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OFFICIAL: New character models 3/5/20

    • 1430 posts
    March 7, 2020 8:51 AM PST

    Qulash said:

    cephalopod eyes would be fantastic for dark myr.  for archai, one could just add irises that have a rocky appearance, but keep the pupil and the sclera glowy.

    This post was edited by NoJuiceViscosity at March 7, 2020 8:52 AM PST
    • 752 posts
    March 7, 2020 9:31 AM PST
    Archai look how my mind imagined.

    Dark Myr look like water elves to me.

    Skar..... something feels off.

    • 370 posts
    March 7, 2020 9:56 AM PST

    While I think the models look very good they just aren't characters I'd want to play. This really comes down to preference though, I wouldn't change anything about them, they look great.

    • 1430 posts
    March 7, 2020 9:59 AM PST

    kreed99 said: Archai look how my mind imagined. Dark Myr look like water elves to me. Skar..... something feels off.

    it's cuz they don't have underwear without genitals.  unless their erogenous zones can fold into their bodies and sealed by bones for extra protection, like a turtle head(get it?) but for reproduction.  you know how handy that would be as a male fighter to protect the family jewels?  they do need reptilian scales, and the dark myr need fish scales for ultra immersion!

    • 627 posts
    March 7, 2020 10:04 AM PST
    I think they are great! Cant wait to play Archai Shaman with water atunment.

    All 3 races look cool and fit in the game. Sure they are familier to humans, i dont see that as a bad thing at all. Maybe play a bit with the size of the races to make them a tad more different.

    • 238 posts
    March 7, 2020 10:14 AM PST

    I'm going to give my honest opinions.

    I am impressed with the Archai models. I think the team did a really good job of capturing their identity and unique aesthetics. 

    The Dark Myr are not really doing it for me. They appear to have lost their siren-like appearance that offers the promise of beauty but also the deadly threat of being dragged to the bottom of the ocean.  Their facial bone structure looks to be a bit too harsh/angular and overall I would say that that they look more amphibian-like vs merfolk/fish-like. I think that the presence of scaling on the arms, legs, and torso would help as well as webbing on the feet. I also think that softer facial bone structures would help with the harshness and angularity of their face.

    I think that the Skar race is really well designed based on their lore. The model, however, is not really what I was expecting based on the concept art the website has. I would need to see the customization options available in-game to decide if this is a race that I would want to play as. Though being honest, Skar Necromancers are a concept that I find terrifying. I don't think I could imagine a more aesthetically appropriate class for summoning undead minions and spreading disease and plagues around.  

    This post was edited by Baldur at March 7, 2020 10:17 AM PST
    • 1430 posts
    March 7, 2020 10:25 AM PST

    Baldur said:

    I'm going to give my honest opinions.

    I am impressed with the Archai models. I think the team did a really good job of capturing their identity and unique aesthetics. 

    The Dark Myr are not really doing it for me. They appear to have lost their siren-like appearance that offers the promise of beauty but also the deadly threat of being dragged to the bottom of the ocean.  Their facial bone structure looks to be a bit too harsh/angular and overall I would say that that they look more amphibian-like vs merfolk/fish-like. I think that the presence of scaling on the arms, legs, and torso would help as well as webbing on the feet. I also think that softer facial bone structures would help with the harshness and angularity of their face.

    I think that Skar race really is well designed based on their lore. The model, however, is not really what I was expecting based on the concept art the website has. I would need to see the customization options available in-game to decide if this is a race that I would want to play as. Though being honest, Skar Necromancers are a concept that I find terrifying. I don't think I could imagine a more aesthetically appropriate class for summoning undead minions and spreading disease and plagues around.  

    they can always tweak the models later.  super ez with unity.  as a launchpad for models, it is more than sufficient.

    i do agree with dark myr though.  they need fins for hair.  a mo-hawk fins, jellyfish tendrils, even octopus tentacles(ehhe) would be great.

    BUT that can come later in a cash shop rofl

    • 209 posts
    March 7, 2020 10:58 AM PST

    DaveBowers said:

    Celandor said:

    Questaar said:

    What does everyone think of the new Dark Myr, Skar, and Archai models?


