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Added 2 Dev Diaries

    • 200 posts
    October 9, 2019 10:30 AM PDT

    Vander said:

    Greatdark said: How about all these side tracking, time wasting, posts/questions you and your team keep doing and we use it to get into Alpha.



    I respectfully disagree with you. We had a long period when VR went dark. Engaging with the community is a good thing. VR got a lot of backlash when they went completely dark for a long period. ( I'm guilty of this )  Brad and Joppa talking to us now. Is a good and positive thing. For me it helps to put some worries that were festering to rest.

    I also look at it as VR cares about feedback from the supporters/ pledgers and that is a breath of fresh air. 


    I agree with your overall sentiment, however I still feel like VR is still in "dark mode". We still haven't heard anything about PF or anything else. Just a few concepts and ideas. Nothing official.

    Again, yes I am glad to finally see some communication from them!


    • 1315 posts
    October 9, 2019 10:43 AM PDT

    I will at least put this thought out there. If VR comes up with a great and revolutionary idea and they talk about it before implementing it it counts as public disclosure but not a copy write. They can neither patent it or claim someone is copying it if a AAA studio decides to steal and implement the idea before VR is able to run a fully working demo. If instead their public disclosure is in the form of a completed function then their ability to defend it is much much higher.

    A lot of what the team is working on right now sounds to be the innovative systems they hope to include with launch. These are also the systems they wish to hype for both interest and investment. If they talk about a system that they just can't get working yet they both open themselves up for loosing control of the intellectual property and looking like partial failures. They want to make a clear “do, not say” to differentiate themselves from the indy studios that talk a big game then buy a cottage on a lake with the kickstarter money.


    • 2419 posts
    October 9, 2019 1:35 PM PDT

    I need to respond to a particular statement you made, Brad, with the emphasis on the bolded part:


    Aradune: So we know there are a LOT less people who are Fantheons but they are older now, have spouses, kids, demanding jobs, etc.  We get it.  We're designing our sessions around 2 or so hours a day.  That means you can find a safe place and camp out and return tomorrow, or the next day.  That does not stop the hard-core player from playing 12 hours straight.  I wouldn't recommend it because really, outside of some raids, and even then, our content is not going to be designed for that.  The game softly restricts you from leveling too quickly in a variety of ways, none of which stop you from earning exp and still playing the game.  But you won't get the level if you try to sit in one place, have a high-level friend bring deep reds to you, help you bring it down in health, then sitting back while you get exp. 

    This makes my head spin.  Are you actually stating that it is the intent of VR to hard code means that would deliberately restrict the speed at which players level?  Really?  You're going to dictate to me my leveling speed?  What is the definition of 'too quickly' in the first place?  Who decided it?  Was the playerbase going to be told of this artifical speed limit? If I and my group want to play for 12 hours straight, engaging in content equal to or above our level for the best possible XP and gear, that you're going to deliberately reduce the rate at which we gain XP because you're designing for 'sessions around 2 hours a day'?

    If that is the intent and that efforts are being put forward in support of that then tell me now I can put this game behind me. Because I won't accept that at all.

    This post was edited by Vandraad at October 9, 2019 1:36 PM PDT
    • 379 posts
    October 9, 2019 2:09 PM PDT

    Vandraad said:

    I need to respond to a particular statement you made, Brad, with the emphasis on the bolded part:


    Aradune: So we know there are a LOT less people who are Fantheons but they are older now, have spouses, kids, demanding jobs, etc.  We get it.  We're designing our sessions around 2 or so hours a day.  That means you can find a safe place and camp out and return tomorrow, or the next day.  That does not stop the hard-core player from playing 12 hours straight.  I wouldn't recommend it because really, outside of some raids, and even then, our content is not going to be designed for that.  The game softly restricts you from leveling too quickly in a variety of ways, none of which stop you from earning exp and still playing the game.  But you won't get the level if you try to sit in one place, have a high-level friend bring deep reds to you, help you bring it down in health, then sitting back while you get exp. 

