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One pledge retiring and two new ones added!

    • 9115 posts
    May 13, 2019 5:27 PM PDT

    Hi Folks!

    This is just a friendly heads up to let you know we are retiring the Keeper's pledge this Thursday 16th May and will be replacing it with something else, so if you had your eye on it, now is the time to pounce before it is too late.

    Also, on the pledge front, we have added two brand new pledge in the Champion section that you can check out right now:

    Pledges added:

    Bloodsworn Pledge

    Black Rose Pledge

    So be sure to check the new pledges out and grab the Keeper's pledge before it gets retired for good.

    • 96 posts
    May 13, 2019 7:13 PM PDT

    Upgraded to Keeper's pledge yesterday! :) This was just the push I needed, I guess. 

    • 177 posts
    May 14, 2019 2:28 AM PDT

    I am considering upgrading to the Black Rose Pledge. The early character creation prior to launch is calling to me.

    • 373 posts
    May 14, 2019 6:00 AM PDT

    Thank you for beginning a new thread and giving us a date.  \o/  

    • 200 posts
    May 14, 2019 6:21 AM PDT
    Any idea when we are going to get an update as to what the actual items are? Ring, backpack, tunic and how do they compare to the new pledge items? Thanks
    • 189 posts
    May 14, 2019 6:35 AM PDT

    I would definitely like to see what the items look like and give in terms of stats. Black Rose sounds awesome, but what if the Perceiver's Pledge rewards is more my cup of tea?

    • 3852 posts
    May 14, 2019 6:54 AM PDT

    For those that haven't been following the other thread on this topic - Artois said that earlier pledges would "most likely" get the early character creation to go with the early name reservation.

    I don't want to discourage anyone from upgrading - I may myself - but if this is your only reason you might want to push for more detail on what "most likely" means. Personally I would be quite surprised if a new $100 package gave a much better version of name reservation than all the older packages - my guess is that, like the change away from the term founders "guild" this is just semantics reflecting a better understanding of how things will work now that we are closer to alpha.

    Similarly I would guess with a high level of confidence that the buddy code is the same as the two digital copies - but they have learned from all the questions about "does the second copy get all the benefits including alpha testing access" that changing the wording might make things a bit clearer.

    If I had any question about about Black Rose it would be about the satchel.  It didn't say it was "cosmetic" as other items do. That being the case I'm guessing it expands carrying capacity for a new character but in a relatively minor way e.g. it can be replicated by buying or crafting items with similar or better abilities and so by even late early game it will not give an advantage.

    This post was edited by dorotea at May 14, 2019 7:13 AM PDT
    • 373 posts
    May 14, 2019 7:17 AM PDT

    I agree with all of that dorotea. I feel confident we won't miss out on anything better and the changes are for reasons important to VR.

    On another tangent, questions like these have bothered me for the last two weeks and I've only today decided to let it go. I have worried about pledge rewards and the future of pledge rewards. Lately I have come to reminding myself that I am pledging money to support the development of the game and I should not be so concerned with 'what I get for my money'. There is part of me that wants special rewards, gear, recognition, titles and icons. It's not a bad part of me but it's not the best part of me.

    • 189 posts
    May 14, 2019 8:02 AM PDT


    Every single MMORPG that ever had a pledge system or kickstarter offered incentive. No one is going to throw $500 at a game for JUST the possibility that it will be good. Do you think Pantheon would have as many VIP pledgers if it didn't offer as many rewards as it did? If you didn't get to test Pre-Alpha and get inside information on whats to come, do you think you'd be just as inclined to give them $1000 or more?

    You should definitely get what you pay for. If I spent an extra $200 and nothing happened with the Founder's Guild/Conclave, I'd be severely disappointed. In fact, if I spent money and the game was nothing like they explained it to me (anyone remember No Man's Sky?) I'd be disappointed that I didn't get what I paid for.

    These two pledges offer very similar rewards and I would like to know which one to purchase, if at all. If I purchased the Perceiver's Pledge, and then found out that they released a Black Rose pledge later on that offered similar rewards but the costmetics were more to my liking, I would be disappointed. Not disappointed enough to never play the game again, but it would be a huge let down to not look and feel as awesome in game as others got the opportunity to do so.

