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Content for Streamers - Ideas?

    • VR Staff
    • 536 posts
    March 1, 2023 8:40 AM PST

    PantheonPlus streamed in last month's PA session, which was really fun to watch. As monthly tests continue, we hope that more content creators get a chance to show a bit more of Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen in the future. With this in mind, is there content that you would really like to see? What do streamers (in general) do right, and what could use improvement?

    Let us know your thoughts!

    This post was edited by Savanja at March 1, 2023 8:41 AM PST
    • 39 posts
    March 1, 2023 8:50 AM PST

    Pantheon+ did a great job in showing parts of the currently available area to the public. They were also the perfect choice to show group play and talk about the game.

    +1 for letting them stream more often.

    • 2419 posts
    March 1, 2023 9:08 AM PST

    Savanja said:

    PantheonPlus streamed in last month's PA session, which was really fun to watch. As monthly tests continue, we hope that more content creators get a chance to show a bit more of Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen in the future. With this in mind, is there content that you would really like to see? What do streamers (in general) do right, and what could use improvement?

    Let us know your thoughts!

    I'd like to see VR form up 6 groups of PA testers, put them into separate VIP discord channels with a Dev and have the Dev follow them as they adventure and because they are all in discord you can talk with them and hear their banter as they play.  You can then switch between the dev PoVs as the stream progresses.  This will give stream viewers a much broader view of the world as the groups will be in different areas doing different things as well as showing a more 'natural' gameplay that dev groups never quite show.

    One good way to promote your game as being fun, interesting and exciting is having actual real players adventuring in the game.  Dev groups always seem stilted a bit.

    • 326 posts
    March 1, 2023 9:30 AM PST


    Based on testing goals, P+ (they did a great job) could be the baseline, rotating a panoply of streamers in and out as needed. Other streamers could also guest star (with PA passes if needed) for individual sessions, inserted into more knowledgeable teams.

    How about a scavenger hunt format (competition!) with a few different streamers? 

    Dropping groups into new areas blind and having them attempt to extricate themselves would be amusing as well.

    A goal-oriented perception showcase.

    A corpse recovery special-op.

    Kill count vs. player death count event.

    POI/flag planting loop through dangerous territory.



    • 94 posts
    March 1, 2023 1:44 PM PST

    I would love to see longer than 2 hour streams. I would also enjoy seeing the stream from more than one perspective as it would showcase skills better. Showing off questing, crafting, exploring individually would all be good, but definitely require more than 2 hours. It would also be interesting to showcase how they test the game in it's current PA state and not just play it. Did I mention longer than 2 hour streams? I definitely think variety is a good thing and also remember that audiences vary greatly. Cohh's general audience is definitely not the same thing as P+ and those streams can expect to look different. That's ok.

    • 2092 posts
    March 1, 2023 3:46 PM PST

    I'd love to see some groups made entirely of one class see how well they can perform in increasingly difficult combat.

    A bit further along in development I'd love to see some stuff like:

    A group of highly skilled climbers - including a rogue with a long rope, a druid with a vine woven bridge and someone who can cast a 'featherfall' or maybe a levitate - embark on a mountaineering expedition to attempt to reach a very high summit.

    A group of all Dark Myr going on a "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea".

    A scavenger hunt type of stream where a group of crafters try to harvest, process & craft a full set of gear - both armor, weapons and specialty items - for one specific class. All in a given time limit.

    • 1288 posts
    March 1, 2023 3:51 PM PST

    I hate to do this, but since I'm so easily entertained it would be so much faster for me to say the one thing I don't want to see in a stream.  So, here it is.

    I don't like spoilers of major content. 
    Showing "how to beat this boss," for example, I'd vote against. 
    Showing "how to craft the coolest gear" or "where to find the [fill in the blank]" all take away from the mystery of it all.  

    Showing the basics of how classes work is awesome, but going super in-depth on the "best way to play a class" is not.  


    I know, fine line sometimes.

    • 223 posts
    March 1, 2023 6:07 PM PST

    Hey Savanja, VR

    I feel Vandraad has some great ideas. Showing different classes, race/class combinations (when they become more meaningful) as well as areas would be nice. P+ did a standout job and I would love to see more from them and their associates (i.e. + Baz, Nathan, etc).

    • 888 posts
    March 1, 2023 7:04 PM PST

    We've had multiple live, unsupervised streams so I think we can move to edited videos.