    Dark Myr - I like them I like the gills, and the ears especially.  They seem more water      based to me.  They also have more claw like fingernails.  I think they should have regular eyes.  I would keep the eye lights for the gnomes and Archai.  

    I agree on the Dark Myr eyes.  On Archai and gnomes they seem to fit, but on the DM they just seem vacant.

     I second the thought about their eyes.  Assuming a more water-based character, bioluminescence makes sense for the body, but the eyes should be large dilated pupils with secondary lids to filter the light for when above water.

    I didn't catch it at first, but I too would have to agree about the Dark Myr eyes. Since they are not meant to be a "metaphysical" race in the same way as Gnomes and Archai, it would seem to me that their eyes should look more or less human to reflect their more corporeal identity. Otherwise, I love everything about the new models.

    • 99 posts
    March 7, 2020 2:56 PM PST

    Just wanted to say how much I enjoy the new character models I have even changed my desktop image to the black out of the Skar faces should creep out the kids hehe. I have said this in another post or two but i was never interested in the skar until seeing the new models. I was set on ogre and Hafling as just an old favorite but the Skar is becoming a hot contender at this point. The Dark Myr look really good in my opinion also see alot of hate on the eyes but if you read the race page in the first paragraph it states they have a "slender form and ghostly eyes cast an unmistakable presence". looks like they nailed it from where I sit. I am also interested in this race but more based on the Lore and what I think the city will look like. An enchanter with those glowing eyes would be wicked for sure. The Archai look good the texture is fantastic I just am nnot that interested in them personally. With all that said i do think that most of this is going to be hard to see under armor so other then it getting me excited about the level of detail that is going into this and the potential for that aspect to bleed out into the rest of the game not sure if its worth more then a bit of hype for the game. Final thought the VR did an amazing job and the Skar look fearsome my favorite of the night.

    • 1479 posts
    March 7, 2020 4:25 PM PST

    I like the three of them, Archai looks great but I thought they would look less rocky, not to bug me since it was what I planned to do anyway, but they might lack self indentity.


    Dark Myrs don't catch me much but the lack of hairs makes it quite hard for me to judge.


    Skars are really awesome, even if I won't play one.

    • 119 posts
    March 7, 2020 6:21 PM PST

    Skaar look good, though I've no intention of playing one. I like how unique they look.

    Dark Myr, despite originally being my favorite, are not my cup of tea the way they're presented here. I feel that they look too much like a human with a paintjob. Not lithe or aquatic looking enough. When I look at them I don't imagine that they could live in an aquatic environment and get around very gracefully. I guess one way of putting it, is that the design isn't pushed far enough. It looks lovely in terms of texture quality, et cetera, but the design I'm not really a fan of.

    Archai look great. Very distinctive, good contrast, colors.

    Given what we have here, I'd probably choose between Dark Myr and Archai based on who has the better hairstyles :]


    • 124 posts
    March 8, 2020 5:10 AM PDT

    I love the models, but agree with many constructive comments / ideas here, such as fins / scales in place of hair for the Dark Myr, their limbs being elongated to denote their aquatic habitat and their eyes to be more representative of being a water dwelling race. Also, we really need to take into consideration what the postures / animations are going to be like for these races, as this will really help to give them a sense of identity. It will be a crazy challenge for the animators as this will be key to really help differentiate one race, from the others, particularly given their similar humanoid silhouettes.

    One thing I remember the development team saying about Dark Age of Camelot was they wanted each race and class to be immediately identifiable by its silhouette / animation from a distance, this was to aid in PvP combat and tactical responses to the enemy you're facing. From that perspective, I think that, the animations and / or silhouettes of these classes really need to make them stand out because once you cover them in armour, they're all going to look very samey / humanoid, particularly from a distance. It may sound redundant wanting these classes to be identifiable from a distance, but if you're a race that's kill on sight due to faction, you're really going to want to be able to identify them from afar.

    Don't get me wrong, I really love the models, I could never create anything even remotely as good as that myself, I just really enjoyed the extreme differences between race animations / models in EQ (and many other games for that matter), such as the Iksar, or Ogres. Even if they were way off in the distance, you could tell exactly what you were looking at.