    And don't get me wrong, I'm in no way trying to rush VR to release more information on these rewards. However, they might get a couple more hundred dollars out of me if I really like what I see, wink wink, hint hint. 

    This post was edited by fancy at May 14, 2019 12:07 PM PDT
    • 274 posts
    May 14, 2019 9:25 AM PDT

    Is the Black Rose pledge still additive with previous pledges?

    For example, if one upgrades to Black Rose from Pathfinder or Adviser, rather than Perceiver, do they still get the "Pantheon Explorer" title, tunic, and ring, in addition to the Black Rose items?

    • 3852 posts
    May 14, 2019 9:30 AM PDT

    I agree with both Tigersin and fancy.

    I probably will upgrade but I might as well get the best bang for the buck in rewards as long as I am also supporting the game. Why not?

    With things changing around in terms of pledge packages I suspect we will get clarification fairly soon. Perhaps they will make all packages consistent in wording. Or they may surprise me and say the different wording actually has meaning.

    We each have our own preference, of course. I would be bitterly disappointed (as well as totally shocked) if I picked an upgrade and didn't get early character *creation* because I picked the wrong one. That one matters to me. I would be mildly disappointed if I picked an upgrade and got conclave instead of guild and they weren't the same thing. Also totally shocked but it isn't as if my predictions have never been wrong. And the same come to think of it for digital copy and buddy if those were different. 

    Whereas unlike many of us I don't care in the slightest about getting a fancy nametag or a title or a mailing from the team. That is why they have so many items in the packages - some of us care about some and some about others. Of course.

    This post was edited by dorotea at May 14, 2019 9:31 AM PDT
    • 373 posts
    May 14, 2019 10:03 AM PDT

    Right. We already know we're getting rewards.

    So, rather than insist they finalize pledge rewards and promise us "stats", let's allow them to worry about Faerthale. A beautifully presented Faerthale will be a more significant draw than the stats on a pledge item.

    • 200 posts
    May 14, 2019 11:25 AM PDT

    Tigersin said:

    Right. We already know we're getting rewards.

    So, rather than insist they finalize pledge rewards and promise us "stats", let's allow them to worry about Faerthale. A beautifully presented Faerthale will be a more significant draw than the stats on a pledge item.


    I think ya missed the point. If they were worried just about PF they wouldn't have posted these at all.

    But the problem is they have basically listed pledges that look like this:. 

    Pledge A: $500 items A, B and C

    Pledge 1: $500 items 1,2 and 3.


    How is one suppose to choose between the two? They might end up delaying any potential incoming pledges due to ambiguity. 

    • 373 posts
    May 14, 2019 1:56 PM PDT

    On the contrary, I'm saying there isn't yet a problem. The only reward that is going away is the Keeper's Pledge. Hope that helps.

    • 116 posts
    May 14, 2019 3:32 PM PDT

    I just wish there was a base pledge package and then I could ala carte add stuff on until I reached my personal spending cap.  Customization FTW. 

    • 116 posts
    May 14, 2019 5:11 PM PDT

    Right now, I know what I have. Some of the new pledge packages are attractive, but I don’t want to lose some of what I already have... so doing nothing until some of the questions in this thread are clarified. 

    • VR Staff
    • 356 posts
    May 15, 2019 1:16 PM PDT

    Grayel said:

    I just wish there was a base pledge package and then I could ala carte add stuff on until I reached my personal spending cap.  Customization FTW. 


    Our current store does not allow for ala carte items. However, that is something I have been pushing for since I started here and it should have some resolution soon. Stay tuned

    • VR Staff
    • 356 posts
    May 15, 2019 1:23 PM PDT

    Grayel said:

    Right now, I know what I have. Some of the new pledge packages are attractive, but I don’t want to lose some of what I already have... so doing nothing until some of the questions in this thread are clarified. 


    We are working on the wording of this policy but I will give you the details here:


    Previously, upgrading pledges to a higher level resulted in you getting all of the items in the previous pledge package as well since all of our pledges stacked in regards to items. However, with the new pledges coming online and with many pledge rewards being retired, there is some confusion on what is and isn't transferred over between pledge levels.

