Forums » Crafting and Gathering

Oct 2021 newsletter - 17 types of ore? Whoa

    • 113 posts
    October 21, 2021 12:56 PM PDT

    Not sure what to say here other than can we get a confirmation Neph that this wasn't a typo or clarify if this is referring to Node diversity or harvested resources?


    It says "Introduced an additional 17 types of gatherable ore"

    October 2021 Producers’ Letter – Pantheon – Rise Of The Fallen (


    Additional 17, how many were in already? LOL


    Are these "types" just varying quality of the same ore bases? 

    Or perhaps it is NODE types and not 17 Ore types? Like "abundant iron vein" instead of "iron vein"? That provide varying harvesting quantity results of the same ore?

    Or are there literally 17 different types of harvested ore added?


    I'm struggling to think of 17 ores!


    Oops, I was just reminded on discord of this post from Neph

    "Using a real example from our game. A player can expect to harvest Ashenrite Ore from an Ashenrite Mining node. The player will then take their Ashrenrite Ore and smelt it down to discover what metal(s) and potential Celestium Shard(s) it might reveal. Ore’s are made up of mostly Primary metals such as Tin, Copper, Iron, etc... You’ll learn which Ore’s smelt down to yield which metals with experience but during the smelting process, you will also have a rare chance to yield some precious metals such as Gold or Silver and an even more rare material called Celestium Shards. More on those in a future update. Until you have smelted down your Ore, you’re not going to know what the mining gods have in store for you! You can safely assume you will yield some primary metal, though."


    So it is about Nodes.. sorry topic closed :)



    This post was edited by GeneralReb at October 21, 2021 1:25 PM PDT
    • 1785 posts
    October 21, 2021 11:14 PM PDT

    It's true - and it is about the different types of ore nodes that can be found in the world.  By the way - that number (17) is not the full count of different mineable ore types that will exist in Terminus at launch.  The real number is bigger.

    There are many different types of raw resources to gather in Terminus - ore, wood, plants, pelts, fish, and so on.  Many of those resources can be refined into a variety of different materials that you'll use when crafting.

    In the case of the ore, you'll find that refining the raw ore you get yields a number of useful things - for example, iron, gold, or quicksilver.  You'll find that the various types of ore have different yields.  So some ores might be rich in iron while others are rich in silver.  As a miner, you'll want to learn what the various ores refine into, and where they can be found - so that when you get that request from your guildmate for a rare alchemical material such as phosphor, you'll have an idea of where to go looking for it.

    It's also worth mentioning that every type of resource will work differently in regards to the refining process.  For example, while you smelt ore to get various metals or materials, in the case of wood you'll be shaping it or treating it in different ways to bring out different properties for use in crafting items.  Likewise, for leather, refinement will be about using different tanning processes (which you may have to learn about) on the various pelts that you can find in the world.

    This might seem like a lot, but remember that Terminus is a very big world.  We want there to be a wide variety of things you can gather and use because not every region of the world is going to have the same resources available (although some basic things will be found everywhere).  So as a halfling you might create your items very differently than a dwarf, even if you have the same crafting profession.  Our hope is that whenever you encounter a new resource in your travels, you'll be excited to learn more about it and what you can do with it.

    • 223 posts
    October 21, 2021 11:38 PM PDT

    The non-crafting person's interest is piqued.

    • 113 posts
    October 22, 2021 3:13 PM PDT

    Super cool thanks Neph.


    I really like the idea of having ore nodes not simply be "iron ore node" "gold vein" etc. It adds a layer to it of discovery and randomness. 


    Feel free to move this to the Harvesting subforum, Ooops!

    • 612 posts
    October 23, 2021 7:58 PM PDT

    This makes a lot of sense, since Ore is technically just: "a naturally occurring mineral containing a valuable constituent (such as metal) for which it is mined and worked"

    Iron can come from almost any type of Sedimentary Rock, which includes things like: Sandstone, Flint, Limestone, Rock Salt, etc...

    Any Rock that has 15% or more of it's material as Iron is considered 'Iron Rich'

    Some of these rocks are literally created from Iron Oxide: Hematite (Fe2O2) and Magnetite (Fe3O4) These are often just referred to as 'Iron Ore' since they're as Iron Rich as it can come.