    I wasn't overly keen on the Archai previously, but those new models have seriously changed my view of them, I genuinely wouldn't change anything about them.

    The Skar are great, too, I'd love to see some character creation options to increase the size / frequency of their spines, though.

    Good job VR, and great constructive feedback from the community, too. I wish the rest of the Internet could adopt this kind of mentality and stop the toxicity that's making everyone depressed and miserable.

    • 768 posts
    March 8, 2020 11:55 AM PDT

    I'd have to agree on the remark of them looking too much like a human. 

    I understand that it's required to allow armor to fit and whatnot. But...

    Archai: As a standard design, Archai could have a wide lower body for example. A more quarelike build. You'll have to explain how newborn are fed and raised. But I too find that a humanoid female body is actually not a must have in fantasy. You can still show a female figure or other bodyshapes that make a female distinct from a male, without resorting to humanoid features.  (Just have a look at how things differentiate in the animal kingdom, (or even plant kingdom)) Plenty of examples there that show sexdifferentation without any link to humanoid features. Eyes: I do hope they are of the burning kind.  I do like their skintexture. 

    Dark myr: I actually quite like them. I might go a bit further with their gills, perhaps connecting them with the back of their jawline. I would keep flippers between their hands and toes. If it's not manageable with the hands, at least their toes. I wouldn't mind a hint of a dorsal fin either. The dorsal fin could start at the base of the neck and follow the spine down or it could be displayed at the upper arms.  I am really crossing my fingers on EYEBROW features for this race on character creation screen (scales, fins, flipperesc textures, even coral or algea. Please don't let me down on that. Imagine bears made of algea or hard coral!!  The lower body is again too thin for me. These are beings that rely on the muscles of their lower body much more then the upper body. By definitition, the standard build should be more "pearshaped" when it comes to muscle build.

    Scar: I still like them. Thumbs up for upholding those protruding bone features. They offer a lot of potential at character creation. I like the insiniuation of gender related skin colourations. Perhaps the protruding bones could also define gender. Many options there. Some frogs keep their eggs in their backs and hetch them there. This could work with the Skar, as they wouldn't need lips to suckle. But I'm not here to rewrite Skar lore ofc. Just noting that here also are other options to define genders while covered in armour; skin colourations, shape of the protruding bones, hairstyles, design of the back of the female (and removing the mammary glands). I do hope that the Skar will have protruding bones coming out of their jawline or chin as wel. Character creation? hint hint? I might have given them Chameleon eyes and an actual nose/bonefeature instead of the humanoid nose cavity. I like how they combined muscle with scales and skinny size of them. They definately should not be wide.




    • 1479 posts
    March 8, 2020 1:39 PM PDT

    Found what bugs me on myr.


    They have human broad faces. Large chins, large noses. They don't look like sea elves to me but like Sea humans, which does not really fit my idea of what they were supposed to be according to texts and such. With less broad faces and more angular features, I'm sure I'd like them.

    • 523 posts
    March 8, 2020 2:15 PM PDT

    The three new races are, by far, good enough.  Spend your resources elsewhere moving forward.

    • 228 posts
    March 9, 2020 4:03 AM PDT

    I think they're all pretty good, but I agree with those who think the Dark Myrs' eyes should emphasize the aquatic nature of these beings more.

    Check out "The Shape of Water" for inspration.

    • 2752 posts
    March 9, 2020 10:45 AM PDT

    leveraging the essence of her immortality to recreate the Myr anew, even giving them a lung by which to breath on land and legs with which to walk. In a brilliant moment of sacrifice, the miraculous exchange saved the Myr, transforming them forever. 

    The Dark Myr are not aquatic dwelling races anymore. Their bodies were transformed and it's very likely they gained eyes more suited to land and other adaptations to help them thrive in an entirely different environment than the water. They have trace remnants of their past forms but otherwise were remade as land dwellers. 

    • 379 posts
    March 9, 2020 11:25 AM PDT
    Iksar said:
    The Dark Myr are not aquatic dwelling races anymore.