    As it stands now, if you have a prior pledge and upgrade to a new higher pledge, you will keep the pledge rewards you previously pledged and paid for even if they are no longer available in the pledge rewards. Any duplicate rewards would not transfer. For example, you wouldn't get an additional 2 copies of the game when upgrading but you would get the Ring of the Fallen or other item that your previous pledge had but the new one doesn't.

    This is a shift from our past policy but we believe it is a more fair approach to our pledge rewards.

    If you have further specific questions on what your upgrade would contain, you can open a support ticket. 

    • 3237 posts
    May 15, 2019 1:30 PM PDT

    Artois said:

    Previously, upgrading pledges to a higher level resulted in you getting all of the items in the previous pledge package as well since all of our pledges stacked in regards to items. However, with the new pledges coming online and with many pledge rewards being retired, there is some confusion on what is and isn't transferred over between pledge levels.

    Can you comment on this verbiage from the pledge page?


    VIP Pledges

    Ultimate Pantheon access with VIP Rewards of the Faithful, all Champion and Supporter Rewards, exclusive
    VIP forum access, plus unlimited Champion and Supporter forum access. Pledges with multiple copies of the
    game receive listed rewards on one account only.


    The recent pledge additions offer perks that have otherwise been unavailable up until now, such as these:

    -  Digital Soundtrack of the Music of Pantheon

    -  Early character creation prior to launch

    -  Voucher for Pantheon shirt or hat


    Does this mean that all VIP pledges will receive these new perks since they are being added to the previous tiers of "Supporter" and "Champion?"

    This post was edited by oneADseven at May 15, 2019 1:30 PM PDT
    • 76 posts
    May 15, 2019 7:55 PM PDT

    I currently have paid for the Advisor's pledge (300).


    I would like to upgrade to the Black Rose (Black Rose Pledge ($50.00 per 12 months)). However, since I've already paid 300 would this be like 17/mnth for 12 mnths?



    • 103 posts
    May 15, 2019 9:55 PM PDT

    So I have a question about the Bloodsworn pledge. So I'm currently at Pathfinder (the next option), and I'm seeing that theres new things in bloodsworn that isn't included in Pathfinder. So basically, even though I spent more, and have been here longer, I wouldn't get a T-shirt, the nameplate or title for Bloodsworn (which is so much more badass than "Pantheon Explorer"), as well as the early character creation (going through all this I see why this would be it's own pledge lmao). So in order to get all that, I would then need to buy the bloodsworn pledge, but then by doing that, I would be losing out more because I already have Beta access, name reservations, and unlimited character access?


    On the plus side, I would get an additional 3 months of subscription, so in total I'd have 6 months, then I would have 3 digital copies of the game (and how is that different than a buddy code? Cause I thought a digital download was like a download that you could give to a friend that would give them a month of playtime or something, but a buddy code sounds more like that, so idk what a digital copy of the game is), and then I'd have 2 additional character slots (Only a list of things that both pledges share in common that would build on top of eachother).


    So, in the end, I'm assuming that for people who have already paid for a pledge higher than the Bloodsworn will not be getting the Bloodsworn stuff and will also have to pay the same amount and recieve less (less being not benefiting from the beta, champion access, and name reservations)?

    • 3852 posts
    May 16, 2019 7:19 AM PDT

    Jacasta - as another person also attracted by the Bloodsworn package I suggest we wait until things are clarified. It may not take long.

    1. Will things like character slots and 3 months subscription and extra copy/'buddy code stack? You assume they will, so that by having two pledges you will get two of each. This is eminently logical and I assume you are correct but I don't know that they have ever actually confirmed this.

    2. Will any of the things in Bloodsworn be added retroactively to older pledges of the same cost or greater? I consider it almost certain that at least one will be (early character creation) but that is an *opinion* not a fact and VR has not said anything definitive that I know of.

    3. Will some or all of the Bloodsworn features be available a la carte to people that have already pledged at the same level or a higher level? If they make things available a la carte (they have said this cannot be done under their current system but they aren't ruling it out and may say more in the not too distant future) you can get the items you want without buying the entire package - and have money left over to perhaps buy *other* items they may make available individually).