    Since other Metals (Copper, Tin, Silver, Gold, etc...) can also be found in these various types of Rock it's actually great that Pantheon will be using all sorts of types of Rock Nodes that might result in a variety of different Metals once Smelted. Players will learn that Hematite and Magnetite will yeld more Iron and things like Quartz will yeld more Gold etc...

    Not to mention that certain types of gemstones will be more common in various types of Rocks too.


    • 2095 posts
    October 24, 2021 5:06 PM PDT

    Lafael said: The non-crafting person's interest is piqued.

    Careful. You're flirting with a serious addiction!

    • 3852 posts
    October 25, 2021 6:01 AM PDT

    "Careful. You're flirting with a serious addiction!"

    In which case interest will peak as well as be piqued. Especially for nodes on top of moiuntains.

    • 2095 posts
    October 26, 2021 2:36 PM PDT

    dorotea said: In which case interest will peak as well as be piqued. Especially for nodes on top of moiuntains.

    I too am particularly looking forward to those lonely nodes on top of mountains.

    • 135 posts
    October 28, 2021 9:23 AM PDT

    Nephele said:

    This might seem like a lot, but remember that Terminus is a very big world.  We want there to be a wide variety of things you can gather and use because not every region of the world is going to have the same resources available (although some basic things will be found everywhere).  So as a halfling you might create your items very differently than a dwarf, even if you have the same crafting profession.  Our hope is that whenever you encounter a new resource in your travels, you'll be excited to learn more about it and what you can do with it.

    Are you considering Racially locked crafting recipes? Or if that Dwarf were to travel to Wild's End would they eventually be able to make the same halfling recipes?

    • 1785 posts
    October 28, 2021 9:58 AM PDT

    Byproducts said:

    Are you considering Racially locked crafting recipes? Or if that Dwarf were to travel to Wild's End would they eventually be able to make the same halfling recipes?

    We're not planning for anything to be "locked" by race right now.  Some schematics, resources, or special components might be things that you need faction standing in order to acquire, but you will always be able to obtain the faction standing to do so, or potentially work with another player who has the faction standing to get access to those items for use in crafting.

    A better way to think about it is that different regions of the world have some different resources available within them.  So as a halfling in Wild's End, you're going to have access to some things that simply aren't found in Khadassa, and likewise a dwarf is going to have access to some things that aren't readily available in Wild's End.

    • 264 posts
    December 1, 2021 3:23 PM PST

    This is an update I am excited about, if crafting is robust in this game that is going to be a breath of fresh air. So far Vanguard had the best crafting I've ever seen in an MMORPG but it does look as though VR is putting some serious attention into it for Pantheon and I love that.

    • 624 posts
    December 14, 2021 8:05 PM PST

    Hey Nephele - how many different types of plants/pelts will we need to gather to refine & craft a fine paisley doublet suitable for entertaining in either a local pub OR the Queen's Court in Thronefast?

    asking for a friend...

    • 295 posts
    December 17, 2021 8:33 PM PST

    This is, by far, one of the most interesting forms of Crafting/Harvesting I have come across in an MMO. That's why I will be glued to my computer when the Crafting/Harvesting Stream comes out.

    • 1785 posts
    December 18, 2021 11:30 AM PST

    Kumu said:

    Hey Nephele - how many different types of plants/pelts will we need to gather to refine & craft a fine paisley doublet suitable for entertaining in either a local pub OR the Queen's Court in Thronefast?

    asking for a friend...

    Generally?  Just one or two.

    Of course, if you want a fine paisley doublet that is appropriate to regional fashion trends and that fits your audience and your planned performance, then you really need a selection of fine paisley doublets.... so um, how many different shows and different venues did you want to perform in, again? :)

    • 624 posts
    December 19, 2021 8:33 PM PST

    Nephele said:

    ....then you really need a selection of fine paisley doublets.... so um, how many different shows and different venues did you want to perform in, again? :)

    All of them! It’s hard to be the bard.