    This makes my head spin.  Are you actually stating that it is the intent of VR to hard code means that would deliberately restrict the speed at which players level?  Really?  You're going to dictate to me my leveling speed?  What is the definition of 'too quickly' in the first place?  Who decided it?  Was the playerbase going to be told of this artifical speed limit? If I and my group want to play for 12 hours straight, engaging in content equal to or above our level for the best possible XP and gear, that you're going to deliberately reduce the rate at which we gain XP because you're designing for 'sessions around 2 hours a day'?

    If that is the intent and that efforts are being put forward in support of that then tell me now I can put this game behind me. Because I won't accept that at all.

    I also would like a response on this, as it would kill it for me.

    • 75 posts
    October 9, 2019 2:19 PM PDT

    Vandraad said:

    I need to respond to a particular statement you made, Brad, with the emphasis on the bolded part:


    Aradune: So we know there are a LOT less people who are Fantheons but they are older now, have spouses, kids, demanding jobs, etc.  We get it.  We're designing our sessions around 2 or so hours a day.  That means you can find a safe place and camp out and return tomorrow, or the next day.  That does not stop the hard-core player from playing 12 hours straight.  I wouldn't recommend it because really, outside of some raids, and even then, our content is not going to be designed for that.  The game softly restricts you from leveling too quickly in a variety of ways, none of which stop you from earning exp and still playing the game.  But you won't get the level if you try to sit in one place, have a high-level friend bring deep reds to you, help you bring it down in health, then sitting back while you get exp. 

    This makes my head spin.  Are you actually stating that it is the intent of VR to hard code means that would deliberately restrict the speed at which players level?  Really?  You're going to dictate to me my leveling speed?  What is the definition of 'too quickly' in the first place?  Who decided it?  Was the playerbase going to be told of this artifical speed limit? If I and my group want to play for 12 hours straight, engaging in content equal to or above our level for the best possible XP and gear, that you're going to deliberately reduce the rate at which we gain XP because you're designing for 'sessions around 2 hours a day'?

    If that is the intent and that efforts are being put forward in support of that then tell me now I can put this game behind me. Because I won't accept that at all.

    I too, am curious if you can elaborate on this the best you can Brad. As stated are these sessiosns designed for 2hr game play or can myself and a group play for X time and grind without XP nerfs happening? I do understand what you are saying about high levels essentially power leveling people and I'm fine with that. But what do you mean softly restricting you from leveling too quickly? Does someone who plays for 2 hrs a day earn faster or same amount of xp vs someone playing 6 hrs and after the 2hr mark the xp gets nerfed? Also assuming you mean xp won't be great as you gain levels and stay in the same camp all day due to mobs having less xp etc, which again is fine if it's just about moving too another camp. But the statement does come off a bit bizarre.

    • 1315 posts
    October 9, 2019 2:27 PM PDT


    It has been hinted at in other threads and posts that skills will need to be acquired by more in depth means than just running to a trainer or eating an old piece of paper. At one point feats of strength or break through events are needed at certain points in order to continue to advance. I have not heard about this in a while though so no idea how it has been carried forward.

    In either case the soft restriction would be the need to stop grinding and go find the source of the skill you want and complete what ever tasks are required to be rewarded with it. In theory you could ignore gaining the skills and keep grinding away as Brad said but it may be more valuable to stop power leveling and instead go do your quest. After all in the FAQ it says that progression will be about both leveling and prestige (what ever that will end up being in Pantheon) and you may not be able to do both at the same time.

     2.3 How will players get new spells and abilities and will we be able to purchase them ahead of time or will they have to return to a trainer to learn them as they go?