    Things are changing fast - if anyone notices errors in this summary of some open issues please correct them.

    • 159 posts
    May 16, 2019 9:43 AM PDT

    I heard one of the developers say something to the effect of " most MMO players have turn off the lights & close the door" when it comes to MMO's. That was me. I didn't find out about this game until March of this year. Just out of boredom I typed upcoming MMO's in a seach engine and that is how I discover Pantheon. So my dilemma is different than the other supports that have been here longer than me.

    I started out with the $150 pledge with the goal to go up to the $300 pledge. I just upgraded to Bloodsworn and I am totally happy with it. I want to support the development of this game, but unless you all make a Bloodsworn II where I get to keep everything from the Bloodsworn pledge and you just add maybe alpha access and Founder conclave. I'm content with Bloodsworn & more than like will not upgrade. I like the name Bloodsworn more so than Black Rose. I like the voucher to get a tangible item and so on. I'm going to play a Shaman & a Paladin so the Black Rose "robe" does not apeeal to me personally because I'm not going to play a DPS caster.

    • 238 posts
    May 16, 2019 11:33 AM PDT

    oneADseven said:

    Artois said:

    Previously, upgrading pledges to a higher level resulted in you getting all of the items in the previous pledge package as well since all of our pledges stacked in regards to items. However, with the new pledges coming online and with many pledge rewards being retired, there is some confusion on what is and isn't transferred over between pledge levels.

    Can you comment on this verbiage from the pledge page?


    VIP Pledges

    Ultimate Pantheon access with VIP Rewards of the Faithful, all Champion and Supporter Rewards, exclusive
    VIP forum access, plus unlimited Champion and Supporter forum access. Pledges with multiple copies of the
    game receive listed rewards on one account only.


    The recent pledge additions offer perks that have otherwise been unavailable up until now, such as these:

    -  Digital Soundtrack of the Music of Pantheon

    -  Early character creation prior to launch

    -  Voucher for Pantheon shirt or hat


    Does this mean that all VIP pledges will receive these new perks since they are being added to the previous tiers of "Supporter" and "Champion?"

    I would also like to know how this will affect VIP pledges. I am highly considering buying into the Triumvirate's Pledge, but before I do that I would like to see a clear policy about how this change and future changes will impact the rewards recieved under these pledges. 


    This post was edited by Baldur at May 16, 2019 3:55 PM PDT
    • 159 posts
    May 17, 2019 6:46 PM PDT

    Artois said:

    Grayel said:

    I just wish there was a base pledge package and then I could ala carte add stuff on until I reached my personal spending cap.  Customization FTW. 


    Our current store does not allow for ala carte items. However, that is something I have been pushing for since I started here and it should have some resolution soon. Stay tuned


    As it stands now, if you have a prior pledge and upgrade to a new higher pledge, you will keep the pledge rewards you previously pledged and paid for even if they are no longer available in the pledge rewards. Any duplicate rewards would not transfer. For example, you wouldn't get an additional 2 copies of the game when upgrading but you would get the Ring of the Fallen or other item that your previous pledge had but the new one doesn't.


    So if & when  Customization becomes a reality how are you going to work it in  between the differnt pledge packages?  For Example I started off with the protector's pledge that gives you everything up to the Ring of Fallen & just upgraded to the new pledge Bloodsworn. By my interpretation of what you are saying I'll keep the items from the Protector's pledge that I upgraded from. So here is my question(s). The only item(s) ( as of now ) the two pledge packages don't offer that I would consider customizing to would be like adding alpha access and maybe Founders conclave if you all reworked it to where it was useful. So if customization becomes a reality are you are to offer alpha access to pledges that don't automaticly include it? I'm sure I'll not get an anwser on this,but you can't blame a brother for trying. If you did offer say alpha access to pleadges that didn't include it automaticly would you limit it to only say the two champion level pledges that don't offer it? Again. I'm sure I will not get an anwser on this, but I'm trying to get some clarification.  I can only speak for myself. At this point I am happy & content with the Bloodsworn pledge. So I hope you all do add customization.  Fingers crossed.