Forums » Crafting and Gathering

Dyes and color

    • 729 posts
    May 20, 2022 12:23 PM PDT

    Any update on the use of dyes for craftable items?

    My Halfling wants to be colorful and full of expression.  I am hoping that some dyes will be available as a component in the crafting system. 

    Perhaps color can be used on many armor pieces, helms and headpieces, shawls and leggings. 

    I know that we don't want it to be obnoxious and some races and classes will be dull by design.  So humans elves gnomes and Halflings will see a lot of color over the full spectrum.  Archai, Dark Myr and Dwarves cool colors with accent pops.  Ogres and Skar get dark and shady coloring, actually the Skar just roll around in their own droppings and refuse so who cares.  

    Anyway, color.  How colorful are we going to be running around in Wilds End?  Are colors going to be obtained from flowers and bugs? Will they color dye available be tied to a zone?  Will there be factions that attack if you have the wrong shade of pink?

    Any thoughts?

    • 2094 posts
    May 20, 2022 1:28 PM PDT

    I believe that dyes for armor are part of the whole, so-far undecided issue of cosmetic gear, transmog, etc. in general. It is certainly possible that years ago, Brad might have responded affirmatively to a question about it on a stream. He tended to be very inclusive about any ideas that didn't directly conflict with already established tenants. But I don't recall VR saying anything definitive about it in recent years. Also of note, a search for the word 'dye' or 'dyes' shows not a single hit on the Library of Pantheon site. Maybe someone else will have more recent info.

    Dyes from an Alchemist are very traditional, much more so than transmog. I happily used them in previous games to make a set of disparate armor look quite stylish. I'd be quite happy to allow them.


    A friendly suggestion: Careful what you say, or a random Skar might just roll a particular Halfling around in his own droppings!


    This post was edited by Jothany at May 20, 2022 1:31 PM PDT
    • 729 posts
    May 20, 2022 1:59 PM PDT

    I have decided that my Halfling had a past experience involving a roaming pack of Skar that chased him up a tree and out onto a slim branch. Mocking him, he assumed, because he couldn't quite make out what they were saying as they have no lips and sound like they perpetually have a mouth full of marbles. But it was a scaring event and has made my Halfling despise the Skar. A repugnant race of festering fools, the lot of them. 


    • 295 posts
    May 21, 2022 12:41 AM PDT

    I don't know about dye colors persay, but the crafting system will involve use of many different types of metals, woods, cloth, leather and such in a variety of colors and textures. You could make a short sword with pink metal, a deep orange wooden hilt and a shiny pommel made of a forest green gem. I think the variety of the materials harvested will give way for some creative crafting.

    • 2094 posts
    May 21, 2022 8:37 AM PDT

    StoneFish said: they. . . sound like they perpetually have a mouth full of marbles.

    I was unaware of it at the time, but apparently one of the common criticisms of LBJ back in the day was this exact complaint. I think you may have stumbled onto a significant cosmic connection. Hopefully the CIA won't 'disappear you' to hide some horrifying govt. secret.

    Dikenzu said: I think the variety of the materials harvested will give way for some creative crafting.

    I loved all the rich colors of metals they showed us in the stream revealing them. My first thought was "I wonder how many shades and hues I'll be able to make when combining bars of different color metals".

    Of course my second thought was "I sure hope my favorite color doesn't turn out to be a combo of stats that are useless for any of my characters" Lol.

    • 295 posts
    May 21, 2022 8:43 PM PDT

    Jothany said:


    Dikenzu said: I think the variety of the materials harvested will give way for some creative crafting.

    I loved all the rich colors of metals they showed us in the stream revealing them. My first thought was "I wonder how many shades and hues I'll be able to make when combining bars of different color metals".

    Of course my second thought was "I sure hope my favorite color doesn't turn out to be a combo of stats that are useless for any of my characters" Lol.

    I thought the

    • 33 posts
    May 24, 2022 2:55 PM PDT

    So, two ways of looking at an aspect of this.  I remember, WAY back in the day, when my EQ ranger got his first set of full Banded armor.  This was early enough that it was easily recognizable by everyone at that stage of progression, and was ohh'ed and aww'ed over by those who didn't have it yet.  The same went for me when my warrior buddy showed up in Full Bronze.  Whoa!  So I get the idea of specific armor sets having a set look and be easily recognizable.


    On the other hand, one of the fun aspects of Elder Scrolls Online is the wide variety of styles, each one having to be obtained separately.  A crafter who can make any style with any trait is actually desirable!  Where I think they went wrong was to make some of the styles, that they obviously spent more time and effort on designing, only obtainable through the game store for real money.  Its a money grab, and one I don't like.


    If this game is going to have craftable gear that is equal to raid gear, being able to at the very least color it would be something I'd like to see.  Crafting in different styles could be problematic since raid gear would be stuck with one look like crafted isn't, I get that.  But colors could apply to both.

    • 729 posts
    May 24, 2022 3:35 PM PDT

    Eolair said:


    If this game is going to have craftable gear that is equal to raid gear, being able to at the very least color it would be something I'd like to see.  Crafting in different styles could be problematic since raid gear would be stuck with one look like crafted isn't, I get that.  But colors could apply to both.



    Yes, good point, color it all up. 

    • 2094 posts
    May 24, 2022 4:58 PM PDT

    I hadn't considered that limitation. In my experience, dyes that could color armor would color any armor. So I'd agree that if we can dye armor, it shouldn't JUST be crafted armor we dye, but loot drop as well. Though I could understand if VR decided that a few, very iconic pieces couldn't be dyed.

    • 888 posts
    June 9, 2022 10:47 AM PDT

    I'm all for color variety, but I also hope there will be cultural variations.  Motley haflings, muted colors for Myr (grays, blues, splashes of green), etc.  I also hope some color source items will be only found in certain regions, so those colors are tied in any any outsiders wanting them have to travel or import the rare raw material. This should also apply to woods and metals. There could be a metallic silver with gold veins that's only found near Dwarven lands, for example. 


    StoneFish said:

    I have decided that my Halfling had a past experience involving a roaming pack of Skar that chased him up a tree and out onto a slim branch. Mocking him, he assumed, because he couldn't quite make out what they were saying as they have no lips and sound like they perpetually have a mouth full of marbles. But it was a scaring event and has made my Halfling despise the Skar. A repugnant race of festering fools, the lot of them. 

    I guess you could say you were...


    Skared for life!