    At this point you could acquire them ahead of time but that is not set in stone. An important factoid however: not all of your abilities and spells will be on trainers sitting in safe spaces in villages and towns; rather, the more exotic and desired abilities you'll have to learn from NPCs whom you'll have to find -- for example, an ancient sage found in the depths of a dungeon or at the top room of an ominous tower. You may also have to find research abilities or acquire them through rare drops.



    Game Tenets


    • An awareness that content is king.
    • A requirement that classes have identities. No single player should be able to do everything on their own.
    • A belief that game economies should be predicated on delaying and minimizing item value deflation.
    • A commitment to a style of play that focuses on immersive combat, and engaging group mechanics.
    • An understanding that a truly challenging game is truly rewarding.
    • An expectation that with greater risk will come greater reward.
    • An understanding that player involvement is required for progression. All actions (or lack thereof) should have consequences. Positive actions should be rewarded. Apathy or lack of action should not be rewarded with bonuses.
    • A belief that meaningful character progression will always involve a player increasing in both power and prestige.

    This post was edited by Trasak at October 9, 2019 2:33 PM PDT
    • 75 posts
    October 9, 2019 3:12 PM PDT

    Trasak said:


    It has been hinted at in other threads and posts that skills will need to be acquired by more in depth means than just running to a trainer or eating an old piece of paper. At one point feats of strength or break through events are needed at certain points in order to continue to advance. I have not heard about this in a while though so no idea how it has been carried forward.

    In either case the soft restriction would be the need to stop grinding and go find the source of the skill you want and complete what ever tasks are required to be rewarded with it. In theory you could ignore gaining the skills and keep grinding away as Brad said but it may be more valuable to stop power leveling and instead go do your quest. After all in the FAQ it says that progression will be about both leveling and prestige (what ever that will end up being in Pantheon) and you may not be able to do both at the same time.

     2.3 How will players get new spells and abilities and will we be able to purchase them ahead of time or will they have to return to a trainer to learn them as they go?

    At this point you could acquire them ahead of time but that is not set in stone. An important factoid however: not all of your abilities and spells will be on trainers sitting in safe spaces in villages and towns; rather, the more exotic and desired abilities you'll have to learn from NPCs whom you'll have to find -- for example, an ancient sage found in the depths of a dungeon or at the top room of an ominous tower. You may also have to find research abilities or acquire them through rare drops.



    Game Tenets


    • An awareness that content is king.
    • A requirement that classes have identities. No single player should be able to do everything on their own.
    • A belief that game economies should be predicated on delaying and minimizing item value deflation.
    • A commitment to a style of play that focuses on immersive combat, and engaging group mechanics.
    • An understanding that a truly challenging game is truly rewarding.
    • An expectation that with greater risk will come greater reward.
    • An understanding that player involvement is required for progression. All actions (or lack thereof) should have consequences. Positive actions should be rewarded. Apathy or lack of action should not be rewarded with bonuses.
    • A belief that meaningful character progression will always involve a player increasing in both power and prestige.

    Thanks Trasak for the links and info appreciate it.

    • 159 posts
    October 9, 2019 5:35 PM PDT

    Vandraad said:

    I need to respond to a particular statement you made, Brad, with the emphasis on the bolded part:


    Aradune: So we know there are a LOT less people who are Fantheons but they are older now, have spouses, kids, demanding jobs, etc.  We get it.  We're designing our sessions around 2 or so hours a day.  That means you can find a safe place and camp out and return tomorrow, or the next day.  That does not stop the hard-core player from playing 12 hours straight.  I wouldn't recommend it because really, outside of some raids, and even then, our content is not going to be designed for that.  The game softly restricts you from leveling too quickly in a variety of ways, none of which stop you from earning exp and still playing the game.  But you won't get the level if you try to sit in one place, have a high-level friend bring deep reds to you, help you bring it down in health, then sitting back while you get exp. 

