Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Dude, where’s my game?

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    • 6 posts
    March 21, 2023 8:00 PM PDT
    So many initial supporters including myself are straight up pissed off. I put my “pledge” in for $100 bucks over 5 years ago. This included “beta access” and nothing more. Time has passed, and my interest has definitely faded. You didn’t have to recreate the whole wheel… just upgrade the graphics, the crafting usefulness and actually have some quests. Lol.

    I thought it was good news when you got big investors (I know games take money to develop) and it would speed up the process, but it seems to have done the opposite. Dude, I just started rocking a 6 box on Lazarus, who only gets donations for gold coins, and having the most fun I’ve had in eq in over a decade. Yet I still await some “beta” invite for a game that has stalled. Btw, beta access was the highest we could apply for when your started the pledges. Now you want $750 if I wanted “pre-access alpha” sorry, but your doing it wrong. You should invite your first “true” investors…. Otherwise it’s highly likely you would have never even have a forum or YouTube video to post. As you can tell, I’m not ecstatic about where the whole game sits as a whole.

    You said we would be important in the process. You lied. All my discord channels confirm these thoughts. You’ve waited too long, and really lost the reason that your leader (may he rest in peace as one of the greatest visionaries of the mmo space in time) really wanted to create a world we could spend another 25 years in.

    Eq was never perfect. It was riddled with bugs, zoning issues, and most of all inequalities. That’s what made it great! It was terrifying, unknown and depressing on a daily basis. Just like life, but with people who would help recover your corpse and then resurrect you. That was the best part of it. It’s what at least 75 percent of the people interested in your game are looking for. Release and improve on expansions, it’s what they did in the past and are still doing! I know not a great way to look at business models, but your losing a lot of hype every month that moves on through.

    In closing, I think the game looks fine but it’s missing people. Early investors shouldn’t have gotten screwed and I’m seriously pissed about that. I hope Terminus becomes what you all are dreaming of, but I think Ty e window is closing. Even if you start at velious, you are way ahead.

    Willulearn, aka Foresto

    • 342 posts
    March 21, 2023 8:59 PM PDT

    Phew, good thing I was wearing my glyph for the scorching climate... :)

    • 6 posts
    March 21, 2023 9:02 PM PDT
    Not just my sentiment. I’m active with my old guilds and I think there is now only one hopeful. I have to agree.
    • 372 posts
    March 21, 2023 9:25 PM PDT

    I appreciate people who voice their frustration over the development time. No sarcasm. I'm not one of them anymore but I'm glad people do it. I wouldn't like it if everyone said "it's ok VR take 10 years! It's fine! Hey, take 15.  You know what? As long as you deliver a quality MMO, take 20!  MMOs take time. Tsh.. 25 years? Sure.. why not, we've waited 20. Just make the game right, don't rush it."  Anyway, I might be your only supporter here angry dudes, but go on and rant. <3   Just know that these forums are a place where people are looking forward the game and its ongoing development, so you won't find much support for your cause.

    This is my 4th pledge to an in-development game. My oldest pledge of the 4 is 11 years and I still see people typing "don't rush it" lol  - this game is special to me though because of the history and the vision and I just can't get mad about it. I hope I live to play it but, if not, I would not regret my pledge. There's a good team behind it that I believe is working hard. 

    TLDR - sorry for the wait my friend, I get the frustration 

    • 6 posts
    March 21, 2023 10:14 PM PDT
    Thanks for the reply and I get it. One of the my main gripes is something that was promised and then pushed back. I don’t even want to alpha testing to be honest, but that is now the premium package. Every month they push it removes more and more users that can play it from their glory days and then that excludes their children who might want to do it as welll.
    • 729 posts
    March 22, 2023 4:20 AM PDT

    I like to think of it as the last human crafted, carefully thought out, MMORPG world built by organic minds.  The next big programs are to be AI assisted/generated.  We are at the beginning of a big change in this universe for us sapiens and this may be humanities final example of a virtual computer game of type and scale before the robots begin their ascendance.  It's been great to see the effort and skill the team at VR have put into the game.  

