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Enhancing auto-attack

    • 520 posts
    April 28, 2023 9:58 AM PDT

    As I've searched the forums I've come across similar topics, but they were very old (circa 2016-2018) so I've decided to create a new one.

    Whats your opinion of enhancing our auto-attacks, depending of weapon and class combo. This ability should be tied to our character level, our weapon skill, possibly the quest and perhaps linked to a mastery feature.

    Depending on a class it could be adding consequent (+1-2) strikes (swords/daggers), charging attack with increasing power (axe/hammer/bow), adding the ability for magic classes to release projectiles from their staffs, or adding the chance to cause an affliction (say 2-5%).


    • 3852 posts
    April 28, 2023 12:07 PM PDT

    Sorry but I am not a fan of auto-attacks so the weaker the better. Damage should be done by things we do actively - we should not be able to afk-kill things.

    • 520 posts
    April 28, 2023 12:18 PM PDT

    I'm pretty sure Pantheon will never be in danger of afk-friendly killings, but in most cases you won'b be able to spam abilities without a pause and auto attacks can fill the gap and chip away a portion of mobs hp that ability would decrease - but as the abilities get constantly stronger with new tiers on their line, auto-attack should improve as well.

    • 102 posts
    April 28, 2023 10:51 PM PDT

    An interesting concept. Dorotea does bring up a good point, though. I wonder if something could done actively to trigger a bonus effect of an auto-attack with some kind of cooldown kept in the background. Something like in Final Fantasy 8, when just attacking with Squall, a well timed button press can cause his attack to crit. But I guess it's sort of re-inventing the wheel as there are weapons with proc effects and gear with clicky effects. Perhaps there could be a skill line/mastery tier that enhances these proc or clicky effects?

    • 810 posts
    April 28, 2023 11:09 PM PDT
    Sounds like the monk skills they showed off a while back.

    Trade LAS for improved auto attack kicks and punches, only one each. Max out auto attack mastery early on if you want.

    I hope weapons are more mob dependent. An ideal weapon for super high AC mobs vs high avoidance mobs vs mobs with damage shields etc. Weapon types can do so much for immersion or a dagger can equal a greatsword bc everything is always balanced.
    • 144 posts
    May 1, 2023 2:09 AM PDT

    dorotea said:

    Sorry but I am not a fan of auto-attacks so the weaker the better. Damage should be done by things we do actively - we should not be able to afk-kill things.

    I agree on the fundamentals, but with fights that are kinda long, repeatedly pushing a button just to swing your weapon will get old quite fast.

    I am for basic auto-attack, and then let me concentrate on the fight tactics, spell/ability casting, placement, etc. and not on synchronizing swings which is kinda complicated with weapon speed and dual wield.

    As for enhancing auto-attacks with levels... kinda wonder if that is not already covered by weapons that might have some special triggers.

    This post was edited by Grobobos at May 1, 2023 2:09 AM PDT
    • 2752 posts
    May 1, 2023 9:40 AM PDT

    Big fan of auto attacks accounting for a large portion (40% or more) of outgoing damage for physical based classes. If all or most damage was from abilities then you run into the same homogenous play as other games, where physical and magic damage are just different text colors and/or damage types but otherwise feel pretty much the same. 

    • 1289 posts
    May 1, 2023 9:48 AM PDT

    I also agree that auto attacks are very important to me.  Increasing the effectiveness of auto attack also seems imporant to me.  A lot of it is "baked in" with character progression though so it might not be as noticable.  I imagine things like offense skill, weapon skill, character attributes, stats on items, and such will all improve the effectiveness of auto attacks as your character grows.  I'm also on board with some other "passive" stuff that your character can learn that would improve auto attacks.   

    • 612 posts
    May 1, 2023 3:00 PM PDT

    Sounds like the monk skills they showed off a while back

    Yes, Monks will basically have some Abilities which also have a 'Passive' feature built into them that grants a chance to proc an extra attack type.

    They first introduced this in July 2021 in This video.

    Adam 'Tehom' Mostel later (Nov 2021) clarified that these Passives would also be given an 'Active' componant that would do more when you actively use them instead of only being a passive. You can hear his explanation Here.

    Also, do not forget that each Weapon you use will unlock and make available special Technique attacks that you can put on your Hotbar in place of your normal abilities. Some will be general that any class can use and some will be class specific. VR has hinted that some of these weapon Techniques will only be learned out in the world and require some adventuring to find and learn. Or perhaps will be tied to specific special weapons that once looted may unlock a special technique.

    • 54 posts
    June 12, 2023 12:02 PM PDT

    Hegenox said:

    I'm pretty sure Pantheon will never be in danger of afk-friendly killings, but in most cases you won'b be able to spam abilities without a pause and auto attacks can fill the gap and chip away a portion of mobs hp that ability would decrease - but as the abilities get constantly stronger with new tiers on their line, auto-attack should improve as well.


    I don't think anything extra is required. Presumably as your abilities improve your stats that govern how good auto attacks will also be improving. Better weaponry too.

    • 2419 posts
    June 14, 2023 9:14 AM PDT

    Autoattack should be the baseline damage with the deliberate actions used to exploit an effect caused by another player or to cause an effect that the group can then exploit. By exploit I do mean 'make full use of and derive benefit from', not the normal negative connotion.

    • 888 posts
    June 14, 2023 5:19 PM PDT

    I hope we will be able to have some control over it and be able to interesting tactical choices.

    Some ideas:

    1. Different fighting styles to choose from, each with different pros and cons.  Styles should include Bonetti's Drfense (with a bonus if used on rocky terrain), Capo Ferro, etc.
    2. Adjustable aggressiveness--being more aggressive increases aggro, attack rate, endurance drain, and the chance to get hit.
    3. Certain default attacks set up enemies to be more vulnerable to specific regular abilities.  The default attacks are misdirection.
    4. Let us pick specific animations (or unlock them as we level).
    • 8 posts
    July 17, 2023 5:51 PM PDT

    The possibility of charging your auto attack sounds intresting.

    This post was edited by SkarloRD at July 17, 2023 5:52 PM PDT
    • 33 posts
    August 17, 2023 3:41 PM PDT

    dorotea said:

    Sorry but I am not a fan of auto-attacks so the weaker the better. Damage should be done by things we do actively - we should not be able to afk-kill things.


    I'm playing classic WoW right now, auto attacks are our main source of damage but I'm hardly afk killing anything at all. I want to be engaged but I don't want to be button spamming. That's even worse. 

    • 86 posts
    August 18, 2023 3:58 PM PDT

    a legacy system which buffs your alts(twinks) with attack buffs. I'm all set, that's dumb. However a slight leg up is acceptable. What I was thinking was actually a forge type system to recraft armor and buff it beyond its means, not heritage armor like WoW,  but something thats actually decent.



    A certain mob, having whatever armor equiped and my attacks dealing less or more damaged based upon that is something I think future MMO's will have. My long sword deals less damage to a mob with plate or chain mail, but my dagger which stabs through deals tons is a good idea. certain things matter...

    • 49 posts
    August 27, 2023 9:40 AM PDT

    I'm not certain how this is different from what's already in most games, and likely in pantheon.

    Ultimately I'm not really concerned with how abilities affect my damage as long as we remain within the RPG-combat range of APM. If it feels like I'm playing Dance Dance Mega Whack-A-Mario then I may as well just go play 99% of other mmos.

     That said I would certainly enjoy additional flavor in the auto attack itself, like varying stance and animations, etc. Soft vs hard hits, misses vs parries etc.