    This makes my head spin.  Are you actually stating that it is the intent of VR to hard code means that would deliberately restrict the speed at which players level?  Really?  You're going to dictate to me my leveling speed?  What is the definition of 'too quickly' in the first place?  Who decided it?  Was the playerbase going to be told of this artifical speed limit? If I and my group want to play for 12 hours straight, engaging in content equal to or above our level for the best possible XP and gear, that you're going to deliberately reduce the rate at which we gain XP because you're designing for 'sessions around 2 hours a day'?

    If that is the intent and that efforts are being put forward in support of that then tell me now I can put this game behind me. Because I won't accept that at all.


    It is all about your personal interpretation. I think they want to stop the people that have no life from destroying this game. For example I have seen in ever MMO I played that group of people that would play for 12 hours a day or longer. Speed through the game features and scream later that there is nothing to do. While expecting the developers to bend to them while the majority of the players are way behind the hardcore players. ( I'll keep this post civil)  IF I'm correct I absolutely agree with this. I do see how it can be a slippery slope and easily get abused. So some more clarification on this subject is needed.

    Now if your interpretation is correct and mine is not. I absolutely agree with you. If it is a means to stop or greatly hinder power leveling they get two thumbs up from me. I'm totally and completely retired ( woot! ).  I have a ton of free time. With that said I have no desire to play any game in a hardcore play style for 12 plus hours a day. ( My personal opinion, my personal opinion ) >>> These hardcore players that have way to much free time on their hands always ruin the game for everybody else. VR is just trying to be creative in ways to limit this, but not completely stop it. ( I don't think you can completely stop it, just hinder it )  Brad did say this game isn't going to be for everybody.     


    • 2419 posts
    October 9, 2019 7:00 PM PDT

    Vander said:

    It is all about your personal interpretation. I think they want to stop the people that have no life from destroying this game. For example I have seen in ever MMO I played that group of people that would play for 12 hours a day or longer. Speed through the game features and scream later that there is nothing to do.

    It is like this:  Two people of the same race and same class both reach level 20 at the exact same time.  Each then works on getting to level 21.  One person who has a lot of freetime decides to play 12 hours in a single day.  The other person can only play 2 hours a day.  Both of them should take the exact same number of hours to reach 21 because each should be getting the exact same amount of XP per mob.  If the devs create some algorithm that looks at player one and decides that after 4 hours of continuous play that player should now get a 20% XP penalty for 'having no life' then that is something I need to know about ASAP as it is a complete deal breaker for me.  I should never be penalized because I can play more hours than someone else.

    Now as to your last point, it comes down to consequences to deliberate choices.  I instinctually know that if I play a lot of hours, I will reach the end faster.  If I decide to play 50 hours a week and find myself sitting at the level cap having gone through all the content I should have no right to complain.  I went into that with full knowledge of the possible consequences.  Those who do deliberately race to the level cap (and I'm not saying that just by being able to play 50 hours a week means you are racing) and then complain have over active senses of entitlement and should just STFU.

    I will not complain one bit if I reach the level cap months before any new content is released.  I will complain loudly, however, if I'm penalized by reduced XP just because I do play a lot.

    This post was edited by Vandraad at October 10, 2019 7:05 AM PDT
    • 159 posts
    October 9, 2019 9:16 PM PDT

    Vandraad said:

    Vander said:

    It is all about your personal interpretation. I think they want to stop the people that have no life from destroying this game. For example I have seen in ever MMO I played that group of people that would play for 12 hours a day or longer. Speed through the game features and scream later that there is nothing to do.

    It is like this:  Two people of the same race and same class both reach level 20 at the exact same time.  Each then works on getting to level 21.  One person who has a lot of freetime decides to play 12 hours in a single day.  The other person can only play 2 hours a day.  Both of them should take the exact same number of hours to reach 21 because each should be getting the exact same amount of XP per mob.  If the devs create some algorhythm that looks at player one and decides that after 4 hours of continuous play that player should now get a 20% XP penalty for 'having no life' then that is something I need to know about ASAP as it is a complete deal breaker for me.  I should never be penalized because I can play more hours than someone else.