    • 144 posts
    March 22, 2023 4:39 AM PDT

    StoneFish said:

    I like to think of it as the last human crafted, carefully thought out, MMORPG world built by organic minds.  The next big programs are to be AI assisted/generated.  We are at the beginning of a big change in this universe for us sapiens and this may be humanities final example of a virtual computer game of type and scale before the robots begin their ascendance.  It's been great to see the effort and skill the team at VR have put into the game.  

    Let the robots take over the virtual worlds so that they learn their craft before they take over the real world. That sounds like a sinister program :)

    • 3852 posts
    March 22, 2023 7:20 AM PDT

    I get the frustration but nasty, negative comments are not the way to have an opinion listened to. Then again, with three posts in five years, you probably are not very interested in anything that happens on these forums. Fair enough - some of us are and some of us are not. 

    Since none of us can really influence what is going on (short of winning the lottery and buying VR) it may be wisest to just relax, ignore all of this for a year, and check on status then. Don't worry - you are highly unlikely to miss out on participating in beta.

    • 947 posts
    March 22, 2023 7:56 AM PDT

    willulearn said: So many initial supporters including myself are straight up pissed off. I put my “pledge” in for $100 bucks over 5 years ago. This included “beta access” and nothing more.

    I would add that the pledge also granted access to participate in these forums, where we can all voice our opinions and potentially influence game development if you participate and voice your opinion.  Some of us have done just that.  With that said, you should know that you're not alone in your frustration, but we should pick and choose our battles; time of development is not in our control and complaining about it won't change it, so many of us chose to accept the timeline for what it is.

    • 1289 posts
    March 22, 2023 9:18 AM PDT

    I think it's a safe bet that even the people who say "take your time" actually wish the game was ready to play already.  I'm bummed it's not ready...but, the fact is that it's not ready so what do I do with that info?  I guess....try to encourage VR to keep going.


    Keep it up VR!!  I'll be here when it's ready!  

    • 3852 posts
    March 22, 2023 11:51 AM PDT

    Barring a time machine - all we can do is live with the world as it is. Better a good game in two years than a piece of crap in one year. So, yes, many of us wish the game had been out sooner but simultaneously encourage VR to take the time to do what they must. But not one second more than that.

    • VR Staff
    • 536 posts
    March 22, 2023 12:44 PM PDT

    Indie development is full of twists and turns, but no one wants this game to launch more than VR. We realize that supporters are restless and frustrated and all we can say is, we are working towards it. VR is growing and learning and we are unbelievably grateful for the community that has stood with us to make Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen, a reality.

    • 22 posts
    March 22, 2023 12:53 PM PDT

    After CoE folded I don't have much faith anymore when it comes to these games in development. That being said my expectations and excitement went to null when i saw what the DL class was going to be. So write off your losses and the next time you come across something that looks shiny and cool remember that sometimes there is a hook in it.

    This post was edited by Krakon at March 25, 2023 9:03 AM PDT
    • 185 posts
    March 22, 2023 1:09 PM PDT

    I can say that i have felt exactly as you do (pledged 2016. omg has it been that long).

    And disregard anyone telling you that you're comments are nasty or uninformed etc. They are not at all. The whole "just go away for a year and come back" line has been played out for quite some time now.

    However, i don't feel that way anymore after seeing and participating in recent test sessions. I can tell you there Is a real game here. And a very enjoyable one at that. Much better than i was expecting, given my frustrations with the pace of development.

    I hope they don't loose the interest of the long time supporters who have been waiting so long, as that would be a shame, and you would be missing out.

    But at the same time, the sense of urgency needs to seriously ramp up. Someone needs to be cracking the whip.

    Classes and races need to be finished. Zones need to be filled out. And the game needs to be opened up to a lot more people. Ideally not 2 years from now.

    • 372 posts
    March 22, 2023 2:38 PM PDT

    lotuss79 said:

    I can say that i have felt exactly as you do (pledged 2016. omg has it been that long).

