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I have a couple questions for VR, please

    • 64 posts
    September 22, 2023 5:37 PM PDT

    Hey so I realize VR may not be able to answer all or even any of these, but had there been a dedicated Q&A session along with last night's art reveal, here are the quesions I would have liked to ask:

    1. When was the decision made to switch to the new art style?
    2. Can you give a rough estimate of what percent of the old art has been converted to the new style?
    3. How about the new player models for races other than human? Can you share any information about them?
    4. Will some sort of alpha progress tracker be making a return? When?
    5. Is there any timeline for when these changes will show up in a prealpha gameplay stream?

    Thanks for your time,


    • 64 posts
    September 22, 2023 5:41 PM PDT

    Also I guess this is as good a time as any to point out that this website has the following rule in style-forum-last.css on line 988:

    .forum_topic_posts_info_body li {
      list-style: circle !important;

    This is causing my ordered list in the above post to appear as an unordered list. That line of CSS should be removed or else have ul inserted under the .forum_topic_posts_info_body class so it looks like this instead:

    .forum_topic_posts_info_body ul li {
      list-stylecircle !important;
    • VR Staff
    • 536 posts
    September 24, 2023 10:08 AM PDT

    Heebs said:

    Hey so I realize VR may not be able to answer all or even any of these, but had there been a dedicated Q&A session along with last night's art reveal, here are the quesions I would have liked to ask:

    1. When was the decision made to switch to the new art style?
    2. Can you give a rough estimate of what percent of the old art has been converted to the new style?
    3. How about the new player models for races other than human? Can you share any information about them?
    4. Will some sort of alpha progress tracker be making a return? When?
    5. Is there any timeline for when these changes will show up in a prealpha gameplay stream?

    Thanks for your time,


    1. Early May.

    2. Most of Thronefast is done.

    3. We are currently focusing on human and human customizations.

    4. We won't be using an alpha tracker immediately but we will be adding a dev progress tracker. This will allow the public to see what the team is currently working on and when it gets completed.

    5. I would expect to see some content roll out in October.

    • 64 posts
    September 24, 2023 10:38 AM PDT
    Thanks for the straightforward answers, Sav. If it isn't planned already, I think these sorts of answers would be great to include in next week's newsletter. I think a lot of people are probably wondering about what these new changes mean for development so concrete answers on what to expect is something that would help them.
    • 223 posts
    October 21, 2023 8:08 PM PDT
    Some comments/questions:
    2) Apart from Thronefast, how much of the other assets have been converted? As in all assets in Pantheon, not just thronefast
    3) Were any of the other races modeled or remodelled, and we only saw the Humans? I'm trying to understand what progress has been made, if any, on models that we hadn't seen.
    4) This doesn't bode well to be honest. It seems like Pantheon is being put on hiatus and all focus is now on 247.
    5) This content would be from the perspective of 247, not Pantheon, correct?
    • 175 posts
    October 23, 2023 1:46 AM PDT

    Lafael said: Some comments/questions: 4) This doesn't bode well to be honest. It seems like Pantheon is being put on hiatus and all focus is now on 247. 5) This content would be from the perspective of 247, not Pantheon, correct?

    I'm pretty sure it was stated somewhere that Pantheon is being "mostly" put on hold. I believe it was stated in Discord, which I am not very active on because you can change the information anytime you want with no easy way to track it.

    My basic understanding of what is currently going on is VR is switching focus from creating a MMORPG which gets a lot of inspiration from classic EverQuest to creating 247, which is a battle royale style game. Why are they doing this? Because funding has slowed down for Pantheon. Apparently this 247 game was made for testing Pantheon, but it seems that no one knows what the testing was. Apparently internal people (who are they? No one seems to know) think 247 is fun. And by fun, so fun, in fact, that they are putting all hands on 247 to see if they can monetize it. Something to me feels very dishonest…. Yeah I said it.

    • VR Staff
    • 536 posts
    October 23, 2023 7:20 AM PDT

    NegativeNRG said:

    Lafael said: Some comments/questions: 4) This doesn't bode well to be honest. It seems like Pantheon is being put on hiatus and all focus is now on 247. 5) This content would be from the perspective of 247, not Pantheon, correct?

    I'm pretty sure it was stated somewhere that Pantheon is being "mostly" put on hold. I believe it was stated in Discord, which I am not very active on because you can change the information anytime you want with no easy way to track it.