    Now as to your last point, it comes down to consequences to deliberate choices.  I instinctually know that if I play a lot of hours, I will reach the end faster.  If I decide to play 50 hours a week and find myself sitting at the level cap having gone through all the content I should have no right to complain.  I went into that with full knowledge of the possible consequences.  Those who do deliberately race to the level cap (and I'm not saying that just by being able to play 50 hours a week means you are racing) and then complain have over active senses of entitlement and should just STFU.

    I will not complain one bit if I reach the level cap months before any new content is released.  I will complain loudly, however, if I'm penalized by reduced XP just because I do play a lot.


    I actually agree with some of what you have to say. I feel as you are coming at this from a defensive point of view with a lot of assumptions. ( I'm not attack you. Just talking to you )We do need more clarity on this subject.

    As for me using the term "people with no life" I thought it was clear what I was getting at.( Yes. You had to do some reading in between the lines. With the ability to discern for yourself ) That was me trying not to be extremely flamboyant and protect the integrity of this discussion. I could have used other terms that where very blunt.  I chose not to go down that road.

    I agree that the penalty should not be used against people that have more free time. I see no problem using it to limit things like power leveling and so on. This will be walking a fine line and I do see how this can be a slippery slope. So once again I'm going to say we do need more clarity of this.  All the examples I used was just my way to clarify the points I wanted to make. Nothing more and nothing less. I do my best to refrain from personal attacks. Because I believe a person should practice what they preach. I absolutely hate it when people do that to me. That is the nature of the beast we call social media. However I'm not perfect and I'm guilty of making a spectacle of myself from time to time. If you feel like this was a personal attack. I'm sorry. It was not an attack at all.  

    • 523 posts
    October 9, 2019 9:36 PM PDT

    I probably average around 100 hours of gaming per week, I would consider myself as hardcore as it gets.  That being said, I hate when I invariably fly through content at break neck speed, and I do so because I'm racing others and I don't want to be behind.  I would be absolutely for a hard wired xp cut off per day.  If VR wants it to take you 6 months to reach max level before raiding, I'm all for them hardwiring that in.  They just need to have plenty of content and things for me to farm on the side to progress my character.  I think one of the worst things that happens in MMOs is when we race to end game in a week.  The economy gets borked, PvP gets borked, and the coolest aspect of the game is streamed and spoiled for others.  Part of what made EQ great was how long it took to get to end game, it made the actual game matter for a good while.  


    I don't see level and xp as the only way to power game and be server first.  Obtaining rare loot, spells, and other hard to obtain items certainly can count.  Building up rare factions for unique perks can certainly count on making someone the best.  I think VR is on to something with horizontal progression, but the only way someone like myself is taking the time to do that is if vertical progression is paused or limited.  If the game's core concept is based around higher levels equal easier farming, more money, more loot, and pretty much more everything, than I have no choice but to get to the highest level as fast as possible, which will be blindingly fast.  And then I farm, and then I destroy the economy by flooding all the high end items and hijacking prices while most players are still level 20.  I'll do whatever I have to do to compete to be the best.  I hope they find a way to slow me down.  I agree with Vandraad that I shouldn't be punished for playing more, where casuals get double xp or some nonsense, but I do hope for some artifical limitations to force power gamers to progress in ways other than straight vertical progression on a day to day basis.  

    • 379 posts
    October 10, 2019 1:53 AM PDT

    I completely disagree with you Mathir, lol. If I want to spend my time gaining levels, I should be able to do so (and not be forced to do other stuff that I may have no desire to do) with my time spent.

    • 76 posts
    October 10, 2019 3:30 AM PDT

    Post can be deletet. : )

    This post was edited by Ayren at October 10, 2019 4:07 AM PDT
    • 523 posts
    October 10, 2019 5:48 AM PDT

    Fragile said:

    I completely disagree with you Mathir, lol. If I want to spend my time gaining levels, I should be able to do so (and not be forced to do other stuff that I may have no desire to do) with my time spent.