    But then why do they have Underwater Breathing as a racial passive? Lololol #Lore #Aliens #DraeneiFromSpace
    • 2752 posts
    March 9, 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    Fragile said: But then why do they have Underwater Breathing as a racial passive? Lololol #Lore #Aliens #DraeneiFromSpace

    For reasons I mentioned? They have some traces leftover from before the transformation such as gills. The passive is even called Vestige of Syronai.


    Definition of vestige
    1a(1): a trace, mark, or visible sign left by something (such as an ancient city or a condition or practice) vanished or lost
    (2): the smallest quantity or trace

    2: a bodily part or organ that is small and degenerate or imperfectly developed in comparison to one more fully developed in an earlier stage of the individual, in a past generation, or in closely related forms

    They can't live underwater as the waters of Terminus are poisonous to their bodies, but they can still spend a lot of time there before falling victim to the poison. 

    • 888 posts
    March 9, 2020 12:11 PM PDT
    Give the Dark Myr's eyes a translucent nictating membrane that are visible when out of water and give them visible pupils. The membrane would make the pupils less visible and would tint them. When they are underwater, the membrane retracts and their eyes are fully visible.

    Note that I think all three models look amazing and are very well made. I agree that I would like to see a less human silhouette, but that probably isn't practical and would commit VR to taking a lot longer to produce armor.
    • 379 posts
    March 9, 2020 12:28 PM PDT
    Iksar said:
    They can't live underwater as the waters of Terminus are poisonous to their bodies, but they can still spend a lot of time there before falling victim to the poison
    I was merely commenting how lore doesn't make sense in ties to it's passive. And to your response, Underwater Breathing doesn't mean you can hold your breath for a little bit before having to get out of the pool. It's forever, like diamonds bruh.

    I will say your definition does make more sense, as the water molecules were poisonous and not just liquid being ingested (into the lungs). But does that mean they could live in a vat milk?
    • 2093 posts
    March 9, 2020 12:41 PM PDT

    From the race description page for Dark Myr:

    "In the present Frail Age, the Dark Myr are seeking to claim the old glories of Issul. They have subdued their realm of the ocean and built a glorious city in honor of Syronai. Yet beneath the surface of splendor, there is an unsettling current that runs through the deep places, where the Dark Myr have descended like the ancient leviathans they were born to destroy."

    Sure sounds to me like they still live underwater (as well as on the land).

    This post was edited by Jothany at March 9, 2020 12:41 PM PDT
    • 379 posts
    March 9, 2020 12:43 PM PDT
    Tell me how that is possible, like explain it.
    • 2752 posts
    March 9, 2020 1:42 PM PDT

    Jothany said:

    From the race description page for Dark Myr:

    "In the present Frail Age, the Dark Myr are seeking to claim the old glories of Issul. They have subdued their realm of the ocean and built a glorious city in honor of Syronai. Yet beneath the surface of splendor, there is an unsettling current that runs through the deep places, where the Dark Myr have descended like the ancient leviathans they were born to destroy."

    Sure sounds to me like they still live underwater (as well as on the land).

    Subdue is an interesting word choice but given the rest of the lore available I'd bet falls into the bolded below:

    transitive verb

    -·dued′, -·du′ing
    to bring into subjection; conquer; vanquish
    to overcome, as by persuasion or training; control
    to make less intense; reduce; diminish; soften; allay
    to repress (emotions, passions, etc.)
    to bring (land) under cultivation

    • 1430 posts
    March 9, 2020 2:32 PM PDT

    Jothany said:

    From the race description page for Dark Myr:

    "In the present Frail Age, the Dark Myr are seeking to claim the old glories of Issul. They have subdued their realm of the ocean and built a glorious city in honor of Syronai. Yet beneath the surface of splendor, there is an unsettling current that runs through the deep places, where the Dark Myr have descended like the ancient leviathans they were born to destroy."

    Sure sounds to me like they still live underwater (as well as on the land).

    the nytherian red are basically the purist and would still be underwater near where nythir died.  the water in terminus is poisonous to them so it's not like they can actually stay in the oceans of terminus willy nilly.  and that's why they killed syronai cuz she was genetically modifying them and the nythir boys weren't having it.  i mean 1 lung 2 gills kind of sucks as far as body efficiency goes.  essentially they have gills they can't use.