    1) Have PantheonPlus or a similar group record a long group session, then they edit it down, and stream it as a video. This allows for a higher quality stream that is able to show more aspects. It also allows the players to provide better commentary since they're not distracted by also playing.

    2) Allow all groups to record, then they can submittheir best five minute segment. Compile the best clips into a montage, then stream the montage.

    This post was edited by Counterfleche at March 1, 2023 7:46 PM PST
    • 15 posts
    March 1, 2023 8:23 PM PST
    level 1

    Streamer's are great AFTER you game.. but here in this stage, I say keep streamer's as far away as possible... they will just use every word as content and disect it like an experiment because that's what it all is to them. Feed them nothing but lore, and pictures, let them paint they're own worlds and visions.. but at the e

    nd of the day, let your game be released.

    • 83 posts
    March 2, 2023 1:22 AM PST

    The most important quality of any content creator, from my perspective (a viewer), is authenticity.

    I'm always in favor of letting the streamer/youtuber do whatever they feel is the best for them and their audience. If I feel you're following a script written by someone else(e.g: a Dev), to me, that makes the content lose its entertaining value.

    Yes, I know that for now there's an NDA, and this sort of content can only be done with VR's permission.

    That being said, my thoughts on P+ and Cohh's Pantheon content so far are as follows:

    + High technical competence - flawless overlays and other streaming stuff.
    - Seemed like he wans't "into it" - makes me not want to watch it if you're half-as*'ing it.
    - No group content - not as fun. Try grouping up with others and have them in you discord voice chat. Makes for more entertaining content.

    + Showcasing group class sinergies - big part of what makes this game better than the competition. Nice.
    + You're "into it" - makes the content more compelling.
    - Low technical competence - you need to test your overlays and performance settings beforehand. Don't cover the action bar(fixed mid-stream) - that contains important information about the class you're playing. Don't cover the game' party member portraits - the last party member in your screen(Sparoh and later Desryn) was needlessly covered.
    - To me, 50 minutes killing trash mobs in the exact same spot isn't entertaining. Quite the opposite. Try to do more interesting content.

    Regarding what others have said in this thread so far:
    > Agree with @Ranarius general sentiment of not showing major spoilers. A significant part of pantheon' charm is discovery.
    > Agree with @Counterfleche in the sense that twitch streamers could provide an edited version of the stream without the technical hicups and boring content, and upload it to youtube.

    This post was edited by Kaynrath at March 2, 2023 5:30 AM PST
    • 102 posts
    March 2, 2023 9:19 AM PST

    I gotta say honestly I was entertained by the 50 minutes of trash mobs :)  I liked watching what the general gameplay and group dynamics looked like, multiple viewpoints through each class would add entertainment value if possible. I also like the level range being showcased in the P+ stream.

    • 252 posts
    March 2, 2023 10:39 AM PST

    Brutenga said:

    I gotta say honestly I was entertained by the 50 minutes of trash mobs :)  I liked watching what the general gameplay and group dynamics looked like, multiple viewpoints through each class would add entertainment value if possible. I also like the level range being showcased in the P+ stream.

    Me Too! Actually once they went from trash mobs to climbing it was a little boring and I started checking out.

    For me, I want dungeon crawls. I don't really want guide-type content or people demonstrating game mechanics. I get bored of that TBH. It's still way to early in development for me to start obsessing over the minutia of climbing. I know that a lot of people love it and I don't expect anyone to cater to my specific desires. Lore drops are good; but I prefer to read them, video lore drops are snooze-fest for me.

    • 295 posts
    March 6, 2023 9:22 PM PST

    I very much enjoyed the P+ stream and would like to see them do more streams. They have a good grasp of what the community likes and are sincere in how they present Pantheon. They are also open to constructive criticism and will read all the ones given and incorporate them into their next stream if it makes sense to do so. If it can be set up from 2 or more class perspectives instead of just one, that would be fine. The only issue I would like addressed is that responding to chat with all of them streaming would take away from them being able to focus on and showcase the game. So only having one person responding to chat would suffice unless it was really important.

    I would also like to see Bazgrim and NathanNapalm stream Pantheon. They also have Pantheon's best interest at heart and will do well streaming. They are the reason I first heard about Pantheon and got me excited enough to pledge. They have different perspectives that will add to the enjoyement of the streams. I only ask that they stream within groups. Of course they get to choose whoever they want. I just think group play is much more enjoyable for Pantheon streaming than individual play. I'm sure they will have no problem putting a group together.

    Thanks for allowing the streams to take place and I hope to hear some good news that you guys are getting additional funding and hiring more folks.