    Well, what are levels but character advancement?  That's all they are.  It's how we gain power and seperate ourselves from the masses and enable new content.  That's what you want to achieve with your time.  That's also pure vertical progression.

    It's on VR to change the way we look at power gaming and being the best.  It doesn't have to be about gaining levels, but it does have to be about gaining power and advancing our characters.  There are far too many problems with the pure vertical progression approach, it allows people to blow through and skip content, which only leads to the detriment of the game.  I don't have all the answers to how to implement this, but having people power game to max in the first week, camp everything, and destroy the economy is a sure way to have your game fail.  I agree with you that you shouldn't be forced to do things you don't necessarily want to do, but that's on VR to make it not feel that way.  We've had enough MMOs released now, including WoW Classic where the economy is already borked, that just shows this is bad design.  In the end, it's whatever though.  If they go the same route of other games, I'll be one of the first ones to level cap and I'll legally exploit that to maximum financial effect in game.  Just trying to give VR some helpful feedback because they really don't want myself (and many others) focused on AoE leveling to cap as fast as possible and then posting guides on how to mimic that achievement days after launch.  Whatever the path of least resistence is to becoming all powerful, I'm going to take it.  But, it's my hope that path is long and challenging, and for that to happen, Pantheon is going to need some artificial barriers to slow me down.

    • 3852 posts
    October 10, 2019 6:55 AM PDT

    I could comment on the concept of artifical restrictions on how fast a character can gain levels, through reducing xp gained after a certain number of hours in a day or a certain number of hours in one place. The subject that has been argued in a few of the most recent posts in this thread.

    I choose not to do so because I believe the entire topic is irrelevant and based on a misreading of what Aradune said - to wit:


    The game softly restricts you from leveling too quickly in a variety of ways, none of which stop you from earning exp and still playing the game.  But you won't get the level if you try to sit in one place, have a high-level friend bring deep reds to you, help you bring it down in health, then sitting back while you get exp. 


    I may be wrong but I believe that his *entire* focus here was on means of speed-leveling, not means of leveling normally whether by playing 30 minutes a day or 12 hours a day.

    If there are mechanisms to prevent us from leveling faster than intended with the help of a higher level character - good I applaud this.

    If there are restrictions on xp that can be gained while in a group with a higher level character - good I applaud this.

    If there are mechanisms to prevent "level a minute" atrocities like instant adventures (Rift) and level-agnostic dungeons (EQ2) - good I applaud this.

    • 190 posts
    October 10, 2019 9:41 PM PDT
    Exactly what Dorotea said. There will also be horizontal progression as well. Soft restrictions to go do other things than camp in one spot for 12 hours. Maybe the mobs go get their friends and train ya lol
    • 839 posts
    October 10, 2019 10:47 PM PDT

    dorotea said:

    I choose not to do so because I believe the entire topic is irrelevant and based on a misreading of what Aradune said - to wit:

     The game softly restricts you from leveling too quickly in a variety of ways, none of which stop you from earning exp and still playing the game.  But you won't get the level if you try to sit in one   place, have a high-level friend bring deep reds to you, help you bring it down in health, then sitting back while you get exp. 

     I may be wrong but I believe that his *entire* focus here was on means of speed-leveling, not means of leveling normally whether by playing 30 minutes a day or 12 hours a day.

    I'm 99.99% sure your right, lol.  I think someone would have to try pretty hard to misconstrue this.

    • 1404 posts
    October 11, 2019 9:24 PM PDT

    Hokanu said:

    dorotea said:

    I choose not to do so because I believe the entire topic is irrelevant and based on a misreading of what Aradune said - to wit:

     The game softly restricts you from leveling too quickly in a variety of ways, none of which stop you from earning exp and still playing the game.  But you won't get the level if you try to sit in one   place, have a high-level friend bring deep reds to you, help you bring it down in health, then sitting back while you get exp. 

