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How many people are expecting an EQ like game?

    • 24 posts
    March 7, 2021 5:22 PM PST

    Just curious who is all here specifically because of everquest, not any other mmo. I saw the class list and was like sweet an eq clone. I know this is not claimed as an eq clone, but obviously because of brad(rip) there will be a ton of similarities. I understand this is in no way, shape or form everquest, but I made my pledge based on this being the closest EQ1 experience I can get. I tried playing eq1 recently, but ngl, I can't do the old-school graphics.


    I've noticed a large portion of this community is familiar with everquest, which is something I haven't seen in a community since EQ2. I'm going to assume this game is a target for the everquest community in particular.

    • 83 posts
    March 8, 2021 12:07 AM PST

    I certainly am here because of Everquest. The grand scheme of things and the general mechanics seem close enough to old school Everquest (for example, monks can Feign Death pull) even if there are tons of new features. Especially the Climate and the Perception system are two very new features. The mob AI is also way more subtle as in EQ. The common opinion says Pantheon is a spiritual successor of EQ, but it includes enough new and different features/tools not to be a clone of classic EQ.

    There is a very interesting clip on YouTube by Bazgrim about the topic, you might want to see it :

    • 560 posts
    March 8, 2021 12:30 AM PST

    I am here to find out if all MMO’s that Brad did not help make sucked or if I am just not able to be pulled into a world anymore like I was for EQ and Vanguard. After trying game after game only to be disappointed I feel like Pantheon is my last hope. In a way I am here because of EQ and Vanguard but I feel even more so because of Brad.

    • 83 posts
    March 8, 2021 2:19 AM PST

    I totally agree. Sort of last hope MMO :-) But the Pantheon "pre-community" alone is a big factor of optimism for me - after all, the people you play with are also an important factor (if not a critical factor) whereas you like the game.

    • 24 posts
    March 8, 2021 3:45 AM PST

    With the exception of EQ2, no game has ever drawn me in like everquest did. Like many this is my last hope, sink or swim. If for whatever reason I do not enjoy the game I must simply really not be interested in mmos anymore. From everything we know so far, this is the type of mmo I've been dreaming of, which I had already accepted as gone forever. Really, the only thing I would change is the "true pve" element and no grouped/raid instances. Idk how I feel about the perception system yet, could be interesting for casters, but a diverse group should be good.

    I'm really thankful that I can now cancel my new world pre-order as it has nothing that I want in an mmo and closed beta confirmed that.

    • 6 posts
    March 8, 2021 9:20 AM PST

    I would certainly say that the similarties between Pantheon and EQ1 is the main gravational force that brought me here. I have searched high and low for a game that could replace EQ1 in the "feels" (while I don't expect this as you can really only have that new experience once), challenge, community and more. This game has the potential and certainly seems the closest option to be the time sink I have wanted.

    • 139 posts
    March 8, 2021 9:58 AM PST

    I didn't play EQ as much as I would have liked. Jumped ship to EQ2 just as I was getting into it. But I don't want to play EQ. It's outdated - and not just in graphics and clunkiness but also player engagement. I'm hoping for EQ but better

    • 41 posts
    March 8, 2021 2:11 PM PST

    While I do appreciate the way Pantheon seems to be striving to embrace the "spirit" of EQ (I played at launch), I am not one of those that think Pantheon needs to be bound by the constraints of EQ.

    Examine and use what works for them, leave out what doesn't, evolve in a way that makes sense for their vision (the mastery and perception systems are great examples of this).

    I am in favor of using EQ as inspiration, I am not in favor of using it as some type of blueprint that needs to be blindly adhered to.

    This post was edited by Finn at March 8, 2021 4:23 PM PST
    • 231 posts
    March 9, 2021 9:53 AM PST

    I didn't even play EQ until a year or two ago. My MMO journey started with Dark Age of Camelot, which I played as a PvE game. I miss the environment, immersion, and cameraderie I found it that type of social, cooperative gameplay. I miss sinking into another world for months, years.

    So no, I'm not looking for an EQ clone, and I don't believe that's what this will be, even though I hope EQ veterans are happy with the game. I'm looking for a world to explore and become part of, which is, I believe, what Brad wanted to make, and what Joppa wants to make.

    And the community that I've found here is already fantastic, I think. People help one another, talk about the world and what it might be, make content.

    I think there is a lot of hope that this will be the game that makes us feel like we did in better MMO days.

    • 2094 posts
    March 9, 2021 3:45 PM PST

    Crowsinger said: I miss the environment, immersion, and cameraderie I found it that type of social, cooperative gameplay. I miss sinking into another world for months, years.

    So no, I'm not looking for an EQ clone, and I don't believe that's what this will be, even though I hope EQ veterans are happy with the game. I'm looking for a world to explore and become part of, which is, I believe, what Brad wanted to make, and what Joppa wants to make.

    And the community that I've found here is already fantastic, I think. People help one another, talk about the world and what it might be, make content.

    I think there is a lot of hope that this will be the game that makes us feel like we did in better MMO days.

    This pretty much captures my expectations spot on. I not only didn't play EQ, I've never even seen a video of someone ELSE playing it :) But I played and loved Vanguard, despite its flaws. And had my own "better MMO days" 20 years ago in AC with close friends and friendly strangers in a far away, exotic land.


    Here's hoping we all can find at least a part of what we're looking for.

    • 729 posts
    March 17, 2021 2:36 PM PDT

    EQ was a dangerous adventure for me. A place that was always active and had real people sharing a space designed for fun and enjoyment.


    Those key elements appear to be included in what VR is creating.  


    So some of those EQ things draw me in.  I didn't get to play EQ as much as I wanted as I was busy at the time and I had to move every few month.  Now I'm a home owner and I can create a reliable time to enjoy making friends and falling off cliffs and shooting goblins in the butt.

    • 25 posts
    March 31, 2021 5:33 AM PDT

    I personally am afraid it's going to be too much like EQ in ways. While EQ had its heyday, it did not age well and is slowly dying for a reason (yes I'm aware people still play it). Nostalgia can be powerful, but detrimental to progress. So, while I'm hoping to see a tough, team oriented game with a similar spirit as EQ, I'm also hoping to see a MMO of the now, using current technology and game design, which has learned from the past and can remain relevant for more than a few months. Which, unfortunately, is very unlikely.