Forums » Community Sites


    • 34 posts
    March 19, 2019 8:06 AM PDT

    Hi everyone. My name is Minus, and i am the creater of Pantheon.Plus. We are a hub for a lot of great content creators including Chris Kane, NathanNAPALM, Bazgrim, Standing In Fire, Voices of Terminus, and Battle Ax Theater. Our site is a way to get updated information all in one place, with redirects to different social media for the creators. We also do polling, and feature an online community dedicated to Pantheon within the site (similar to our own facebook for members). Our own content includes class discussions, and soon opinion topics like PVP, Downtime, etc. and we do an interview style show revolving around #communitymatters where we talk MMORPGs and Pantheon with content creators, fans, and maybe some day we'll trick a member of VR to be on the show *evil smile*.  


    I started Pantheon.Plus because i'm a huge fan of MMORPGs, and i spent most of my time playing them helping others, running guilds, teaching classes/rotation/builds, and raid leading. I've never strived to be a top guild, but a place where any player type could achieve seeing end content and learning their classes. I really got a lot of enjoyment out of seeing players go from "scared to raid" to eventually joining a mythic guild on one of their characters. Yeah it stinks to lose someone, but watching that progression was always fun. I started on MMOs at the launch of EQ, as it came out right around my birthday in 1999, and i've been hooked since. When i discovered Pantheon, i knew this is the direction i wanted to head, but everyone i talked to about it had no idea what it was. While it was a hard decision, i handed over my long time guild and then jumped full force into Pantheon. My team and I had never made any sort of true content videos (outside a couple add-on videos i made myself) so this was quite the jump for us. Our first few videos had their fair share of issues, mainly sound, but we're learning and having a great time spreading the word about Pantheon. What excited us most is how much the #communitymatters tag really meant something here. When we jumped into the community, we were shocked at how welcoming  some of the vets of Pantheon were. Guys like Nathan and Bazgrim were super encouraging to us newbs, and made us feel at home. While it was heartbreaking to leave my guildies and friends from WoW, this new family was one worth investing in. So that's just a little background on me, and why we decided to put together Pantheon.Plus.


    I've not spent as much time in these forums as i should, even though i've been a pledge for a while. I'm excited to catch up here, and meet some more people. Feel free to hit me up if you have any questions, and we hope to see some of you at Pantheon.Plus.


    • 18 posts
    March 19, 2019 10:03 AM PDT


    Hiya! I am myself in a situation where I've been spending as much time as possible reading and watching videos on Pantheon but havent been able to venture fully into the community yet. This site seems just like the place for me however, thanks for posting it. I will sure be coming back to it now and then to have a look at what's new :)

    • 197 posts
    March 19, 2019 6:36 PM PDT

    Hey Minus...really helpful in getting up to speed with all that is Pantheon. I’m sure I’ll spend lots of time checking out the content. Great work and thanks!

    • 34 posts
    March 21, 2019 7:42 AM PDT

    Thank you both for the warm comments and welcome. We're very focused on keeping the site up to date, and always evolving.

    • 41 posts
    April 13, 2019 10:00 AM PDT

    Hey Minus, Keep up the great work on the youtube content! I've watched everything so far and liked hearing your input..... although I still think a Direlord will be a good tank =)

    • 11 posts
    April 25, 2019 1:57 PM PDT

    I took a look at the website. Looks great, I can see it becoming a nice spot for us to learn and share what we love about pantheon and bring the community together. Maybe an Icy-veins-ish type thing for pantheon? Would love to see how it pans out.


    • 8 posts
    April 25, 2019 5:06 PM PDT

    I'm a subscriber on the YouTube channel. Great content with meaningful discussions about the different mechanics of the game. Keep up the good work fellas!

    • 34 posts
    April 25, 2019 8:24 PM PDT

    From both Hayah and myself, we thank you greatly for the kind words everyone. I hope we can continue to earn your support as we make content we feel is fun or meaningful. I know that not everything will be a home run, but as long as we are proud of it, and true to the content - i'm at least good with that.


    As far as the website, that's really where the magic of community happens. Being able to show off the work of others in the community is incredibly rewarding and we are honored to be able to do that. The likes of veterans like VoT, Bazgrim and NathanNAPALM but then also the newer members like BattleAx Theater and Standing In fire, are an amazing group to work with, and not only that, are always here for the community. We're also very excited to welcome MicaDoesStuff to the team at PantheonPlus, and we are excited to keep adding great members as we build our way to Pantheon!

    • 373 posts
    April 26, 2019 6:14 AM PDT

    You're an excellent content creator.  I liked the 12 Skills video. I hope to see more Minus + Hayah again soon!

    This post was edited by Tigersin at April 26, 2019 6:22 AM PDT