    And disregard anyone telling you that you're comments are nasty or uninformed etc. They are not at all. The whole "just go away for a year and come back" line has been played out for quite some time now.

    However, i don't feel that way anymore after seeing and participating in recent test sessions. I can tell you there Is a real game here. And a very enjoyable one at that. Much better than i was expecting, given my frustrations with the pace of development.

    I hope they don't loose the interest of the long time supporters who have been waiting so long, as that would be a shame, and you would be missing out.

    But at the same time, the sense of urgency needs to seriously ramp up. Someone needs to be cracking the whip.

    Classes and races need to be finished. Zones need to be filled out. And the game needs to be opened up to a lot more people. Ideally not 2 years from now.

    I'm glad to hear that it went better than expected!  This is great to hear.   Thanks for your post.

    • 185 posts
    March 22, 2023 3:31 PM PDT

    Tigersin said:

    lotuss79 said:

    I can say that i have felt exactly as you do (pledged 2016. omg has it been that long).

    And disregard anyone telling you that you're comments are nasty or uninformed etc. They are not at all. The whole "just go away for a year and come back" line has been played out for quite some time now.

    However, i don't feel that way anymore after seeing and participating in recent test sessions. I can tell you there Is a real game here. And a very enjoyable one at that. Much better than i was expecting, given my frustrations with the pace of development.

    I hope they don't loose the interest of the long time supporters who have been waiting so long, as that would be a shame, and you would be missing out.

    But at the same time, the sense of urgency needs to seriously ramp up. Someone needs to be cracking the whip.

    Classes and races need to be finished. Zones need to be filled out. And the game needs to be opened up to a lot more people. Ideally not 2 years from now.

    I'm glad to hear that it went better than expected!  This is great to hear.   Thanks for your post.


    My pleasure. Credit where its due

    • 295 posts
    March 24, 2023 1:00 PM PDT

    lotuss79 said:

    I can say that i have felt exactly as you do (pledged 2016. omg has it been that long).

    And disregard anyone telling you that you're comments are nasty or uninformed etc. They are not at all. The whole "just go away for a year and come back" line has been played out for quite some time now.

    However, i don't feel that way anymore after seeing and participating in recent test sessions. I can tell you there Is a real game here. And a very enjoyable one at that. Much better than i was expecting, given my frustrations with the pace of development.

    I hope they don't loose the interest of the long time supporters who have been waiting so long, as that would be a shame, and you would be missing out.

    But at the same time, the sense of urgency needs to seriously ramp up. Someone needs to be cracking the whip.

    Classes and races need to be finished. Zones need to be filled out. And the game needs to be opened up to a lot more people. Ideally not 2 years from now.


    And you assume the whip is not being cracked. I don't care for the whining.(just like they think they have a 'right' to whine, I have a 'right' to say I don't care for it)  We all have options. Open game development is a thing now and every single one of us need to be honest with ourselves. Most of us are NOT interested in open game development. We did not have access to EQ, WoW or any of the games we played in the past like we do now with corwd funded games like Pantheon. You have every right not to like open game development. But be honest with your self and not blame the company for that. Acknowledge it and make a decision. I will leave the game alone until I hear a release date. No person making posts like this has made the game speed up anymore than it is going. Tons of games were made by AAA studios with hundreds of millions of dollars and a staff of hundreds took as long or longer to make. That is just the nature of game development. It boils down to you not liking game development and/or not having faith in the development in the team or not understanding the process itself.

    VR could've just given up at many negative points in their history, but they are still here when soo many other games have failed or launched unsuccessfully or are in limbo.

    I persoanlly have zero time to waste involvoving myself with a company or game I don't believe in. Accusing them of being disingenuous like the OP is stating is not 'healthy disagreement''s spreading misinformation and slanderous. Which does not 'help' the game come out any faster. 

    • 363 posts
    March 24, 2023 9:25 PM PDT

    I pledged VIP tier seven years ago, very happy with the progress we've seen.