    My basic understanding of what is currently going on is VR is switching focus from creating a MMORPG which gets a lot of inspiration from classic EverQuest to creating 247, which is a battle royale style game. Why are they doing this? Because funding has slowed down for Pantheon. Apparently this 247 game was made for testing Pantheon, but it seems that no one knows what the testing was. Apparently internal people (who are they? No one seems to know) think 247 is fun. And by fun, so fun, in fact, that they are putting all hands on 247 to see if they can monetize it. Something to me feels very dishonest…. Yeah I said it.

    The game mode is not a battle royale. While the promotion of Pantheon may slow, the building of it does not. The game is still being built out in this form.

    • 79 posts
    October 23, 2023 7:33 AM PDT


    "The game is still being built out in this form."

    You know how sketchy that sounds?  How about building it out in the form of an MMO.  I don't care what you call the game mode, build an MMORPG which is what you were asked to build from the beginning.  What kind of bubble do the people at VR live in?  Your company is at a MAJOR crossroads.

    Be honest and open.  You said you switched to this mode and method because you could finish the game with normal funding and it would take years.  BE HONEST, tell your backers how long that method would take?  3 years? 5 years?  You switched suddenly to a COMPLETELY new art style, one that went AGAINST the Project Faerthale and DiViare videos.  We could take the new art style if it meant releasing the MMORPG next year.  You and your company should sit down with the members of the community and ask them what THEY think is the best decision.  It was a kickstarted game with the community, if you are making a big decision maybe you should check with the community too.  Give them options.


    1.  Stick with original art and finish the game 3-4 years from now.

    2.  New art with updates to make it more painted looking but we can finish the game 1-2 years from now.

    3. Go to this new game, take a risky gamble on 247 working out with other competition in the market and oops if it fails oh well time wasted and oops if it succeeds, well we will get around to the MMORPG at a later date.  NEITHER good options.  Oh take our word, trust us, we will build the MMORPG later on.  No you LOST that trust.

    4.  Wildcard, build out a smaller MMORPG and find a way to monetize it,  HECK even build a SINGLE PLAYER RPG and monetize it that way, if not to give people a taste and they can try out the systems and provide feedback.



    • 194 posts
    October 23, 2023 7:56 AM PDT

    Xerion said:


    What kind of bubble do the people at VR live in? 

    What 10 years of being coddled does to a company. I guarantee if this goes under there will be an article on kotaku blaming the toxicity of the fanbase for not being patient enough with them while they saw their vision through.

    • VR Staff
    • 536 posts
    October 23, 2023 8:12 AM PDT

    Xerion said:

     Be honest and open.  You said you switched to this mode and method because you could finish the game with normal funding and it would take years.  BE HONEST, tell your backers how long that method would take?  3 years? 5 years?  You switched suddenly to a COMPLETELY new art style, one that went AGAINST the Project Faerthale and DiViare videos.  We could take the new art style if it meant releasing the MMORPG next year.  You and your company should sit down with the members of the community and ask them what THEY think is the best decision.  It was a kickstarted game with the community, if you are making a big decision maybe you should check with the community too.  Give them options.

    This is exactly what testing is for and this is exactly what is happening, we are currently gathering feedback from our members. We completely understand the concerns of our members and we want to get this game built too! The goal is Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen as an MMORPG. That continues to be the goal.

    • 79 posts
    October 23, 2023 9:03 AM PDT

    "We completely understand the concerns of our members"

    It is quite obvious that you don't understand the concerns of your members just from the sheer reaction of this announcement.  


    • 729 posts
    October 23, 2023 9:09 AM PDT

    Thanks for the info VR, keep up the good work.  I like seeing new screenshots, still no word on Banana nut bread?  Ok ok, laterz.  

    • 185 posts
    October 23, 2023 10:13 AM PDT
    We all need to relax. The 247 extraction game is a perfect test bed for VR to flesh out its new Spelunking system. A lot of work left to be done there.
    And don’t get me started on the new bestiary Appetites system. Thats still in the To Do phase.
    Maybe the’ll “spill some beans” on it in the next producers video. Fingers crossed.
    • 175 posts
    October 23, 2023 12:19 PM PDT

    Savanja said:

    The game mode is not a battle royale. While the promotion of Pantheon may slow, the building of it does not. The game is still being built out in this form.

    I had to do my own research to understand what the game mode is. I've seen it called Extraction Mode or Extraction Game. I have no idea what that means since I primarily play MMORPGs with occasional game nights with friends playing Fortnite or PubG.


    For anyone not sure what an Extraction Game is, I did the research for us.

