    October 29, 2018 9:17 AM PDT

    WoW- Hunter Pets- Having to feed those things more specifically. I know most people are going to groan at this one and even I more than hated that system. Nothing more annoying then a pet running off and pulling aggro on mobs, however it made the class and pet feel real, and it added a stratagy/ preperation phase to the class.


    A great system with improvement could be done here, but I didn't like they made the pet a "tool" of the archer class. Why should archers have a specific bond with animals ? Why would a hunter, a guy who hunt wild animals, use a wild animal for himself ? It sounds like feeding chicken flour to chickens to me (Even if I know the hunting  hounds are quite common, no hunter IRL is some sort of DPS ranger).


    Which leads me to :


    EQ- the beast lord class. Honestly my favorite hybrid class interms of its utility. I would love to eventually see the dev teams' reimagination of this class, because their current class redesigns are honestly awe inspireing.


    I'm really fond of the Beastlord design, but pushing it a bit further. It was to me not wild enough and too much of a spellcaster to be really great. A beastlord with strong and bleeding melee attacks fighting toes to toes with his pet, using only casual shamanistic magic withouth beeing focused on it (BL's slow were way to strong for the sake of the class in experience farm). To me, they shouldn't be medding all the time to refresh buffs and debuffs like a shaman, but focus on raw damage and pet buffing / synergy. Maybe you "could" opt in them with a debuffing bar, for parties with already enough DPS, but not to the point they are sitting on their arses all the time.

    • 19 posts
    November 3, 2018 3:28 PM PDT

    EQ - Wolf form (Druid) and Bear form (Shaman). 

    • 11 posts
    November 18, 2018 8:33 AM PST

    shaman spell Quiescence, no restriction like torpor.

    • 5 posts
    November 24, 2018 12:41 PM PST

    Shaman - virulent paralysis!

    • 96 posts
    November 26, 2018 12:37 PM PST

    I was always a fan of the EQ Enchanter's Shifting Sight and Pacify lines of spells.  They made a great combination.  

    Find a spot outside of a dungeon and shift your way in to see if the mob you want is up...then single pull your way in by combining Shifting Sight and Pacify to lull everything.  Or, if needed, to single pull the stuff that you couldn't just walk around using Pacify.

    I perfected that in the Sarnak fort of LOIO one day when I was bored.  It proved invaluable for the rest of my EQ days.

    Or..can't find a monk/bard and there is a 5+ mob pull to break the next room?  Use the same combo...sure it takes time but it was pretty reliable, once you figured out how to tell if Paci really stuck or not.  and if something went bad, you had the targets set for some quick Mez-work.  


    • 20 posts
    December 10, 2018 10:33 AM PST

    I played for years on the Shards of Dalaya eqemu server. One of my favorite spells, which was a lvl 65 enchanter spell that required you go through a huge chunk of the main story-line to access along with killing a named mob in a city where you had to use a strategy to get to; was a custom "Runic: Avatar of Destruction" which basically amounted to an 18-sec Boon of the Garou but for spells. Then again, this made the enchanter one of the highest if not the highest dps class on the server.

    Edit: This would create a huge amount of aggro, but Wizards could Concuss and if anyone under it "accidently" had you targeted, you would hit yourself for the full-power of the spell, queue my "friend" wizards playing pranks on me...

    This post was edited by lucylle at December 10, 2018 10:42 AM PST