     I may be wrong but I believe that his *entire* focus here was on means of speed-leveling, not means of leveling normally whether by playing 30 minutes a day or 12 hours a day.

    I'm 99.99% sure your right, lol.  I think someone would have to try pretty hard to misconstrue this.

    Agree, but even if there is an experience reduction it's probably nothing more than a spin on Rest Experience. 

    • 521 posts
    October 12, 2019 9:50 PM PDT

    Since this seems to be where the questions are going, ill add mine

    1. Any chance of a 1v1 area style combat( I’m thinking oblivion arena) on PVE servers for those who might either enjoy watching and placing bets, or those who like PVP Duels occasionally but not being forced to play with all the negative aspects of open PVP servers, and also keeping duels if there ever added from being in the streets creating disturbances.


    oblivion arena


    2. Any chance of not having resource node runs, and having actually mines where the various ores ect can be gathered, Horizons did, (later renamed Istaria: Chronicles of the Gifted). I found that style less monotonous and more conducive to meeting other crafters and harvesters since it was a gathering place and not a track.

    • 844 posts
    October 13, 2019 7:16 AM PDT

    I never really understood the rationale for making certain hybrid classes in EQ (original) have much higher leveling requirements. It was eventually removed, but not till long after many hundreds of players were handicapped by some weird leveling concept.

    • 844 posts
    October 13, 2019 7:25 AM PDT

    Vandraad said:

    I need to respond to a particular statement you made, Brad, with the emphasis on the bolded part:

    Aradune: So we know there are a LOT less people who are Fantheons but they are older now, have spouses, kids, demanding jobs, etc.  We get it.  We're designing our sessions around 2 or so hours a day.  That means you can find a safe place and camp out and return tomorrow, or the next day.  That does not stop the hard-core player from playing 12 hours straight.  I wouldn't recommend it because really, outside of some raids, and even then, our content is not going to be designed for that.  The game softly restricts you from leveling too quickly in a variety of ways, none of which stop you from earning exp and still playing the game.  But you won't get the level if you try to sit in one place, have a high-level friend bring deep reds to you, help you bring it down in health, then sitting back while you get exp. 

    This makes my head spin.  Are you actually stating that it is the intent of VR to hard code means that would deliberately restrict the speed at which players level?  Really?  You're going to dictate to me my leveling speed?  What is the definition of 'too quickly' in the first place?  Who decided it?  Was the playerbase going to be told of this artifical speed limit? If I and my group want to play for 12 hours straight, engaging in content equal to or above our level for the best possible XP and gear, that you're going to deliberately reduce the rate at which we gain XP because you're designing for 'sessions around 2 hours a day'?

    If that is the intent and that efforts are being put forward in support of that then tell me now I can put this game behind me. Because I won't accept that at all.

    I don't really understand what Brad is saying. He's sounding like as soon as your bud's log then you have to log. People just find another group, and so on.

    Original EQ functioned this way. It was very hard to solo and outperform the XP you got from a group in a dungeon. But people still did it. Hell when people found out you could kite with a druid, half the server population became druids almost overnight.

    Usually people just jumped from PUG to PUG to PUG. Partially because the XP is better, but partially because loot was better.

    And as the years passed and people got better tech, and hacker boxing. Multi-boxing became popular. As will be the case in Pantheon.

    • 3852 posts
    October 13, 2019 7:37 AM PDT

    ((I never really understood the rationale for making certain hybrid classes in EQ (original) have much higher leveling requirements))

    Pure speculation based on no knowledge whatever. 

    It was based on the far earlier rules in Advanced  Dungeons and Dragons that applied to dual class and multiclass characters. The trade-off for having more than one class available was slower leveling.