    The core of Extraction Games are:
    1. Being loaded into a map.
    2. You want to find loot that is randomly placed throughout the map.
    3. You want to kill PvE enemies as they have better loot.
    4. You want to kill other players (PvP) on the map to get their loot. Note: PvP is the core of almost all extraction games.

    It is an open looting system. When you die you can lose all your loot that you are wearing and that you collected that session. Some mods of the game have insurance systems, so you don’t lose everything or where you don’t lose your equipped items.

    The focus of extraction games is just about beating/killing other players and that is not my cup of tea. I can play these style games with friends for short bursts. This is not something I could play for hours to test it.

    Edit Note1: The following line was edited thanks to Heebs -- Note: PvP is the core of almost all extraction games.

    Edit Note2: Edit Notes thanks to chenzeme.


    This post was edited by NegativeNRG at October 24, 2023 11:07 AM PDT
    • 194 posts
    October 23, 2023 12:29 PM PDT

    NegativeNRG said:

    I can play these style games with friends for short bursts. This is not something I could play for hours to test it.


    Whether we can or not is beside the point. It's not what we were backing.

    • 3852 posts
    October 23, 2023 1:35 PM PDT

    NegativeNRG - thanks. I did no research because all I care about is what not-Pantheon will be and VR will tell us well before we get to decide whether to play. Conceivably not-Pantheon will have some extraction elements but not all of them. 

    If it has pvp as you describe I will not try it - never - under no circumstances. Not even for free. Not even to explore the beauty of the new graphics.

    • 64 posts
    October 23, 2023 5:33 PM PDT

    NegativeNRG said:


    Note: PvP is the core of all extraction games.


    This is untrue. PvP is common in extraction games but there are pve extraction games out there. It's been publicly disclosed in the Pantheon discord that players can choose either PvP or PvE in the 247 game. You don't have to PvP if you don't want to.

    • 902 posts
    October 24, 2023 1:40 AM PDT

    NegativeNRG: 4. You want to kill other players (PvP) on the map to get their loot. Note: PvP is the core of almost all extraction games.

    I think you should make it clear what you have just edited there Neg, your change now suggests that Heebs is saying something untrue. It might seem like nit-picking, but adding a word after it has been quoted by someone else to amend its meaning is not right. Certainly not without clarification. Now it looks like Heebs is mis-quoting you to further their point of view, when actually, this is not the case.

    This post was edited by chenzeme at October 24, 2023 1:44 AM PDT
    • VR Staff
    • 536 posts
    October 24, 2023 7:04 AM PDT

    NegativeNRG said:

    Savanja said:

    The game mode is not a battle royale. While the promotion of Pantheon may slow, the building of it does not. The game is still being built out in this form.

    I had to do my own research to understand what the game mode is. I've seen it called Extraction Mode or Extraction Game. I have no idea what that means since I primarily play MMORPGs with occasional game nights with friends playing Fortnite or PubG.


    For anyone not sure what an Extraction Game is, I did the research for us.

    The core of Extraction Games are:
    1. Being loaded into a map.
    2. You want to find loot that is randomly placed throughout the map.
    3. You want to kill PvE enemies as they have better loot.
    4. You want to kill other players (PvP) on the map to get their loot. Note: PvP is the core of almost all extraction games.

    It is an open looting system. When you die you can lose all your loot that you are wearing and that you collected that session. Some mods of the game have insurance systems, so you don’t lose everything or where you don’t lose your equipped items.

    The focus of extraction games is just about beating/killing other players and that is not my cup of tea. I can play these style games with friends for short bursts. This is not something I could play for hours to test it.

    Minus has a video coming with the Producer's Letter that walks everyone through the play mode. PvP is not core here. It is an added element of danger for those who choose it. I rarely play in PvP and mostly just go about my business running tasks, killing mobs, and exploring until it is time to extract.

    • 3852 posts
    October 24, 2023 7:42 AM PDT

    I cannot honestly say I am happy with much I have seen here over the last few weeks. Not having a core element of pvp is one of those few things.

    • 627 posts
    October 24, 2023 8:07 AM PDT
    I belive we join the "mission" and just play like we normally would in an mmo. And when we are done we "extract" our items and xp so its ready for another session.
    • 175 posts
    October 24, 2023 11:11 AM PDT

    chenzeme said:

    NegativeNRG: 4. You want to kill other players (PvP) on the map to get their loot. Note: PvP is the core of almost all extraction games.

    I think you should make it clear what you have just edited there Neg, your change now suggests that Heebs is saying something untrue.

    Fixed it. And I will add Edit Notes in the future, Thanks.