    This post was edited by Kumu at December 19, 2021 8:37 PM PST
    • 902 posts
    December 21, 2021 8:50 AM PST

    With all of these different raw materials and refined materials, has there been consideration on how these are going to be stored between delving into the wilderness? I mean our backpacks are just not going to cut it. Bank slots or a more dedicated work store? Will they be expandable? Craftable? Etc-able? 

    • 1785 posts
    December 21, 2021 12:14 PM PST

    chenzeme said:

    With all of these different raw materials and refined materials, has there been consideration on how these are going to be stored between delving into the wilderness? I mean our backpacks are just not going to cut it. Bank slots or a more dedicated work store? Will they be expandable? Craftable? Etc-able? 

    Not ready to reveal details on this stuff yet, but two things I can say:

    The first is yes - we are definitely taking it into account :)

    The second is that we want the overall approach people take to crafting in Pantheon to be a little different from existing MMOs.  In most current MMOs, you go out and grind (or buy) big stockpiles of resources.  You then use those stockpiles to grind out tons of things to advance, or you potentially keep a little to make the few things that you really wanted.  Either way, it results in a lot of essentially wasted resources - You're acquiring them, storing them, and using them merely as a means to advance and not for any other purpose.  Not to mention, this activity also creates some really unbalanced economic situations because of people's tendency to try and dump their grind items on the market.

    When you craft in Pantheon, I want you to really have a purpose beyond simply progression for doing that.  That purpose could be to help finish an interesting task for an NPC that impacts the world in some way, or it could be to create something useful for yourself or for other players.  It could be part of collaborating with other players on a bigger project.  But grinding for the sake of grinding is something that we want to minimize - progression will be handled somewhat differently from what you're used to in other games as a result.

    Ideally this then changes the paradigm for a lot of crafting from "what do you have on hand" to "what specific thing are you trying to make and what do you need for it?"  With a wide variety of potential resources and materials to use you might find yourself embarking on a self-generated quest to get something specific because you want to make something very specific.  Or, you might find yourself working with others to ensure you have access to things that you don't use as frequently or only need in smaller quantities.  While some players will almost certainly stockpile resources whether out of habit or a desire to be self-reliant, I'm hoping we can create a situation where that's not actually as much of a requirement to be a successful crafter.

    Predicting exactly how players will behave with a complex series of interactions like this is not easy, and so ultimately, we're going to be watching closely during alpha and beta to see how people are leveraging the system, and why.  That in turn will help inform aspects like storage so that we can launch with something that's fair, that makes sense, and that adds to the experience for players rather than subtracting from it :)

    When we're ready to share more details, we will, but I hope that helps prompt some interesting thought about how you might approach this kind of crafting system as compared to others that you might be used to.


    • 1860 posts
    December 21, 2021 1:47 PM PST

    When you craft in Pantheon, I want you to really have a purpose beyond simply progression for doing that.  That purpose could be to help finish an interesting task for an NPC that impacts the world in some way, or it could be to create something useful for yourself or for other players.  It could be part of collaborating with other players on a bigger project.  But grinding for the sake of grinding is something that we want to minimize -progression will be handled somewhat differently from what you're used to in other games
     some players will almost certainly stockpile resources whether out of habit or a desire to be self-reliant, I'm hoping we can create a situation where that's not actually as much of a requirement to be a successful crafter.


    Can you elaborate more on this neph?  The way I'm deciphering that is to skill up crafting, players will be required to do quests or tasks instead of only grinding points through combines.  How much will grinding skillups be minimized?  Will that be an option at all?  Will there be tasks other than crafting combines that are required in order to skill up crafting?  

    This post was edited by philo at December 21, 2021 1:48 PM PST
    • 1785 posts
    December 21, 2021 2:02 PM PST

    philo said:

    Can you elaborate more on this neph?  The way I'm deciphering that is to skill up crafting, players will be required to do quests or tasks instead of only grinding points through combines.  How much will grinding skillups be minimized?  Will that be an option at all?  Will there be tasks other than crafting combines that are required in order to skill up crafting?  