    • 185 posts
    March 25, 2023 12:43 AM PDT

    Dikenzu said:

    lotuss79 said:

    I can say that i have felt exactly as you do (pledged 2016. omg has it been that long).

    And disregard anyone telling you that you're comments are nasty or uninformed etc. They are not at all. The whole "just go away for a year and come back" line has been played out for quite some time now.

    However, i don't feel that way anymore after seeing and participating in recent test sessions. I can tell you there Is a real game here. And a very enjoyable one at that. Much better than i was expecting, given my frustrations with the pace of development.

    I hope they don't loose the interest of the long time supporters who have been waiting so long, as that would be a shame, and you would be missing out.

    But at the same time, the sense of urgency needs to seriously ramp up. Someone needs to be cracking the whip.

    Classes and races need to be finished. Zones need to be filled out. And the game needs to be opened up to a lot more people. Ideally not 2 years from now.


    And you assume the whip is not being cracked. I don't care for the whining.(just like they think they have a 'right' to whine, I have a 'right' to say I don't care for it)  We all have options. Open game development is a thing now and every single one of us need to be honest with ourselves. Most of us are NOT interested in open game development. We did not have access to EQ, WoW or any of the games we played in the past like we do now with corwd funded games like Pantheon. You have every right not to like open game development. But be honest with your self and not blame the company for that. Acknowledge it and make a decision. I will leave the game alone until I hear a release date. No person making posts like this has made the game speed up anymore than it is going. Tons of games were made by AAA studios with hundreds of millions of dollars and a staff of hundreds took as long or longer to make. That is just the nature of game development. It boils down to you not liking game development and/or not having faith in the development in the team or not understanding the process itself.

    VR could've just given up at many negative points in their history, but they are still here when soo many other games have failed or launched unsuccessfully or are in limbo.

    I persoanlly have zero time to waste involvoving myself with a company or game I don't believe in. Accusing them of being disingenuous like the OP is stating is not 'healthy disagreement''s spreading misinformation and slanderous. Which does not 'help' the game come out any faster. 


    Who's whining? Maybe re-read my post and that of the OP. These are Legitimate concerns being expressed.

    And just as you're free to call me a 'whiner', im free to call you a sycophant.

    No one was accusing anyone of being disingenuous. OP was all about early contributors getting into PA. No accusations were made. 

    Thanks for the lesson on game development though. 

    • 3852 posts
    March 25, 2023 7:42 AM PDT

    Lotuss79 - I saw no whining at all in your post - so to that extent I agree with you. You are also right that the OP didn't say that VR was disingenuous - the OP said they lied. Not at all the same thing. 

    • 1289 posts
    March 25, 2023 8:45 AM PDT

    Reminder - no one is free to call anyone names.  Please keep it as respectful as possible.  

    • 185 posts
    March 25, 2023 11:56 AM PDT

    dorotea said:

    Lotuss79 - I saw no whining at all in your post - so to that extent I agree with you. You are also right that the OP didn't say that VR was disingenuous - the OP said they lied. Not at all the same thing. 


    Upon closer inspection, OP may have done that. 'Dude' is frustrated, cut him some slack!

    All id say is peoples criticisms are not mistaken and uninformed because they don't understand game development etc etc

    • 801 posts
    March 26, 2023 7:29 AM PDT

    I hate the terms being thrown around, "Vaporware" but that is what has been going around. I have been following this development since 2012, when it was first discused.


    • 9115 posts
    March 26, 2023 11:36 AM PDT

    These threads cause arguments and incite unrest, leading to personal attacks.

    We understand the frustration, but what some people fail to understand is how big a game like this really is and how much work goes into making it. Some games can take up to 15 years with experienced companies with hundreds of employees across multiple countries with hundreds of millions of dollars at their disposal. We don't have any of that, and yet, here we are, still going strong, making great progress and showing it off as we go!

    I'm going to close this thread because it has run its course and has nowhere left to go other than more arguing.