    I'll be able to talk more about the envisioned mechanics of this in the new year sometime, but :)

    - You'll be able to earn experience in your crafting profession through a variety of methods, including creating new items, undertaking quests or quest-like activities, and making discoveries.

    - Doing the same thing over and over to advance will experience some form of diminishing returns.

    - While growing in terms of raw experience will be important, in order to effectively utilize that experience you may find you need to venture out into the world to learn new techniques or styles.

    - A large part of crafting progression will be your own personal journey of specialization in terms of which aspects of your profession you choose to develop and which ones you choose not to.

    • 1860 posts
    December 21, 2021 3:30 PM PST

    Nephele said:

    I'll be able to talk more about the envisioned mechanics of this in the new year sometime, but :)

    - You'll be able to earn experience in your crafting profession through a variety of methods, including creating new items, undertaking quests or quest-like activities, and making discoveries.

    Can you explain what you mean by "making discoveries" please?  Will this tie into perception?

    I know I've said it before but,  thanks for taking the time to answer questions so openly in these threads. ;)


    This post was edited by philo at December 21, 2021 3:33 PM PST
    • 1785 posts
    December 21, 2021 7:03 PM PST

    philo said:

    Nephele said:

    I'll be able to talk more about the envisioned mechanics of this in the new year sometime, but :)

    - You'll be able to earn experience in your crafting profession through a variety of methods, including creating new items, undertaking quests or quest-like activities, and making discoveries.

    Can you explain what you mean by "making discoveries" please?  Will this tie into perception?

    I know I've said it before but,  thanks for taking the time to answer questions so openly in these threads. ;)


    Discoveries will include things like the first time you craft an item made from a rare schematic, or potentially the first time you use a special component in an item, or (for cooking and alchemy), the first time you use a rare ingredient.  There may be other things too, depending what fun ideas we come up with.

    There will be a tie-in between crafting and perception, and it may help with leading you to potential discoveries, but it won't be a direct tie-in.  Just like adventuring and keeping, we don't want crafters to feel like they must become keepers in order to be successful at crafting.

    • 902 posts
    December 23, 2021 5:04 AM PST

    I am happy to hear that the grind for crafting will be reduced in Pantheon. That's great!

    Maybe I need to see this in action, but (as with my current habits, as you put it) when I want to craft an item I go and get the materials but I will also get a lot of potentially useful) other materials while I look for the elusive material I am actually after. I won't want to just get rid of the stuff (and effort) that I don't need at this point in time, so I would like to store those extra items until i am in a position to utilise them or sell them(?).

    Also, if I craft something useful to me and others, this will mean that I have a tradeable item and will want to create more and stockpile the resources to make that item? If stockpiling will be difficult then I am forced to make as I go along. This would mean a lot of trips back and forth between the wilderness and the workshop? This seems to be grind in a different form?

    I guess I need to see, feel and use your system.

    • 1785 posts
    December 23, 2021 7:04 AM PST

    chenzeme said:

    I am happy to hear that the grind for crafting will be reduced in Pantheon. That's great!

    Maybe I need to see this in action, but (as with my current habits, as you put it) when I want to craft an item I go and get the materials but I will also get a lot of potentially useful) other materials while I look for the elusive material I am actually after. I won't want to just get rid of the stuff (and effort) that I don't need at this point in time, so I would like to store those extra items until i am in a position to utilise them or sell them(?).

    Also, if I craft something useful to me and others, this will mean that I have a tradeable item and will want to create more and stockpile the resources to make that item? If stockpiling will be difficult then I am forced to make as I go along. This would mean a lot of trips back and forth between the wilderness and the workshop? This seems to be grind in a different form?

    I guess I need to see, feel and use your system.

    Yes - even with the approach that we're taking you'll still likely want to store/stockpile some things, so storage is definitely something we're thinking about as part of the overall equation :)

    Really looking forward to getting feedback (as well as some good data) from you all during Alpha and Beta on this aspect!


    • 83 posts
    December 28, 2021 10:18 AM PST

    I'm personally anticipating a bit of a return to the classic EQ2 storage dynamic where we have access to both backpacks and crates, where crates store more and better but aren't as portable (being very bulky/heavy themselves).